How to create clickable multicolumn images on Publisher theme?

How to create clickable multicolumn images on Publisher theme?

New Member
4 0 0

Hi everyone,


I am currently using Publisher theme and I want to make my multicolumn images clickable. I found a few forum solutions but none of them worked with my code. There was one which made all images clickable and the ones without links were redirecting to the same page which I don't want. I need to allow my customers to click images and redirect them to specific pages and in some cases a few of my multicolumn images are supposed to link to themsleves meanig the photo opens just itself. This is the code I am currently having at multicolumn.liquid file:

{{ 'section-multicolumn.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-slider.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

{%- style -%}
  .section-{{ }}-padding {
    padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
    padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;

  @media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
    .section-{{ }}-padding {
      padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px;
      padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;
{%- endstyle -%}

{%- liquid
  assign columns_mobile_int = section.settings.columns_mobile | plus: 0
  assign show_mobile_slider = false
  if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile and section.blocks.size > columns_mobile_int
    assign show_mobile_slider = true

<div class="multicolumn color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient{% unless section.settings.background_style == 'none' and settings.text_boxes_border_thickness > 0 or settings.text_boxes_shadow_opacity > 0 %} background-{{ section.settings.background_style }}{% endunless %}{% if section.settings.title == blank %} no-heading{% endif %}">
    class="page-width section-{{ }}-padding isolate{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
    {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
    {% endif %}
    {%- unless section.settings.title == blank -%}
      <div class="title-wrapper-with-link title-wrapper--self-padded-mobile title-wrapper--no-top-margin">
        <h2 class="title inline-richtext {{ section.settings.heading_size }}">
          {{ section.settings.title }}
        {%- if section.settings.button_label != blank and show_mobile_slider -%}
          <a href="{{ section.settings.button_link }}" class="link underlined-link large-up-hide">
            {{- section.settings.button_label | escape -}}
        {%- endif -%}
    {%- endunless -%}
    <slider-component class="slider-mobile-gutter">
        class="multicolumn-list contains-content-container grid grid--{{ section.settings.columns_mobile }}-col-tablet-down grid--{{ section.settings.columns_desktop }}-col-desktop{% if show_mobile_slider %} slider slider--tablet grid--peek{% endif %}"
        id="Slider-{{ }}"
        {%- liquid
          assign highest_ratio = 0
          for block in section.blocks
            if block.settings.image.aspect_ratio > highest_ratio
              assign highest_ratio = block.settings.image.aspect_ratio
        {%- for block in section.blocks -%}
          {%- assign empty_column = '' -%}
          {%- if block.settings.image == blank
            and block.settings.title == blank
            and block.settings.text == blank
            and block.settings.link_label == blank
            {%- assign empty_column = ' multicolumn-list__item--empty' -%}
          {%- endif -%}

            id="Slide-{{ }}-{{ forloop.index }}"
            class="multicolumn-list__item grid__item{% if section.settings.swipe_on_mobile %} slider__slide{% endif %}{% if section.settings.column_alignment == 'center' %} center{% endif %}{{ empty_column }}{% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}"
            {{ block.shopify_attributes }}
            {% if settings.animations_reveal_on_scroll %}
              style="--animation-order: {{ forloop.index }};"
            {% endif %}
            <div class="multicolumn-card content-container">
              {%- if block.settings.image != blank -%}
                {% if section.settings.image_ratio == 'adapt' or section.settings.image_ratio == 'circle' %}
                  {% assign spaced_image = true %}
                {% endif %}
                <div class="multicolumn-card__image-wrapper multicolumn-card__image-wrapper--{{ section.settings.image_width }}-width{% if section.settings.image_width != 'full' or spaced_image %} multicolumn-card-spacing{% endif %}">
                    class="media media--transparent media--{{ section.settings.image_ratio }}"
                    {% if section.settings.image_ratio == 'adapt' %}
                      style="padding-bottom: {{ 1 | divided_by: highest_ratio | times: 100 }}%;"
                    {% endif %}
                    {%- liquid
                      assign number_of_columns = section.settings.columns_desktop
                      assign number_of_columns_mobile = section.settings.columns_mobile
                      assign grid_space_desktop = number_of_columns | minus: 1 | times: settings.spacing_grid_horizontal | plus: 100 | append: 'px'
                      assign grid_space_tablet = number_of_columns_mobile | minus: 1 | times: settings.spacing_grid_horizontal | plus: 100 | append: 'px'
                      assign grid_space_mobile = number_of_columns_mobile | minus: 1 | times: settings.spacing_grid_horizontal | divided_by: 2 | plus: 30 | append: 'px'
                      if section.settings.image_width == 'half'
                        assign image_width = 0.5
                      elsif section.settings.image_width == 'third'
                        assign image_width = 0.33
                        assign image_width = 1
                    {% capture sizes %}
                      (min-width: {{ settings.page_width }}px) calc(({{ settings.page_width }}px - {{ grid_space_desktop }}) * {{ image_width }} /  {{ number_of_columns }}),
                      (min-width: 990px) calc((100vw - {{ grid_space_desktop }}) * {{ image_width }} / {{ number_of_columns }}),
                      (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - {{ grid_space_tablet }}) * {{ image_width }} / {{ number_of_columns_mobile }}),
                      calc((100vw - {{ grid_space_mobile }}) * {{ image_width }} / {{ number_of_columns_mobile }})
                    {% endcapture %}
                      | image_url: width: 3200
                      | image_tag:
                        widths: '50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250, 2500, 2750, 3000, 3200',
                        sizes: sizes,
                        class: 'multicolumn-card__image'
              {%- endif -%}
              <div class="multicolumn-card__info">
                {%- if block.settings.title != blank -%}
                  <h4 class="inline-richtext">{{ block.settings.title }}</h4>
                {%- endif -%}
                {%- if block.settings.text != blank -%}
                  <div class="rte">{{ block.settings.text }}</div>
                {%- endif -%}
                {%- if block.settings.link_label != blank -%}
                    class="link animate-arrow"
                    {% if == blank %}
                      role="link" aria-disabled="true"
                    {% else %}
                      href="{{ }}"
                    {% endif %}
                    {{- block.settings.link_label | escape -}}
                    <span class="icon-wrap">&nbsp;{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span></a
                {%- endif -%}
        {%- endfor -%}

      {%- if show_mobile_slider -%}
        <div class="slider-buttons no-js-hidden large-up-hide">
            class="slider-button slider-button--prev"
            aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.previous_slide' | t }}"
            {% render 'icon-caret' %}
          <div class="slider-counter caption">
            <span class="slider-counter--current">1</span>
            <span aria-hidden="true"> / </span>
            <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.slider.of' | t }}</span>
            <span class="slider-counter--total">{{ section.blocks.size }}</span>
            class="slider-button slider-button--next"
            aria-label="{{ 'general.slider.next_slide' | t }}"
            {% render 'icon-caret' %}
      {%- endif -%}
    <div class="center{% if show_mobile_slider %} small-hide medium-hide{% endif %}">
      {%- if section.settings.button_label != blank -%}
          class="button button--primary"
          {% if section.settings.button_link == blank %}
            role="link" aria-disabled="true"
          {% else %}
            href="{{ section.settings.button_link }}"
          {% endif %}
          {{ section.settings.button_label | escape }}
      {%- endif -%}

{% schema %}
  "name": "",
  "class": "section",
  "tag": "section",
  "disabled_on": {
    "groups": ["header", "footer"]
  "settings": [
      "type": "inline_richtext",
      "id": "title",
      "default": "Multicolumn",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.title.label"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "heading_size",
      "options": [
          "value": "h2",
          "label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__1.label"
          "value": "h1",
          "label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__2.label"
          "value": "h0",
          "label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.options__3.label"
      "default": "h2",
      "label": "t:sections.all.heading_size.label"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "image_width",
      "options": [
          "value": "third",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_width.options__1.label"
          "value": "half",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_width.options__2.label"
          "value": "full",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_width.options__3.label"
      "default": "full",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_width.label"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "image_ratio",
      "options": [
          "value": "adapt",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_ratio.options__1.label"
          "value": "portrait",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_ratio.options__2.label"
          "value": "square",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_ratio.options__3.label"
          "value": "circle",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_ratio.options__4.label"
      "default": "adapt",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.image_ratio.label"
      "type": "range",
      "id": "columns_desktop",
      "min": 1,
      "max": 6,
      "step": 1,
      "default": 3,
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.columns_desktop.label"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "column_alignment",
      "options": [
          "value": "left",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.column_alignment.options__1.label"
          "value": "center",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.column_alignment.options__2.label"
      "default": "left",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.column_alignment.label"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "background_style",
      "options": [
          "value": "none",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.background_style.options__1.label"
          "value": "primary",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.background_style.options__2.label"
      "default": "primary",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.background_style.label"
      "type": "text",
      "id": "button_label",
      "default": "Button label",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.button_label.label"
      "type": "url",
      "id": "button_link",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.button_link.label"
      "type": "color_scheme",
      "id": "color_scheme",
      "label": "t:sections.all.colors.label",
      "default": "scheme-1"
      "type": "header",
      "content": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.header_mobile.content"
      "type": "select",
      "id": "columns_mobile",
      "options": [
          "value": "1",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.columns_mobile.options__1.label"
          "value": "2",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.columns_mobile.options__2.label"
      "default": "1",
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.columns_mobile.label"
      "type": "checkbox",
      "id": "swipe_on_mobile",
      "default": false,
      "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.settings.swipe_on_mobile.label"
      "type": "header",
      "content": "t:sections.all.padding.section_padding_heading"
      "type": "range",
      "id": "padding_top",
      "min": 0,
      "max": 100,
      "step": 4,
      "unit": "px",
      "label": "t:sections.all.padding.padding_top",
      "default": 36
      "type": "range",
      "id": "padding_bottom",
      "min": 0,
      "max": 100,
      "step": 4,
      "unit": "px",
      "label": "t:sections.all.padding.padding_bottom",
      "default": 36
  "blocks": [
      "type": "column",
      "name": "",
      "settings": [
          "type": "image_picker",
          "id": "image",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.blocks.column.settings.image.label"
          "type": "inline_richtext",
          "id": "title",
          "default": "Column",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.blocks.column.settings.title.label"
          "type": "richtext",
          "id": "text",
          "default": "<p>Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.</p>",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.blocks.column.settings.text.label"
          "type": "text",
          "id": "link_label",
          "label": "t:sections.multicolumn.blocks.column.settings.link_label.label"
          "type": "url",
          "id": "link",
          "label": ""
  "presets": [
      "name": "",
      "blocks": [
          "type": "column"
          "type": "column"
          "type": "column"
{% endschema %}
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
635 19 52

Hi @bakerboy,

You might want to explore the Easify Product Options app. It offers an Image Swatches option type, along with the handy Option URL feature, allowing you to attach links directly to images. I believe this feature aligns perfectly with your requirements, eliminating the need for any custom coding. Give it a try 🤗!

Easify Product Options: Any product options app can help you create custom options, but Easify turns those options into sales and conversions!
Easify Inventory Sync: Automate inventory syncing for Bundles, Duplicates, and Raw Materials. Say goodbye to manual tracking headaches.
Easify Product Attachments: Enrich your store with downloadable content. Easily add PDFs and other files to product or any page.
>>> Try Apps for Free | 24/7 Live Chat Support