How to change newsletter form style ( Shopify Dawn Theme )

How to change newsletter form style ( Shopify Dawn Theme )

Shopify Partner
419 1 71

Hello Everyone!

I am using the Shopify Dawn Theme. I want to change the newsletter form style. I want to have a newsletter form like the image below. Is it possible? Please help me. Thank you.


Website -

Password - Admin


What I want -


Screenshot 2024-12-30 225937.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
67 11 17

Hey @dreamtechzone_5 

I reviewed your store to understand your desired newsletter design. I will need to restructure it and add liquid code. If you provide collaborator access, I can design it for you.

For collaborator access, you need to provide me with the collaborator code.

Please Like & accept the solution.
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