How to block discount extensions such as Honey?

How to block discount extensions such as Honey?

Shopify Partner
7 1 2

Hi all,


Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but has anyone figured out a way to block apps like Honey from automatically scraping and/or applying discounts? It's become a big problem for us recently, and I can't seem to find anything via Google about how one could block something like this.





Replies 73 (73)

1 0 0
Hi jay!
Did you ever discover a solution to this? I am running into the same issue currently and can’t find anything elsewhere that’s helpful.

Fingers crossed!

Shopify Partner
7 0 8

I recently discovered Honey was sharing coupons specifically designed only for verified, returning customers to our site without permission. I find it difficult to believe that this is even legal but hey, that's the internet. 


I contacted Honey support and requested that they de-list our website from the Honey store and Browser Extension. 

I'm still awaiting a response however if you'd like to do the same you can email and


Hope this helps. 

3 0 0

Did you ever hear back from Honey about de-listing your site? We're having the same problem with VIP codes that aren't supposed to be shared publicly.

Shopify Partner
7 0 8
Yes but they were not particularly helpful.

They have offered to remove any coupons we don’t want displayed on Honey but have dodged all questions.

To say that this is inconvenien is an understatement. Who has time to send Honey an email every time we release a new coupon to our loyal customers?

It appears that they have no way to (or are unwilling to) allow stores to opt-out of the honey ecosystem. They have dodged my questions about this time and time again.

Whether you like it or not, the Honey app will extract, store and share any coupon used by your customers who have the Honey extension running on their browser.

More updates to come.

3 0 0

Good grief. Well, thanks for the update. If you find a good solution, please let us know. (I'll do the same.)

Shopify Partner
7 0 8


You can submit your own coupons to your stores page/profile on Honey. They don’t need to be active coupons.
Custom coupons can say anything you like and there’s no limit on how many you can add. For example, you might add a selection of coupons that say “Honey is great”, “We Love Honey”.
The important thing to know is that the coupons are automatically displayed in the Shopify checkout coupon field whilst the extension checks for active coupons. The coupons or “messages" will be seen by your customers. 
Do with that information what you will. 
Shopify Partner
7 0 8

Just a follow up here @MollyKate 


Honey has de-listed my site from their site and extension. I received a confirmation from their business team this morning. 


They weren't willing to de-list us initially, however they may have changed their mind when I flooded my honey coupon list with coupons such as "HONEY-STEALS-YOUR-DATA" and  "HONEY-IS-WATCHING-YOU". 



3 0 0

That's kind of amazing. Good to know! We followed your lead and had them de-list our VIP discount codes, but if we continue to have problems, we might follow your lead.

Shopify Partner
7721 678 1619

@TrueGrit wrote:

They weren't willing to de-list us initially, however they may have changed their mind when I flooded my honey coupon list with coupons such as "HONEY-STEALS-YOUR-DATA" and  "HONEY-IS-WATCHING-YOU". 


Haaaa Brilliant


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Shopify Partner
9 0 1

Hey TG - Hope you have figured this out, but if not we just launched - we're adding a few more stores to use it for free if you're interested. 

Best of luck with your store.

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @MollyKate, have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @TrueGrit , have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

fomopromo is a sales channel app on Shopify Marketplace that guarantees to block discount extensions from app like honey.  Included is a “True Revenue Protection Guarantee protecting each influencer campaign from 3rd party software promotion code scraping and re-use (e.g. blocks discount extensions), or we will 100% cover the Influencer’s lost revenue sharing on each transaction.”

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

Hey Zoe - not sure if you found a solution to this yet, but we just launched - we're adding a few more stores to use it for free if you're interested. 

Best of luck with your store.

1 0 0

hi there! super interested in this - i added my email/info and it says to wait to hear back. just curious how long i should expect to wait? thanks so much!!

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @bptof, are you still looking for a coupon extension blocker?

We've also built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working as well as other products to further safeguard your store and discounts!

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

1 0 0


We would use your extension but it costs us $99 USD just to even block. A bit pricey for smaller and newer platforms.


Collier Lee
Chairman & CEO, Levoche
Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey Zoe @Zdadian, have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app to stop Honey and other coupon extensions from working.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

2 0 11

Hi all!

We're thinking to develop a js-script which will block discount extensions like honey and also other shopping extensions like Amazon Assistant etc.
If u are interested in it I can share a script when it will be ready.

Shopify Partner
7 0 8

Yes please. That would be fantastic Alex. 



1 0 0

Hi Alex- 

this would be unreal. does anything like that exist yet?

Shopify Partner
3 0 6

A client of mine was facing a similar problem.

I’ve built an app over the weekend that scans deal sites and apps and alerts you if any of your active discounts in Shopify/ReCharge have been leaked.

Will be submitting to review for Shopify this week. Stay tuned.
Shopify Partner
7 0 8

Amazing. Thank you @Emerson_Code_Ad 

2 0 1

Can we try this app? 

New Member
8 0 0

Hey @yogi1016 

We are live!  Hit the following URL and sign up!

Look forward to hearing from you.


Shopify Partner
9 0 1

Hey @yogi1016 

We are live!  Hit the following URL and sign up!

Look forward to hearing from you.


 I'm not affiliated with this at all, but glad to see @cleanmatt take the initiative. I'll be launching my tool set in February

2 0 0

Hi Matt, i just put my self on the waiting list. How long is the wait?

New Member
8 0 0

The team will reach out to you today and connect on timing.  We are moving through the waitlist at a decent pace!

Any additional questions, feel free to email me at

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @SM05200 , have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @yogi1016 , have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

2 0 11

Hey Shopifyers! 

We finally developed a script that blocks Honey and Amazon Assistant extensions on your website. Now we are looking for the beta testers.

If you want to implement the script on your website please drop me a line on 



2 0 0

@AlexChern I tried emailing you and it came back as not working. Is your script available?

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @BULeggings  have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

1 0 1

Does yours cost $300 a month like the other guys does? 

Shopify Partner
9 0 1
50usd a month!
1 0 1

Any update on when this is going to be released? @DougieSilkstone 

Shopify Partner
9 0 1

I actually did! It's been a long time coming but you can sign up here.

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @franmorfini , are you still looking for a solution on this?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @JJDFW , are you still looking for a solution on this?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @cschwartz, are you still looking for a solution for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working!

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!

2 0 1

Hello! Did you ever get around to building the js-script to block extensions like honey and other shopping extensions? Thank you! 

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

We developed an app that blocks 25+ coupon extensions like Honey, Capital One Shopping, Retailmenot, Coupert, and so many others. 

It not only blocks them from auto injecting, but even blocks them from showing up in the first place. 

But even more exciting, we also crawl 100+ coupon sites and let you know exactly what code leaked out to which site. 

No one can fully block extensions from scraping. That's just sadly a thing that isn't possible, but at least you'll know about it, and if you are on a plus plan, we can also disable it in checkout. 

Best part! It's affordable and as low as $29/mo. 

Download APP: Block Coupon Extensions 

Shopify Partner
9 0 1
I'm all for competition and multiple solutions but please, can PromoPirates
add real reviews and remove the Lorem Ipsum from your Terms and Conditions
/ Privacy page?
Shopify Partner
9 0 1

Hey there - not sure if you found a solution to this yet, but we just launched - we're adding a few more stores to use it for free if you're interested. 

Best of luck with your store.

Shopify Partner
4 0 0

We did, 

We handle blocking honey, tagging orders with injections and provide email alerts on when/where your coupon code leaks.

1 0 0

im interested did you make it work.

New Member
8 0 0

@beryljacobson , we have absolutely solved the problem across multiple extensions (Honey, Wikibuy, etc), and multiple browsers.

Drop me a note to, or sign up at

Look forward to hearing from you!


2 0 0

Hi Matt, i just put my self on the waiting list. How long is the wait?

Shopify Partner
32 0 1

Hey @beryljacobson , have you solved this issue for your store?

We've actually built an app that stops Honey and other coupon extensions/sites from working and sharing your VIP codes.

Coupon Blocker™: Blocks auto-applying coupon extensions at your checkout.
Campaign Links™ + Scripts: Replace your coupon codes and inject offers into your pricing. No coupon codes = No leaks.
Smart Discounts™: Apply the smallest discount that gets each customer to convert - boosting AOV by net 14%.

Let me know if you'd like some more info!