How to add : a word such as "Start from"before price of any product in collection on supply theme.

How to add : a word such as "Start from"before price of any product in collection on supply theme.

9 1 3

Good morning,

Can you one please help me with this. I'm trying to add word " Start from" before pricing on all production in any collection so customer can see the price start from $XX before they click on each product so they don't confuse because it only shows the lowest price then click on the product, it will only show available variant which is difference price so customer feel confusing.

I use theme supply, my url is

Thanks all

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
7721 678 1619

Hi @texasaquallc test changing the currency formatting , this will affect ALL displays 


Or in some themes translations may have a locale key for this for collections product-grid aka product-cards:


Otherwise you may need theme customizations.

If you need that customization then contact me for services
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ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.

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9 1 3

I dont change any currency, Just need to add a word in front of the price. Thanks for the offer

Shopify Partner
7721 678 1619

I did not say "change store currency".

Read the whole thing I said "currency formatting", i.e. how prices are display.


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Did you find out how to get a word added before the price?  I read the replies below and it does not give you the answer to that question 😞