How to add text above Product title? (Motion theme)

How to add text above Product title? (Motion theme)

3 0 0

Screenshot 2023-02-03 194529.png

Motion theme allows me to customize the product page to a great extent, but I am not able to figure out how to add this text metadata on top of the product title. 

Can anyone help me out? 

Replies 4 (4)

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393 131 200


To add metafield text above the title on product page, please follow the steps below.


1. Go to Admin > Settings > Custom date > Products > Add definition

2. Name it & select single line text or multi-line text per your needs.

3. Save the data - You will be able to enter the text in your Edit Product page.

4. Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize > Products (Top center menu) > Default product

5. Add a block for "Text"

6. Move (drag) the Text block above the title block.

7. Click "Text" block to modify

8. Above the text box, click "Inset dynamic source" icon.

9. Select the metafield you created for the text.




Hope it helps.

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PeopleVillage - Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Many thanks for your response. 

I followed all the steps you gave but I don't see the metadata in the list of dynamic source. I just see the default ones like Title & vendor. What am  I doing wrong? 


Also, I don't have a title block to move this text over. This is all I see


Screenshot 2023-02-03 232835.png

so the text block is below the product title.

Shopify Partner
393 131 200

It looks like the theme is Shopify 2.0 theme.

You should have one text block which is very common for most Shopify 2.0 theme.

However, if your theme doesn't have text block in Product template, I can make one for you.

Please PM me.

If helpful, please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to customize your store, please feel free to contact me.
PeopleVillage - Shopify Partner
17 0 2

Hi David! 

I'm facing the same issue with my theme. It does not have a text block that can be inserted to the product template and the product name is not a block that I can change the order of.

I'd really appreciate if you could share the solution you found?