How can I slow down the moving announcement bar on mobile?

How can I slow down the moving announcement bar on mobile?

9 0 2

I posted in here last week asking for help with making my announcment bar move, the code i was given works however it's too fast on the mobile version!!

Is there anything i can do for this? i would prefer it much slower 🙂

my theme is stiletto!

Reply 1 (1)
9 0 2

thank you for getting back to me so fast!!!

the codes I'm using are;
code put in announcement bar 'custom CSS' section -
<div id="announcement-bar">
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">
Your announcement text goes here...
Code put in announcement bar liquid in 'edit code' section - 
#announcement-bar { background-color#f8f8f8color#333padding10pxfont-size16px/* Add any other styles you want */ }