How to add more buy buttons for different variants to product page?

How to add more buy buttons for different variants to product page?

6 0 0

Hey dear shopify community,

i am currently working on an online shop. I am using the DAWN Theme. 

I am currently working on the product page of my store. I would like to sell records. First up I need a standard layout for the records product page. But there are albums that are sold in several versions. For example as CD, black vinyl, cassette & colored vinyl. I would like to have a “buy now” button for each variant on my product page, as shown in the following example.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-05 um 17.52.27.png




Is this even possible with the DAWN Theme? Are there any other problems i might not overview right now?


Thank you very much for your help.





Reply 1 (1)
6 0 0

Hey, i didnt create a custom layout for the records product page. i just used the standard one which came with the DAWN Theme. 

I want to know how to specifically implement those orange "Buy now" buttons for different variants all on the product page for the same album. (see the big orange buttons on the screenshot)


otherwise if you have any further suggestion or input i would gladly hear it. Please consider that i am a newbie when it comes down to shopify. maybe i am missing a major step, so yeah. Thanks anyway! 🙂