How can I remove long text from my website footer?


How can I remove long text from my website footer?

34 1 17

I just see in my footer a very long text and i don't know what is this and how to remove it.

Someone can help me please?

My shop:

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 à 14.26.31.png

Accepted Solutions (2)

Shopify Partner
512 43 93

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @Matteo1998  please go to footer.liquid and see if there is any coding applied there or you can include this text from theme.liquid in footer section!


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- SKYPE: ahsanaliawan
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View solution in original post

34 1 17

This is an accepted solution.

Ok i find the problem, it's the file booster-recommendation.liquid

View solution in original post

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Partner
512 43 93

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @Matteo1998  please go to footer.liquid and see if there is any coding applied there or you can include this text from theme.liquid in footer section!


- Did we solve your issue? Like & Mark As Solution to help the community
- SKYPE: ahsanaliawan
- 300+ Video Tutorials
34 1 17

I include this text from theme.liquid in footer section but that's just doubling her. 

Shopify Partner
512 43 93

Can you share footer.liquid and theme.liquid files with me so I can give you exact solution!


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- SKYPE: ahsanaliawan
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34 1 17
Theme liquid
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    {{ base_font_bold_italic | font_face: font_display: 'swap' }}
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        large: 990,
        widescreen: 1400
      strings: {
        addToCart: {{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t | json }},
        soldOut: {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t | json }},
        unavailable: {{ 'products.product.unavailable' | t | json }},
        regularPrice: {{ 'products.product.regular_price' | t | json }},
        salePrice: {{ 'products.product.sale_price' | t | json }},
        sale: {{ 'products.product.on_sale' | t | json }},
        fromLowestPrice: {{ 'products.product.from_lowest_price_html' | t: lowest_price: '[price]' | json }},
        vendor: {{'products.product.vendor' | t | json }},
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        showLess: {{ 'general.filters.show_less' | t | json }},
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        addressError: {{ '' | t | json }},
        addressNoResults: {{ '' | t | json }},
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        newWindowExternal: {{ 'general.accessibility.link_messages.new_window_and_external' | t | json }},
        removeLabel: {{ 'cart.label.remove' | t: product: '[product]' | json }},
        update: {{ 'cart.label.update' | t | json }},
        quantity: {{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t | json }},
        discountedTotal: {{ 'cart.label.discounted_total' | t | json }},
        regularTotal: {{ 'cart.label.regular_total' | t | json }},
        priceColumn: {{ 'cart.label.price_column' | t | json }},
        quantityMinimumMessage: {{ 'products.product.quantity_minimum_message' | t | json }},
        cartError: {{ 'cart.general.cart_error' | t | json }},
        removedItemMessage: {{ 'cart.general.removed_item_html' | t: quantity: '[quantity]', link: '[link]' | json }},
        unitPrice: {{ 'products.product.unit_price_label' | t | json }},
        unitPriceSeparator: {{ 'general.accessibility.unit_price_separator' | t | json }},
        oneCartCount: {{ 'cart.popup.cart_count' | t: count: 1 | json }},
        otherCartCount: {{ 'cart.popup.cart_count' | t: count: '[count]' | json }},
        quantityLabel: {{ 'cart.popup.quantity_label' | t: quantity_count: '[count]' | json }},
        products: {{ '' | t | json }},
        loading: {{ '' | t | json }},
        number_of_results: {{ '' | t: result_number: '[result_number]', results_count: '[results_count]' | json }},
        number_of_results_found: {{ '' | t: results_count: '[results_count]' | json }},
        one_result_found: {{ '' | t | json }}
      moneyFormat: {{ shop.money_format | json }},
      moneyFormatWithCurrency: {{ shop.money_with_currency_format | json }},
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        predictiveSearchShowPrice: {{ settings.predictive_search_show_price | json }},
        predictiveSearchShowVendor: {{ settings.predictive_search_show_vendor | json }}
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  <!-- Avada FSB Script -->
 {% include 'avada-fsb-setting' %}
  <!-- /Avada FSB Script -->
 {{ content_for_header }}
{% render 'globo.alsobought.script' %}
  {% render 'zoorix-cart-items' %}
{% render 'aio-script' %} {% include 'booster-common' %}
  <script src=""></script>
{% include 'wiser' %}{% include 'wiser_popup' %} 
{% include 'pagefly-header' %}
 {% include 'hulkcode_common' %}{% if template contains 'product' or template contains 'cart' %}<script src='' defer='defer'></script>{% endif %}</head> 
<body class="template-{{ request.page_type | handle }}">
  <a class="in-page-link visually-hidden skip-link" href="#MainContent">{{ 'general.accessibility.skip_to_content' | t }}</a>
  {%- if settings.enable_ajax -%}
    {% include 'cart-popup' %}
  {%- endif -%}
  {% section 'header' %}
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    <main class="main-content js-focus-hidden" id="MainContent" role="main" tabindex="-1">
      <div class="globoRecommendationsTop"></div>
{{ content_for_layout }}
{% render 'globo.alsobought.action' %}
    {% section 'footer' %}
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      {{- 'sections.slideshow.navigation_instructions' | t -}}
  <ul hidden>
    <li id="a11y-refresh-page-message">{{ 'general.accessibility.refresh_page' | t }}</li>
    <li id="a11y-selection-message">{{ 'general.accessibility.selection_help' | t }}</li>
{% render 'aio_loyalty_snippet' %}
{% include 'booster-recommendation' %}
 {% include 'smile-initializer' %}
    <!-- StartDeliveryDateRange version: 2.0 -->
      var DeliveryDateRangeData = (function() {
        var data = {
          product: null,
          settings: {{ shop.metafields.delivery_date_range.user_setting | json }},
          cartProducts: []
        {% if product %}
          {% assign collection_titles = product.collections | map: 'title' | downcase %}
          var variants = [];
          {% for var in product.variants %}
            var variant = {}
            variant['id'] = {{ }};
            variant['inventory_quantity'] = {{ var.inventory_quantity }};
            variant['sku'] = "{{ var.sku }}";
          {% endfor %}
          data.product = (function() {
            return {
              tags: {{ product.tags | json }},
              collections: {{ collection_titles }},
              vendor: "{{ product.vendor | downcase }}",
              type: "{{ product.type | downcase }}",
              available: {{ product.available }},
              inventory_quantity: "{{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.inventory_quantity }}",
              variants: variants,
              sku: "{{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku }}"
        {% endif %}
        {% if cart.items.size > 0 %}
          {% for item in cart.items %}
            {% assign collection_titles = item.product.collections | map: 'title' | downcase %}
            data.cartProducts.push(function() {
              return {
                variant_id: "{{ item.variant_id }}",
                inventory_quantity: "{{ item.variant.inventory_quantity }}",
                tags: {{ item.product.tags | json }},
                sku: "{{ item.variant.sku | downcase }}",
                collections: {{ collection_titles }},
                vendor: "{{ item.product.vendor | downcase }}",
                type: "{{ item.product.type | downcase }}"
          {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        return data;
    <!-- EndDeliveryDateRange -->
{% include 'estimated-delivery-days'%}
Footer liquid

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{%- assign footer_item = 'site-footer__item--one-quarter' -%}
{%- break -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- when 4 -%}
{%- assign footer_item = 'site-footer__item--one-quarter' -%}
{%- when 5 -%}
{%- assign footer_item = 'site-footer__item--one-fifth' -%}
{%- endcase -%}

{% comment %} Create an appropriate hover color based on text color and brightness {% endcomment %}
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{%- assign footer_text_color_brightness = section.settings.color_footer_text | color_brightness -%}
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{%- elsif footer_text_color_brightness <= 65 -%}
{%- assign footer_text_color_hover = footer_text_color | color_lighten: 15 -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign footer_text_color_hover = footer_text_color | color_darken: 10 -%}
{%- endif -%}

.site-footer__hr {
border-bottom: 1px solid {{ section.settings.color_footer_bg | color_darken: 10 }};

.site-footer p,
.site-footer__linklist-item a,
.site-footer__rte a,
.site-footer h4,
.site-footer small,
.site-footer__copyright-content a,
.site-footer__social-icons .social-icons__link {
color: {{ section.settings.color_footer_text }};

.site-footer {
color: {{ section.settings.color_footer_text }};
background-color: {{ section.settings.color_footer_bg }};

.site-footer__rte a {
border-bottom: 1px solid {{ section.settings.color_footer_text }};

.site-footer__rte a:hover,
.site-footer__linklist-item a:hover,
.site-footer__copyright-content a:hover {
color: {{ footer_text_color_hover }};
border-bottom: 1px solid {{ footer_text_color_hover }};

.site-footer__social-icons .social-icons__link:hover {
color: {{ footer_text_color_hover }};

{%- capture payment_icon_markup -%}
{%- if show_payment_icons -%}
<div class="grid__item site-footer__payment-icons">
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.payment.method' | t }}</span>
<ul class="payment-icons list--inline site-footer__icon-list">
{%- for type in shop.enabled_payment_types -%}
<li class="payment-icon">
{{ type | payment_type_svg_tag: class: 'icon icon--full-color' }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcapture -%}

<footer class="site-footer critical-hidden" role="contentinfo" data-section-id="{{ }}" data-section-type="footer-section">
<div class="page-width">
<div class="site-footer__content">
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}

<div class="site-footer__item
{% if section.blocks.size == 1 %} site-footer__item--center{% endif %}
{{ footer_item }}
{% if block.type == 'newsletter' and section.blocks.size == 3 %}site-footer-newsletter__one-half{% endif %}"
{{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
<div class="site-footer__item-inner site-footer__item-inner--{{ block.type }}">

{%- if block.settings.title -%}
<p class="h4">{{ block.settings.title | escape }}</p>
{%- endif -%}

{%- case block.type -%}
{%- when 'newsletter' -%}
<div class="site-footer__newsletter
{% if section.blocks.size == 1 %} site-footer__single-block--centered{% endif %}">
{%- assign formId = 'ContactFooter' -%}
{% form 'customer', id: formId, novalidate: 'novalidate' %}
{%- if form.posted_successfully? -%}
<p class="form-message form-message--success" tabindex="-1" data-form-status>
{{ 'general.newsletter_form.confirmation' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
<input type="hidden" name="contact[tags]" value="newsletter">
<div class="input-group {% if form.errors %} input-group--error{% endif %}">
<input type="email"
id="{{ formId }}-email"
class="input-group__field newsletter__input{% if form.errors %} input--error{% endif %}"
value="{{ }}"
placeholder="{{ 'general.newsletter_form.email_placeholder' | t }}"
aria-label="{{ 'general.newsletter_form.email_placeholder' | t }}"
{% if form.errors %}
aria-describedby="{{ formId }}-email-error"
{% endif %}>
<span class="input-group__btn">
<button type="submit" class="btn newsletter__submit" name="commit" >
<span class="newsletter__submit-text--large">{{ 'general.newsletter_form.submit' | t }}</span>
{% if form.errors contains 'email' %}
<span id="{{ formId }}-email-error" class="input-error-message">
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.accessibility.error' | t }} </span>
{% include 'icon-error' %}
<span class="site-footer__newsletter-error">{{ form.errors.translated_fields['email'] | capitalize }} {{ form.errors.messages['email'] }}.</span>
{% endif %}
{% endform %}

{%- when 'text' -%}
{%- if block.settings.text != blank -%}
<div class="site-footer__rte
{% if section.blocks.size == 1 %} site-footer__single-block--centered{% endif %}">
{{ block.settings.text }}
{%- endif -%}

{%- when 'link_list' -%}
{%- assign footer_linklist = -%}
<ul class="site-footer__linklist
{% if inline_list %}list--inline{% endif %}">
{%- for link in linklists[footer_linklist].links -%}
<li class="site-footer__linklist-item">
<a href="{{ link.url }}"
{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}
{{ link.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- endcase -%}

{%- endfor -%}

<hr class="site-footer__hr">

{%- assign socials = "Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Tumblr Snapchat YouTube Vimeo" | split: ' ' -%}

<div class="page-width">
<div class="grid grid--no-gutters small--text-center grid--footer-float-right">
{%- if show_selectors -%}
<div class="grid__item one-half small--one-whole">
{%- form 'localization', class: 'selectors-form', data-disclosure-form: '' -%}
{%- if locale_selector -%}
<div class="selectors-form__item">
<h2 class="visually-hidden" id="lang-heading">
{{ 'general.language.dropdown_label' | t }}

<div class="disclosure" data-disclosure-locale>
<button type="button" class="disclosure__toggle" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="lang-list" aria-describedby="lang-heading" data-disclosure-toggle>
{{ form.current_locale.endonym_name }}
<ul id="lang-list" class="disclosure-list" data-disclosure-list>
{% for locale in form.available_locales %}
<li class="disclosure-list__item {% if locale.iso_code == form.current_locale.iso_code %}disclosure-list__item--current{% endif %}">
<a class="disclosure-list__option" href="#" lang="{{ locale.iso_code }}" {% if locale.iso_code == form.current_locale.iso_code %}aria-current="true"{% endif %} data-value="{{ locale.iso_code }}" data-disclosure-option>
{{ locale.endonym_name }}
{%- endfor -%}
<input type="hidden" name="locale_code" id="LocaleSelector" value="{{ form.current_locale.iso_code }}" data-disclosure-input/>
{%- endif -%}

{%- if currency_selector -%}
<div class="selectors-form__item">
<h2 class="visually-hidden" id="currency-heading">
{{ 'general.currency.dropdown_label' | t }}

<div class="disclosure" data-disclosure-currency>
<button type="button" class="disclosure__toggle" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="currency-list" aria-describedby="currency-heading" data-disclosure-toggle>
{{ form.current_currency.iso_code }} {%- if form.current_currency.symbol -%}{{ form.current_currency.symbol }}{%- endif -%}
<ul id="currency-list" class="disclosure-list" data-disclosure-list>
{% for currency in form.available_currencies %}
<li class="disclosure-list__item {% if currency.iso_code == form.current_currency.iso_code %}disclosure-list__item--current{% endif %}">
<a class="disclosure-list__option" href="#" {% if currency.iso_code == form.current_currency.iso_code %}aria-current="true"{% endif %} data-value="{{ currency.iso_code }}" data-disclosure-option>
{{ currency.iso_code }} {%- if currency.symbol -%}{{ currency.symbol }}{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" id="CurrencySelector" value="{{ form.current_currency.iso_code }}" data-disclosure-input/>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endform -%}
{%- else -%}
<div class="grid__item small--hide {{ payment_width_class }} {% if show_payment_icons %}site-footer-item-center-vertically{% endif %}">{{ payment_icon_markup }}</div>
{%- endif -%}

<div class="grid__item {% if show_selectors or show_payment_icons %}one-half{% endif %} small--one-whole site-footer-item-tall">
{%- if social_icons -%}
<ul class="list--inline site-footer__social-icons social-icons site-footer__icon-list">
{%- for social in socials -%}
{%- assign social_link = social | prepend: 'social_' | append: '_link' | downcase -%}
{%- assign icon_link = social | prepend: 'icon-' | downcase -%}
{%- if settings[social_link] != blank -%}
<li class="social-icons__item">
<a class="social-icons__link" href="{{ settings[social_link] | escape }}" aria-describedby="a11y-external-message">
{%- include icon_link -%}
<span class="icon__fallback-text">{{ social }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- if request.page_type == 'blog' or request.page_type == 'article' -%}
<a class="social-icons__link" href="{{ shop.url }}{{ blog.url }}.atom">
{% include 'icon-rss' %}
<span class="icon__fallback-text">RSS</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
<div class="small--hide site-footer-item-align-right {% if show_selectors or show_payment_icons %}site-footer-item-center-vertically{% endif %}">
<small class="site-footer__copyright-content">&copy; {{ 'now' | date: "%Y" }}, {{ | link_to: routes.root_url }}</small>
<small class="site-footer__copyright-content site-footer__copyright-content-powered-by">{{ powered_by_link }}</small>
{%- endif -%}

{%- if show_selectors -%}
<div class="grid__item small--hide {{ payment_width_class }}">{{ payment_icon_markup }}</div>
{%- endif -%}

<div class="grid__item medium-up--hide {{ payment_width_class }} small--one-whole">{{ payment_icon_markup }}</div>

{%- if social_icons and show_selectors -%}
<div class="grid__item small--hide site-footer-item-align-right {% if show_payment_icons %}one-half{% endif %}">
<small class="site-footer__copyright-content">&copy; {{ 'now' | date: "%Y" }}, {{ | link_to: routes.root_url }}</small>
<small class="site-footer__copyright-content site-footer__copyright-content--powered-by">{{ powered_by_link }}</small>
{%- endif -%}

<div class="grid__item small--one-whole {{ copyright_show_class }} site-footer-item-align-right">
<small class="site-footer__copyright-content">&copy; {{ 'now' | date: "%Y" }}, {{| link_to: routes.root_url }}</small>


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"fi": "Maksutavat",
"fr": "Moyens de paiement",
"it": "Metodi di pagamento",
"ja": "決済方法",
"ko": "결제 방법",
"nb": "Betalingsmetoder",
"nl": "Betaalmethoden",
"pl": "Metody płatności",
"pt-BR": "Formas de pagamento",
"pt-PT": "Métodos de Pagamento",
"sv": "Betalningsmetoder",
"th": "วิธีการชำระเงิน",
"tr": "Ödeme yöntemleri",
"vi": "Phương thức thanh toán",
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"zh-TW": "付款方式"
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"cs": "Zobrazit ikony plateb",
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"de": "Zahlungs-Buttons anzeigen",
"en": "Show payment icons",
"es": "Mostrar iconos de pago",
"fi": "Näytä maksukuvakkeet",
"fr": "Afficher les icônes de paiement",
"it": "Mostra le icone di pagamento",
"ja": "支払いアイコンを表示する",
"ko": "결제 아이콘 표시",
"nb": "Vis betalingsikoner",
"nl": "Betalingspictogrammen weergeven",
"pl": "Pokaż ikony płatności",
"pt-BR": "Exibir ícones de pagamento",
"pt-PT": "Mostrar ícones de pagamento",
"sv": "Visa betalningsikoner",
"th": "แสดงไอคอนการชำระเงิน",
"tr": "Ödeme simgelerini göster",
"vi": "Hiển thị biểu tượng thanh toán",
"zh-CN": "显示付款图标",
"zh-TW": "顯示付款圖示"
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"th": "พื้นหลัง",
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"default": "#333232"
"type": "header",
"content": {
"cs": "Selektor jazyka",
"da": "Sprogvælger",
"de": "Sprachauswahl",
"en": "Language Selector",
"es": "Selector de idioma",
"fi": "Kielenvalitsin",
"fr": "Sélecteur de langue",
"it": "Selettore lingua",
"ja": "言語セレクター",
"ko": "언어 선택기",
"nb": "Språkvelger",
"nl": "Taalkiezer",
"pl": "Selektor języka",
"pt-BR": "Seletor de idiomas",
"pt-PT": "Seletor de Idioma",
"sv": "Språkväljare",
"th": "ตัวเลือกภาษา",
"tr": "Dil Seçici",
"vi": "Hộp chọn ngôn ngữ",
"zh-CN": "语言选择器",
"zh-TW": "語言選擇器"
"info": {
"cs": "Pokud chcete přidat jazyk, přejděte na [jazykové nastavení.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"da": "Du kan tilføje et sprog ved at gå til dine [sprogindstillinger.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"de": "Gehe zu deinen [Spracheinstellungen](/admin/settings/languages), um eine Sprache hinzuzufügen.",
"en": "To add a language, go to your [language settings.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"es": "Para agregar un idioma, ve a tu[configuración de idioma](/admin/settings/languages)",
"fi": "Lisää kieli siirtymällä [kieliasetuksiin.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"fr": "Pour ajouter une langue, allez dans vos [paramètres de langue.](/admin/settings/languages).",
"it": "Per aggiungere una lingua, vai su [impostazioni della lingua.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"ja": "言語を追加するには、[言語設定](/admin/settings/languages) に移動します。",
"ko": "언어를 추가하려면 [언어 설정.](/admin/settings/languages)(으)로 이동하십시오.",
"nb": "For å legge til et språk, går du til dine [språkinnstillinger.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"nl": "Ga naar je [taalinstellingen.](/admin/settings/languages) om een taal toe te voegen.",
"pl": "Aby dodać język, przejdź do swoich [ustawień języka.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"pt-BR": "Para adicionar um idioma, acesse suas [configurações de idioma. ](/admin/settings/languages)",
"pt-PT": "Para adicionar um idioma, aceda a [definições de idioma.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"sv": "För att lägga till ett språk, gå till dina [språkinställningar.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"th": "หากต้องการเพิ่มภาษา ให้ไปที่ [การตั้งค่าภาษา ](/admin/settings/languages) ของคุณ",
"tr": "Dil eklemek için [dil ayarları](/admin/settings/languages) bölümünüze gidin.",
"vi": "Để thêm ngôn ngữ, mở [cài đặt ngôn ngữ.](/admin/settings/languages)",
"zh-CN": "若要添加语言,请转到您的 [语言设置。](/admin/settings/languages)",
"zh-TW": "若要新增語言,請前往 [語言設定。](/admin/settings/languages)"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_locale_selector",
"label": {
"cs": "Zobrazit selektor jazyka",
"da": "Vis sprogvælger",
"de": "Sprachauswahl anzeigen",
"en": "Show language selector",
"es": "Mostrar el selector de idioma",
"fi": "Näytä kielenvalitsin",
"fr": "Afficher le sélecteur de langue",
"it": "Mostra selettore lingua",
"ja": "言語セレクターを表示する",
"ko": "언어 선택기 표시",
"nb": "Vis språkvelger",
"nl": "Taalkiezer weergeven",
"pl": "Pokaż selektor języka",
"pt-BR": "Exibir seletor de idioma",
"pt-PT": "Mostrar seletor de idioma",
"sv": "Visa språkväljare",
"th": "แสดงตัวเลือกภาษา",
"tr": "Dil seçiciyi göster",
"vi": "Hiển thị hộp chọn ngôn ngữ",
"zh-CN": "显示语言选择器",
"zh-TW": "顯示語言選擇器"
"default": true
"type": "header",
"content": {
"cs": "Výběr měny",
"da": "Valutavælger",
"de": "Währungsauswahl",
"en": "Currency Selector",
"es": "Selector de moneda",
"fi": "Valuutanvalitsin",
"fr": "Sélecteur de devise",
"it": "Selettore di valuta",
"ja": "通貨セレクター",
"ko": "통화 선택기",
"nb": "Valutavelger",
"nl": "Valutakiezer",
"pl": "Selektor walut",
"pt-BR": "Seletor de moeda",
"pt-PT": "Seletor de Moeda",
"sv": "Valutaväljare",
"th": "เครื่องมือเลือกสกุลเงิน",
"tr": "Para Birimi Seçici",
"vi": "Hộp chọn đơn vị tiền tệ",
"zh-CN": "货币选择器",
"zh-TW": "幣別選擇器"
"info": {
"cs": "Pokud chcete přidat měnu, přejděte na [nastavení plateb.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"da": "Du kan tilføje en valuta ved at gå til dine [betalingsindstillinger.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"de": "Gehe zu deinen [Zahlungseinstellungen](/admin/settings/payments), um eine Währung hinzuzufügen.",
"en": "To add a currency, go to your [payment settings.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"es": "Para agregar una moneda, ve a tu [configuración de pago.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"fi": "Lisää valuutta siirtymällä [maksuasetuksiisi.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"fr": "Pour ajouter une devise, allez dans vos [paramètres de paiement.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"it": "Per aggiungere una valuta, vai su [impostazioni pagamento.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"ja": "通貨を追加するには、[決済設定](/admin/settings/payments) に移動します。",
"ko": "통화를 추가하려면 [결제 설정](/admin/settings/payments)(으)로 이동하십시오.",
"nb": "For å legge til en valuta, går du til [betalingsinnstillingene.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"nl": "Ga naar je [betaalinstellingen.](/admin/settings/payments) om een valuta toe te voegen.",
"pl": "Aby dodać walutę, przejdź do swoich [ustawień płatności.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"pt-BR": "Para adicionar uma moeda, acesse as [configurações de pagamento.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"pt-PT": "Para adicionar uma moeda, aceda às suas [definições de pagamento.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"sv": "Gå till [payment settings ](/admin/settings/payments) för att lägga till en valuta.",
"th": "หากต้องการเพิ่มสกุลเงิน ให้ไปที่ [การตั้งค่าการชำระเงิน ](/admin/settings/payments)",
"tr": "Para birimi seçmek için [ödeme ayarlarınıza](/admin/settings/payments) gidin.",
"vi": "Để thêm đơn vị tiền tệ, đến phần [cài đặt thanh toán.](/admin/settings/payments)",
"zh-CN": "若要添加货币,请转到 [支付设置。](/admin/settings/payments)",
"zh-TW": "若要新增幣別,請前往 [付款設定。](/admin/settings/payments)"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "show_currency_selector",
"label": {
"cs": "Zobrazit selektor měny",
"da": "Vis valutavælger",
"de": "Währungsauswahl anzeigen",
"en": "Show currency selector",
"es": "Mostrar el selector de moneda",
"fi": "Näytä valuutanvalitsin",
"fr": "Afficher le sélecteur de devise",
"it": "Mostra selettore valuta",
"ja": "通貨セレクターを表示する",
"ko": "통화 선택기 표시",
"nb": "Vis valutavelger",
"nl": "Valutakiezer weergeven",
"pl": "Pokaż selektor walut",
"pt-BR": "Exibir seletor de moeda",
"pt-PT": "Mostrar seletor de moeda",
"sv": "Visa valutaväljare",
"th": "แสดงเครื่องมือเลือกสกุลเงิน",
"tr": "Para birimi seçici göster",
"vi": "Hiển thị hộp chọn đơn vị tiền tệ",
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"default": {
"cs": "Informujte o svém obchodu",
"da": "Fortæl om din virksomhed",
"de": "Rede über dein Unternehmen",
"en": "Talk about your business",
"es": "Habla sobre tu negocio",
"fi": "Kerro yrityksestäsi",
"fr": "Parlez de votre entreprise",
"it": "Parla della tua attività commerciale",
"ja": "あなたのビジネスについて語る",
"ko": "비즈니스에 대한 이야기하기",
"nb": "Snakk om bedriften din",
"nl": "Vertel over je bedrijf",
"pl": "Opowiedz o swojej firmie",
"pt-BR": "Fale sobre o seu negócio",
"pt-PT": "Fale sobre o seu negócio",
"sv": "Prata om ditt företag",
"th": "พูดถึงธุรกิจของคุณ",
"tr": "İşletmenizden bahsedin",
"vi": "Chia sẻ về doanh nghiệp của bạn",
"zh-CN": "介绍您的业务",
"zh-TW": "描述您的商家"
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"id": "text",
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"sv": "Text",
"th": "ข้อความ",
"tr": "Metin",
"vi": "Văn bản",
"zh-CN": "文本",
"zh-TW": "文字"
"default": {
"cs": "<p>Popište zákazníkům podrobně svůj obchod, propagační akce nebo značky nabízeného zboží.</p>",
"da": "<p>Del butiksoplysninger, reklamer eller brandindhold med dine kunder.</p>",
"de": "<p>Teile deine Shop-Details, Werbeaktionen oder Markeninhalte mit deinen Kunden.</p>",
"en": "<p>Share store details, promotions, or brand content with your customers.</p>",
"es": "<p>Comparte detalles de la tienda, promociones o contenido de la marca con tus clientes.</p>",
"fi": "<p>Jaa myymälän tiedot, tarjoukset tai brändin sisältö asiakkaittesi kanssa.</p>",
"fr": "<p>Partagez les détails de la boutique, les promotions ou le contenu de la marque avec vos clients.</p>",
"it": "<p>Condividi dettagli del negozio, promozioni o contenuti del brand con i clienti.</p>",
"ja": "<p>ストア詳細、プロモーション、ブランドのコンテンツをお客様と共有する。</p>",
"ko": "<p>스토어 세부 정보, 프로모션 또는 브랜드 콘텐츠를 고객과 공유하십시오.</p>",
"nb": "<p>Del butikkdetaljer, kampanjer eller merkevareinnhold med kundene dine.</p>",
"nl": "<p>Deel winkeldetails, promoties of merkcontent met je klanten.</p>",
"pl": "<p>Poinformuj swoich klientów o sklepie, promocjach lub zawartości marki.</p>",
"pt-BR": "<p>Compartilhe informações da loja, promoções ou conteúdo da marca com seus clientes.</p>",
"pt-PT": "<p>Partilhe detalhes da loja, promoções ou conteúdo de marca com os seus clientes.</p>",
"sv": "<p>Dela butikens detaljer, kampanjer eller varumärkesinnehåll med dina kunder.</p>",
"th": "<p>แชร์รายละเอียดร้านค้า โปรโมชัน หรือเนื้อหาแบรนด์กับลูกค้าของคุณ</p>",
"tr": "<p>Mağaza ayrıntılarını, promosyonları, marka içeriğini müşterilerinizle paylaşın.</p>",
"vi": "<p>Chia sẻ thông tin cửa hàng, khuyến mãi hoặc nội dung thương hiệu với khách hàng.</p>",
"zh-CN": "<p>与您的客户共享商店详细信息、促销信息或品牌内容。</p>",
"zh-TW": "<p>與顧客分享商店的詳細資訊、宣傳活動或品牌內容。</p>"
"type": "newsletter",
"limit": 1,
"name": {
"cs": "Přihlášení k odběru novinek",
"da": "Tilmelding til nyhedsbrev",
"de": "Newsletter-Anmeldung",
"en": "Newsletter signup",
"es": "Suscripción al boletín",
"fi": "Uutiskirjeen tilaus",
"fr": "Inscription",
"it": "Iscriviti alla Newsletter",
"ja": "ニュースレターの登録",
"ko": "뉴스레터 신청",
"nb": "Registrering for nyhetsbrev",
"nl": "Nieuwsbriefaanmelding",
"pl": "Rejestracja do newslettera",
"pt-BR": "Assinatura da newsletter",
"pt-PT": "Registo na newsletter",
"sv": "Nyhetsbrevsregistrering",
"th": "การสมัครรับจดหมายข่าว",
"tr": "Bülten aboneliği",
"vi": "Đăng ký nhận bản tin",
"zh-CN": "新闻通讯注册",
"zh-TW": "訂閱電子報"
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "title",
"label": {
"cs": "Nadpis",
"da": "Overskrift",
"de": "Überschrift",
"en": "Heading",
"es": "Título",
"fi": "Otsake",
"fr": "Titre",
"it": "Heading",
"ja": "見出し",
"ko": "제목",
"nb": "Overskrift",
"nl": "Kop",
"pl": "Nagłówek",
"pt-BR": "Título",
"pt-PT": "Título",
"sv": "Rubrik",
"th": "ส่วนหัว",
"tr": "Başlık",
"vi": "Tiêu đề",
"zh-CN": "标题",
"zh-TW": "標題"
"info": {
"cs": "Odběratelé budou přidáni do vašeho [seznamu zákazníků, kteří přijímají marketing.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"da": "Abonnenter bliver føjet til [kundelisten](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) for \"accepterer markedsføring\".",
"de": "Abonnenten werden zu deiner Liste „akzeptiert Marketingmaterial“ hinzugefügt [Kundenliste.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"en": "Subscribers will be added to your “accepts marketing” [customer list.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"es": "Se añadirá los suscriptores a tu [lista de clientes.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) \"acepta marketing\".",
"fi": "Tilaajat lisätään \"hyväksyy markkinointi\" [-asiakasluetteloosi. ](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"fr": "Les abonnés seront ajoutés à votre [liste de clients](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) « Accepte le marketing ».",
"it": "Gli iscritti verranno aggiunti al tuo [elenco clienti.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) «accetta marketing»",
"ja": "購読者は「マーケティングを受け入れる」[顧客リスト](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) に追加されます。",
"ko": "가입자가 \"마케팅 수락\" [고객 목록.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)에 추가됩니다.",
"nb": "Abonnenter vil bli lagt til i «aksepterer markedsføring» [kundeliste.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"nl": "Abonnees worden toegevoegd aan je \"accepteert marketing\" [klantenlijst.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"pl": "Subskrybenci zostaną dodani do Twojej [listy klientów \"akceptujących marketing\".](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"pt-BR": "Os assinantes serão adicionados à “aceita marketing” [lista de clientes. ](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"pt-PT": "Os subscritores serão adicionados à sua lista de \"aceitam marketing\" [lista de clientes.](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"sv": "Prenumeranter läggs till i din \"accepterar marknadsföring\" [kundlista. ](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"th": "ระบบจะเพิ่มผู้สมัครใช้งานไปยังส่วน “ยอมรับการตลาด” ของคุณ [รายชื่อลูกค้า](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)",
"tr": "Aboneler \"pazarlama kabul ediyor\" [müşteri listenize](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) eklenir.",
"vi": "Người đăng ký sẽ được thêm vào [danh sách khách hàng](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1) \"chấp nhận tiếp thị\".",
"zh-CN": "订阅者将被添加到您的“接受营销”[客户列表](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)中。",
"zh-TW": "系統會將訂閱者新增至您的「接受行銷」[客戶清單。](/admin/customers?query=&accepts_marketing=1)"
"default": {
"cs": "Novinky",
"da": "Nyhedsbrev",
"de": "Newsletter",
"en": "Newsletter",
"es": "Boletín",
"fi": "Uutiskirje",
"fr": "Newsletter",
"it": "Newsletter",
"ja": "ニュースレター",
"ko": "뉴스레터",
"nb": "Nyhetsbrev",
"nl": "Nieuwsbrief",
"pl": "Newsletter",
"pt-BR": "Newsletter",
"pt-PT": "Newsletter",
"sv": "Nyhetsbrev",
"th": "จดหมายข่าว",
"tr": "Bülten",
"vi": "Bản tin",
"zh-CN": "新闻通讯",
"zh-TW": "電子報"
{% endschema %}


Shopify Partner
512 43 93

ok now simply copy the <style> ------</style> data in between style and paste it in theme.scss.liquid or you can remove it i dont think so this has any value here. @Matteo1998 

- Did we solve your issue? Like & Mark As Solution to help the community
- SKYPE: ahsanaliawan
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34 1 17

Doesn't work 

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 à 17.51.33.png

34 1 17

But it's maybe not in the footer it's maybe after i don't really know

34 1 17

This is an accepted solution.

Ok i find the problem, it's the file booster-recommendation.liquid