How to create different tabs in the main menu?

How to create different tabs in the main menu?

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I want to create the Studio theme. Under Main Menu, I want to add the categories of the products, like Prints, Originals, Digital Painting etc and when user will click on those tab they will see different products according to the category, means they will see the Prints products and price under Prints tab, same for other categories. How to do that? Please see the reference screenshot below.





I want people to see and buy the Original Artwork from the Original tab under the main menu.


Please help. Thank you!

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Hi @jui-2020 
To make the function as you want, you must add a new section called products tab. So you have to add a lot of code in theme,
If you have not experience in code, you need to hire an expert, they can support you build the custom section.

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