How does one change the the Price from $0.00 to Total Price in Cart

How does one change the the Price from $0.00 to Total Price in Cart

26 0 4

So I used an App called Unlimited Options to build out a product add on options. I have to build out a bunch of these and I don't want a bunch of $0.00 products. Is there a way to change the price to Text? I'm assuming I'll have to edit some code. Is there a way to do this without creating chaos?Screenshot 2023-12-18 135439.png

Replies 4 (4)

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Either the app should provide guidance on how to do this or you need an advanced theme customization to either changes the price display or just outright hide such products from being viewed. Also see apps like locksmith for gating products.


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Hello @DavidBeuy 

That is how the app works, it create other products under the hood for custom options. There is no fixes for the app, unless switching to another one.

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26 0 4

Ah so that app doesn't allow that then... do you have a recommendation of an app that gives you options to select existing products and create like a "Kit"?

Shopify Partner
1052 203 229

Hi @DavidBeuy 

I don't have any recommendations at the moment.

But if you are interested, our team is going to launch a new app "Zeno Product Options" in the beginning of Jan 2024, that allows to create custom options without creating underlying products. It looks like this


Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 09.46.05.png

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