How to add WhatsApp icon to Refresh theme header & footer?


How to add WhatsApp icon to Refresh theme header & footer?

13 0 1

Need help on adding WhatsApp icon as shown below. Thank you!Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 10.02.20 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-08-10 at 10.04.42 PM.png

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
1006 125 162

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @Tim1209,

Please go to Actions > Edit code > snippets > social-icons.liquid file and add code here:



<li class="list-social__item">
    <a href="Link WhatsApp" class="link list-social__link">
      <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><path d="M 25 2 C 12.309534 2 2 12.309534 2 25 C 2 29.079097 3.1186875 32.88588 4.984375 36.208984 L 2.0371094 46.730469 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 3.2402344 47.970703 L 14.210938 45.251953 C 17.434629 46.972929 21.092591 48 25 48 C 37.690466 48 48 37.690466 48 25 C 48 12.309534 37.690466 2 25 2 z M 25 4 C 36.609534 4 46 13.390466 46 25 C 46 36.609534 36.609534 46 25 46 C 21.278025 46 17.792121 45.029635 14.761719 43.333984 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 14.033203 43.236328 L 4.4257812 45.617188 L 7.0019531 36.425781 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.9023438 35.646484 C 5.0606869 32.523592 4 28.890107 4 25 C 4 13.390466 13.390466 4 25 4 z M 16.642578 13 C 16.001539 13 15.086045 13.23849 14.333984 14.048828 C 13.882268 14.535548 12 16.369511 12 19.59375 C 12 22.955271 14.331391 25.855848 14.613281 26.228516 L 14.615234 26.228516 L 14.615234 26.230469 C 14.588494 26.195329 14.973031 26.752191 15.486328 27.419922 C 15.999626 28.087653 16.717405 28.96464 17.619141 29.914062 C 19.422612 31.812909 21.958282 34.007419 25.105469 35.349609 C 26.554789 35.966779 27.698179 36.339417 28.564453 36.611328 C 30.169845 37.115426 31.632073 37.038799 32.730469 36.876953 C 33.55263 36.755876 34.456878 36.361114 35.351562 35.794922 C 36.246248 35.22873 37.12309 34.524722 37.509766 33.455078 C 37.786772 32.688244 37.927591 31.979598 37.978516 31.396484 C 38.003976 31.104927 38.007211 30.847602 37.988281 30.609375 C 37.969311 30.371148 37.989581 30.188664 37.767578 29.824219 C 37.302009 29.059804 36.774753 29.039853 36.224609 28.767578 C 35.918939 28.616297 35.048661 28.191329 34.175781 27.775391 C 33.303883 27.35992 32.54892 26.991953 32.083984 26.826172 C 31.790239 26.720488 31.431556 26.568352 30.914062 26.626953 C 30.396569 26.685553 29.88546 27.058933 29.587891 27.5 C 29.305837 27.918069 28.170387 29.258349 27.824219 29.652344 C 27.819619 29.649544 27.849659 29.663383 27.712891 29.595703 C 27.284761 29.383815 26.761157 29.203652 25.986328 28.794922 C 25.2115 28.386192 24.242255 27.782635 23.181641 26.847656 L 23.181641 26.845703 C 21.603029 25.455949 20.497272 23.711106 20.148438 23.125 C 20.171937 23.09704 20.145643 23.130901 20.195312 23.082031 L 20.197266 23.080078 C 20.553781 22.728924 20.869739 22.309521 21.136719 22.001953 C 21.515257 21.565866 21.68231 21.181437 21.863281 20.822266 C 22.223954 20.10644 22.02313 19.318742 21.814453 18.904297 L 21.814453 18.902344 C 21.828863 18.931014 21.701572 18.650157 21.564453 18.326172 C 21.426943 18.001263 21.251663 17.580039 21.064453 17.130859 C 20.690033 16.232501 20.272027 15.224912 20.023438 14.634766 L 20.023438 14.632812 C 19.730591 13.937684 19.334395 13.436908 18.816406 13.195312 C 18.298417 12.953717 17.840778 13.022402 17.822266 13.021484 L 17.820312 13.021484 C 17.450668 13.004432 17.045038 13 16.642578 13 z M 16.642578 15 C 17.028118 15 17.408214 15.004701 17.726562 15.019531 C 18.054056 15.035851 18.033687 15.037192 17.970703 15.007812 C 17.906713 14.977972 17.993533 14.968282 18.179688 15.410156 C 18.423098 15.98801 18.84317 16.999249 19.21875 17.900391 C 19.40654 18.350961 19.582292 18.773816 19.722656 19.105469 C 19.863021 19.437122 19.939077 19.622295 20.027344 19.798828 L 20.027344 19.800781 L 20.029297 19.802734 C 20.115837 19.973483 20.108185 19.864164 20.078125 19.923828 C 19.867096 20.342656 19.838461 20.445493 19.625 20.691406 C 19.29998 21.065838 18.968453 21.483404 18.792969 21.65625 C 18.639439 21.80707 18.36242 22.042032 18.189453 22.501953 C 18.016221 22.962578 18.097073 23.59457 18.375 24.066406 C 18.745032 24.6946 19.964406 26.679307 21.859375 28.347656 C 23.05276 29.399678 24.164563 30.095933 25.052734 30.564453 C 25.940906 31.032973 26.664301 31.306607 26.826172 31.386719 C 27.210549 31.576953 27.630655 31.72467 28.119141 31.666016 C 28.607627 31.607366 29.02878 31.310979 29.296875 31.007812 L 29.298828 31.005859 C 29.655629 30.601347 30.715848 29.390728 31.224609 28.644531 C 31.246169 28.652131 31.239109 28.646231 31.408203 28.707031 L 31.408203 28.708984 L 31.410156 28.708984 C 31.487356 28.736474 32.454286 29.169267 33.316406 29.580078 C 34.178526 29.990889 35.053561 30.417875 35.337891 30.558594 C 35.748225 30.761674 35.942113 30.893881 35.992188 30.894531 C 35.995572 30.982516 35.998992 31.07786 35.986328 31.222656 C 35.951258 31.624292 35.8439 32.180225 35.628906 32.775391 C 35.523582 33.066746 34.975018 33.667661 34.283203 34.105469 C 33.591388 34.543277 32.749338 34.852514 32.4375 34.898438 C 31.499896 35.036591 30.386672 35.087027 29.164062 34.703125 C 28.316336 34.437036 27.259305 34.092596 25.890625 33.509766 C 23.114812 32.325956 20.755591 30.311513 19.070312 28.537109 C 18.227674 27.649908 17.552562 26.824019 17.072266 26.199219 C 16.592866 25.575584 16.383528 25.251054 16.208984 25.021484 L 16.207031 25.019531 C 15.897202 24.609805 14 21.970851 14 19.59375 C 14 17.077989 15.168497 16.091436 15.800781 15.410156 C 16.132721 15.052495 16.495617 15 16.642578 15 z"/></svg>
      <span class="visually-hidden">WhatsApp</span>
Coffee tips fuels my dedication.
Shopify Development Service
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View solution in original post

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
1006 125 162

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @Tim1209,

Please go to Actions > Edit code > snippets > social-icons.liquid file and add code here:



<li class="list-social__item">
    <a href="Link WhatsApp" class="link list-social__link">
      <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><path d="M 25 2 C 12.309534 2 2 12.309534 2 25 C 2 29.079097 3.1186875 32.88588 4.984375 36.208984 L 2.0371094 46.730469 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 3.2402344 47.970703 L 14.210938 45.251953 C 17.434629 46.972929 21.092591 48 25 48 C 37.690466 48 48 37.690466 48 25 C 48 12.309534 37.690466 2 25 2 z M 25 4 C 36.609534 4 46 13.390466 46 25 C 46 36.609534 36.609534 46 25 46 C 21.278025 46 17.792121 45.029635 14.761719 43.333984 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 14.033203 43.236328 L 4.4257812 45.617188 L 7.0019531 36.425781 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.9023438 35.646484 C 5.0606869 32.523592 4 28.890107 4 25 C 4 13.390466 13.390466 4 25 4 z M 16.642578 13 C 16.001539 13 15.086045 13.23849 14.333984 14.048828 C 13.882268 14.535548 12 16.369511 12 19.59375 C 12 22.955271 14.331391 25.855848 14.613281 26.228516 L 14.615234 26.228516 L 14.615234 26.230469 C 14.588494 26.195329 14.973031 26.752191 15.486328 27.419922 C 15.999626 28.087653 16.717405 28.96464 17.619141 29.914062 C 19.422612 31.812909 21.958282 34.007419 25.105469 35.349609 C 26.554789 35.966779 27.698179 36.339417 28.564453 36.611328 C 30.169845 37.115426 31.632073 37.038799 32.730469 36.876953 C 33.55263 36.755876 34.456878 36.361114 35.351562 35.794922 C 36.246248 35.22873 37.12309 34.524722 37.509766 33.455078 C 37.786772 32.688244 37.927591 31.979598 37.978516 31.396484 C 38.003976 31.104927 38.007211 30.847602 37.988281 30.609375 C 37.969311 30.371148 37.989581 30.188664 37.767578 29.824219 C 37.302009 29.059804 36.774753 29.039853 36.224609 28.767578 C 35.918939 28.616297 35.048661 28.191329 34.175781 27.775391 C 33.303883 27.35992 32.54892 26.991953 32.083984 26.826172 C 31.790239 26.720488 31.431556 26.568352 30.914062 26.626953 C 30.396569 26.685553 29.88546 27.058933 29.587891 27.5 C 29.305837 27.918069 28.170387 29.258349 27.824219 29.652344 C 27.819619 29.649544 27.849659 29.663383 27.712891 29.595703 C 27.284761 29.383815 26.761157 29.203652 25.986328 28.794922 C 25.2115 28.386192 24.242255 27.782635 23.181641 26.847656 L 23.181641 26.845703 C 21.603029 25.455949 20.497272 23.711106 20.148438 23.125 C 20.171937 23.09704 20.145643 23.130901 20.195312 23.082031 L 20.197266 23.080078 C 20.553781 22.728924 20.869739 22.309521 21.136719 22.001953 C 21.515257 21.565866 21.68231 21.181437 21.863281 20.822266 C 22.223954 20.10644 22.02313 19.318742 21.814453 18.904297 L 21.814453 18.902344 C 21.828863 18.931014 21.701572 18.650157 21.564453 18.326172 C 21.426943 18.001263 21.251663 17.580039 21.064453 17.130859 C 20.690033 16.232501 20.272027 15.224912 20.023438 14.634766 L 20.023438 14.632812 C 19.730591 13.937684 19.334395 13.436908 18.816406 13.195312 C 18.298417 12.953717 17.840778 13.022402 17.822266 13.021484 L 17.820312 13.021484 C 17.450668 13.004432 17.045038 13 16.642578 13 z M 16.642578 15 C 17.028118 15 17.408214 15.004701 17.726562 15.019531 C 18.054056 15.035851 18.033687 15.037192 17.970703 15.007812 C 17.906713 14.977972 17.993533 14.968282 18.179688 15.410156 C 18.423098 15.98801 18.84317 16.999249 19.21875 17.900391 C 19.40654 18.350961 19.582292 18.773816 19.722656 19.105469 C 19.863021 19.437122 19.939077 19.622295 20.027344 19.798828 L 20.027344 19.800781 L 20.029297 19.802734 C 20.115837 19.973483 20.108185 19.864164 20.078125 19.923828 C 19.867096 20.342656 19.838461 20.445493 19.625 20.691406 C 19.29998 21.065838 18.968453 21.483404 18.792969 21.65625 C 18.639439 21.80707 18.36242 22.042032 18.189453 22.501953 C 18.016221 22.962578 18.097073 23.59457 18.375 24.066406 C 18.745032 24.6946 19.964406 26.679307 21.859375 28.347656 C 23.05276 29.399678 24.164563 30.095933 25.052734 30.564453 C 25.940906 31.032973 26.664301 31.306607 26.826172 31.386719 C 27.210549 31.576953 27.630655 31.72467 28.119141 31.666016 C 28.607627 31.607366 29.02878 31.310979 29.296875 31.007812 L 29.298828 31.005859 C 29.655629 30.601347 30.715848 29.390728 31.224609 28.644531 C 31.246169 28.652131 31.239109 28.646231 31.408203 28.707031 L 31.408203 28.708984 L 31.410156 28.708984 C 31.487356 28.736474 32.454286 29.169267 33.316406 29.580078 C 34.178526 29.990889 35.053561 30.417875 35.337891 30.558594 C 35.748225 30.761674 35.942113 30.893881 35.992188 30.894531 C 35.995572 30.982516 35.998992 31.07786 35.986328 31.222656 C 35.951258 31.624292 35.8439 32.180225 35.628906 32.775391 C 35.523582 33.066746 34.975018 33.667661 34.283203 34.105469 C 33.591388 34.543277 32.749338 34.852514 32.4375 34.898438 C 31.499896 35.036591 30.386672 35.087027 29.164062 34.703125 C 28.316336 34.437036 27.259305 34.092596 25.890625 33.509766 C 23.114812 32.325956 20.755591 30.311513 19.070312 28.537109 C 18.227674 27.649908 17.552562 26.824019 17.072266 26.199219 C 16.592866 25.575584 16.383528 25.251054 16.208984 25.021484 L 16.207031 25.019531 C 15.897202 24.609805 14 21.970851 14 19.59375 C 14 17.077989 15.168497 16.091436 15.800781 15.410156 C 16.132721 15.052495 16.495617 15 16.642578 15 z"/></svg>
      <span class="visually-hidden">WhatsApp</span>
Coffee tips fuels my dedication.
Shopify Development Service
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Hi the link works however I can't see the WhatsApp icon

Shopify Partner
1006 125 162

Hi @Tim1209,

Please send me the store link, I will check it again

Coffee tips fuels my dedication.
Shopify Development Service
Need help with your store?
13 0 1

Hi I manage to fix the issue Thanks!

I have one more problem thou, because some of my product is pre-order. How do I insert a release date link to my product listing.

Shopify Partner
1006 125 162

Hi @Tim1209,

Where do you want to add it? 

Please explain more about it, I will help you check it

Coffee tips fuels my dedication.
Shopify Development Service
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