Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
I am using a wishlist app called iwish: Wishlist. The code is working on product on all collections except "Product recommendation" collection which is auto generated by shopify on product page (I have given name "similar products"). How to enable the app so that the recommended products can also by wishlisted?
My Store url -
The following script is given by my app developer
<a class="iWishAdd" href="#" data-variant="{{ }}" data-product="{{ }}" data-ptitle="{{ product.title | escape }}">
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"width="21px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 378.94 378.94" style="enable-background:new 0 0 378.94 378.94;"xml:space="preserve"><g><path d="M348.151,54.514c-19.883-19.884-46.315-30.826-74.435-30.826c-28.124,0-54.559,10.942-74.449,30.826l-9.798,9.8l-9.798-9.8c-19.884-19.884-46.325-30.826-74.443-30.826c-28.117,0-54.56,10.942-74.442,30.826c-41.049,41.053-41.049,107.848,0,148.885l147.09,147.091c2.405,2.414,5.399,3.892,8.527,4.461c1.049,0.207,2.104,0.303,3.161,0.303c4.161,0,8.329-1.587,11.498-4.764l147.09-147.091C389.203,162.362,389.203,95.567,348.151,54.514z M325.155,180.404L189.47,316.091L53.782,180.404c-28.368-28.364-28.368-74.514,0-102.893c13.741-13.739,32.017-21.296,51.446-21.296c19.431,0,37.702,7.557,51.438,21.296l21.305,21.312c6.107,6.098,16.897,6.098,23.003,0l21.297-21.312c13.737-13.739,32.009-21.296,51.446-21.296c19.431,0,37.701,7.557,51.438,21.296C353.526,105.89,353.526,152.039,325.155,180.404z"/></g></svg>
<span>Add to Wishlist</span>
I have checked and your question requires code intervention in the related-products.liquid file. In this case, I recommend to contact the "Wishlist" app to check if they support on it. If they do not, you can consider to hire a developer to assist further, as this need intervention and the customization of JS file in your theme.
I hope it helps.
What code intervention is required..? Please guide...
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