How To Always Keep Close This Tab?

How To Always Keep Close This Tab?

263 0 50

I want my Description tab to be always close when we open a site. Right now when we open site it's already open so I don't want like that ..



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
124 24 24

Hello @Emiway ,

You can go to Online Store > Edit main theme code > Select main-product.liquid  file
Find the <button> tag titled class="collapsible-toggle--small Hidden-lap-and-up" and change the "aria-expanded" attribute to "false"


If you find it difficult,

Please send us your collaborators code (Shopify Admin => Settings => Users and Permissions => Collaborators) . Then, We can then request access and repair it for you.
After accepting the request, please kindly keep me updated. Thanks so much in advance !

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