How To Edit Dawn Theme Settings For the Mobile Layout

How To Edit Dawn Theme Settings For the Mobile Layout

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I am using the Dawn theme and I love the desktop version where in a slideshow section I have the text and the button on top of the image. However on the mobile version the text and button are stacked below the image and there is no option for me to edit the same. How can I make it look like in the desktop?


The Dawn theme page actually shows it the way I want, but I do not know how I can make it look like that.

Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 23.51.44.png

Thanks to whoever can help!


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
292 63 76

Hi @geethucmohan 

There is an option in Dawn theme in the section.
Click Slideshow (left side in below image), and then under Mobile Layout(right side in below image), check for Show content below images on mobile. You need to uncheck this option.




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