How do I show only selected Collections on one page? 1.0 Debut Theme

How do I show only selected Collections on one page? 1.0 Debut Theme

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I have looked thru so many discussions, youtube videos and even contacted support. I used the following tutorial and it did not help Shopify Help Center | Feature a subset of collections.


I have created a page and I want the page to display each collection that I specify to be shown. The page willl display the thumbnails for each collection so that shoppers can click the collection. I created the page.list-collection liquid template (pasted the Debut code as instructed) and then created a Navigation bar, but still nothing. How do I accomplish this?


Theme: Debut.

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Hi @Blewprent ,

I followed the instructions at Shopify Help Center | Feature a subset of collections and notice that this guide stops at Create the menu that controls which collections are shown

After you create a new Menu in Navigation, you need to add that Menu to your store

Here is the Menu I created:

view - 2023-12-28T174846.133.png

To add a new Menu, you can change the Header

view - 2023-12-28T174918.597.png

Or add to Footer

view - 2023-12-28T175007.039.png

Hope it works @Blewprent 

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