how to hide this one

how to hide this one

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Hi @niceeee, What theme do you use?

If our suggestions are useful, please let us know by giving it a like, marking it as a solution.

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veena theme

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1134 142 175

Hi @niceeee,

Please send me the code of facets.liquid file, I will check it for you

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303 4 25
{{ 'component-visual-display.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-show-more.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

{%- liquid
  assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by
  assign total_active_values = 0
  if results.url
    assign results_url = results.url
    assign terms = results.terms | escape
    assign results_url = '?q=' | append: terms | append: '&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&sort_by=' | append: sort_by
<div class="facets-container{% if filter_type == 'drawer' %} facets-container-drawer{% endif %}{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets-containerverticl{% endif %}">

{% comment %} category {% endcomment %}
{% if filter_type == 'vertical' and enable_fill_category == true %} 
<ul class="coll-filter-menu small-hide">
  {%- for link in -%}
      {%- if link.links != blank -%}
          <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="wbmenu-coll">
            <summary id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" class="header__menu-item  link focus-inset filter-menu-main toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="WebiHeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}">
              <span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
                {{- link.title | escape -}}
              {% render 'icon-caret' %}
            <ul id="WebiHeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" tabindex="-1" >
              {%- for childlink in link.links -%}
                  {%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
                    <a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}"
                      href="{{ childlink.url }}"
                      class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                      {% if childlink.current %}
                      {% endif %} >
                      {{ childlink.title | escape }}
                  {%- else -%}
                    <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderSubMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}">
                      <summary id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="WebiHeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}">
                        <span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
                        {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                      <ul id="WebiHeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" >
                        {%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
                            <a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}"
                              href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
                              class="header__menu-item  link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                              {% if grandchildlink.current %}
                              {% endif %} >
                              {{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
                        {%- endfor -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
              {%- endfor -%}
      {%- else -%}
        <a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset filter-menu-main"
          {% if link.current %} aria-current="page" {% endif %} >
          <span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
            {{- link.title | escape -}}
      {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} category end {% endcomment %}

  {%- if filter_type == 'vertical' or filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
    <facet-filters-form class="facets small-hide">
      <form id="FacetFiltersForm" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__form{% else %}facets__form-vertical{% endif %}{% unless enable_filtering %} wbdrawerfacet {% endunless %}">
        {%- if results.terms -%}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
          <input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
        {%- endif -%}
        {% if enable_filtering %}
          <div id="FacetsWrapperDesktop"{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %} class="facets__wrapper"{% endif %}>
            {%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' and results.filters != empty -%}
              <h2 class="facets__heading caption-large" id="verticalTitle" tabindex="-1">{{ 'products.facets.filter_by_label' | t }}</h2>
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- if filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
              <div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
                <div class="active-facets-vertical-filter">
                  {%- unless results.filters == empty -%}
                    <h2 class="facets__heading facets__heading--vertical caption-large" id="verticalTitle" tabindex="-1">{{ 'products.facets.filter_by_label' | t }}</h2>
                  {%- endunless -%}
                  <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper">
                    <a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a>
                {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
                  {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
                      <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                        <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                          {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }}
                          {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                          <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                  {%- endfor -%}
                  {% if filter.type == "price_range" %}
                    {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
                        <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                          <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                            {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}
                            {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                            <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {% endif %}
                {%- endfor -%}
            {%- endif -%}
            <script src="{{ 'show-more.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
            {% comment %} Filters for both horizontal and vertical filter {% endcomment %}
            {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
              {% liquid
                assign total_active_values = total_active_values | plus: filter.active_values.size
                case filter.presentation
                  when 'swatch'
                    assign has_visual_display = true
                    assign show_more_number = 15
                    assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-grid facets-layout-grid--' | append: filter.presentation
                    assign has_visual_display = false
                    assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-list'
                    assign show_more_number = 10
              {% case filter.type %}
              {% when 'boolean' or 'list' %}
                <details id="Details-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}disclosure-has-popup facets__disclosure{% else %} facets__disclosure-vertical{% endif %} js-filter" data-index="{{ forloop.index }}"{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} open{% endif %}>
                  <summary class="facets__summary caption-large focus-offset" aria-label="{{ filter.label }} ({{ '' | t: count: filter.active_values.size }})">
                      <span>{{ filter.label | escape }}{%- if filter_type == 'vertical' -%}<span class="facets__selected no-js-hidden{% if filter.active_values.size == 0 %} hidden{% endif %}"> ({{ filter.active_values.size }})</span>{% endif %}</span>
                      {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                  <div id="Facet-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="parent-display {% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__display{% else %}facets__display-vertical{% endif %}">
                    {%- if filter_type != 'vertical' -%}
                      <div class="facets__header">
                        <span class="facets__selected no-js-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.filters_selected' | t: count: filter.active_values.size }}</span>
                          <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="facets__reset link underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.reset' | t }}</a>
                    {%- endif -%}
                    <fieldset class="facets-wrap parent-wrap {% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets-wrap-vertical{% endif %}">
                      <legend class="visually-hidden">{{ filter.label | escape }}</legend>
                      <ul class="facetinside  {{ visual_layout_class }} {% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets__list--vertical{% else %} facets__list{% endif %} list-unstyled no-js-hidden {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltermain {% endif %}">
                        {%- for value in filter.values -%}
                          {% liquid
                            assign is_disabled = false
                            if value.count == 0 and == false
                              assign is_disabled = true
                          <li class="list-menu__item facets__item{% if forloop.index > show_more_number and filter_type == 'vertical' %} show-more-item hidden{% endif %}"
                          {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} data-title="{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})" {% endif %}>
                          <label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" class="facets__label facet-checkbox {% if is_disabled %} facet-checkbox--disabled disabled{% endif %}{% if has_visual_display %} visual-display-parent visual-display-parent--{{ filter.presentation }}{% endif %}{% if %} active{% endif %} {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltercolor {% endif %}">
                            {%- liquid
                                assign swatchfilename = value.label | handle | append: '.' | append: 'png'
                                assign swatchimage = swatchfilename | file_img_url: '50x50' | prepend: 'https:' | split: '?' | first
                                assign colorswatchvalue = value.label | downcase | replace: ' ', ''
                            <input type="checkbox" {% if filter.label == 'Color' %}style="background-color: {{ colorswatchvalue }};{% if images[swatchfilename] != blank %}  background-image: url({{ swatchimage }});{% endif %} z-index: unset"{% endif %} name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" {% if %}checked{% endif %} {% if is_disabled %}disabled{% endif %}>
                            {% if has_visual_display %}
                              <div class="facets__visual-display-wrapper">
                                {% render 'visual-display',
                                  type: value.display.type,
                                  value: value.display.value,
                                  presentation: filter.presentation
                            {% else %}
                                viewBox="0 0 16 16"
                                <rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect>
                                class="icon icon-checkmark"
                                viewBox="0 0 11 7"
                                <path d="M1.5 3.5L2.83333 4.75L4.16667 6L9.5 1"
                                  stroke-linejoin="round" />
                            {% endif %}
                            <span class="facet-checkbox__text" aria-hidden="true">
                              {{- value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})
                            <span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == 1 %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
                        {%- endfor -%}
                      {% comment %} No show more for no JS {% endcomment %}
                      <ul class="{% if filter_type != 'vertical' %} facets__list{% endif %} list-unstyled no-js">
                        {%- for value in filter.values -%}
                          <li class="list-menu__item facets__item">
                            <label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" class="facet-checkbox{% if value.count == 0 and == false %} facet-checkbox--disabled{% endif %}">
                              <input type="checkbox" name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" {% if %}checked{% endif %} {% if value.count == 0 and == false %}disabled{% endif %}>
                              <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect></svg>
                              {% render 'icon-checkmark' %}
                              <span aria-hidden="true">{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})</span>
                              <span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == 1 %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
                        {%- endfor -%}
                    {%- if filter.values.size > show_more_number and filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
                        <button class="focus-inset button-show-more link underlined-link no-js-hidden" id="Show-More-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" type="button">
                          <span class="label-show-more label-text"><span aria-hidden="true">+ </span>{{ 'products.facets.show_more' | t }}</span>
                          <span class="label-show-less label-text hidden"><span aria-hidden="true">- </span>{{ 'products.facets.show_less' | t }}</span>
                    {%- endif %}
              {% when 'price_range' %}
                {% liquid
                  assign currencies_using_comma_decimals = 'ANG,ARS,BRL,BYN,BYR,CLF,CLP,COP,CRC,CZK,DKK,EUR,HRK,HUF,IDR,ISK,MZN,NOK,PLN,RON,RUB,SEK,TRY,UYU,VES,VND' | split: ','
                  assign uses_comma_decimals = false
                  if currencies_using_comma_decimals contains cart.currency.iso_code
                    assign uses_comma_decimals = true
                <details id="Details-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}disclosure-has-popup facets__disclosure{% else %} facets__disclosure-vertical{% endif %} js-filter" data-index="{{ forloop.index }}"{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} open{% endif %}>
                  <summary class="facets__summary caption-large focus-offset"><div><span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</div></summary>
                  <div id="Facet-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__display{% else %}facets__display-vertical{% endif %}">
                    <div class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__header{% else %}facets__header-vertical{% endif %}">
                      {%- assign max_price_amount = filter.range_max | money | strip_html | escape -%}
                      <span class="facets__selected">{{ "products.facets.max_price" | t: price: max_price_amount }}</span>
                      {%- if filter_type != 'vertical' -%}
                        <facet-remove><a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="facets__reset link underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.reset' | t }}</a></facet-remove>
                      {%- endif -%}
                      <div class="number-slider">
                        <div class="field">
                            class="field__input rulerinput-min"
                            name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
                            id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                            {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                            {% else %}
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}
                          <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE">
                            {{- 'products.facets.from' | t -}}
                        <div class="field">
                            class="field__input rulerinput-max"
                            name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}"
                            id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
                            {% if filter.max_value.value %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                              {% else %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}
                          <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE">
                            {{- '' | t -}}

                      <div class="price-input range-slider">
                        <input class="field__input rulerinput-min" name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}" 
                        id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                          {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
                            {% else %}
                            {% endif %} 
                          type="range" min="0"
                          {% if uses_comma_decimals %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}>
                          <input class="field__input rulerinput-max" name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE" {% if filter.max_value.value %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %} {%- else -%}{%- if uses_comma_decimals -%}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %} {% endif %} type="range" min="0" {% if uses_comma_decimals %} max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}" {% else %} max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %}>
              {% endcase %}
            {%- endfor -%}
              <button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}</button>
          {% comment %} Pills after filtes on filter type horizontal {% endcomment %}
          {%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
            <div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
              {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
                {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
                    <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                      <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                        {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }}
                        {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                        <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                {%- endfor -%}
                {% if filter.type == "price_range" %}
                  {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
                      <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                        <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                          {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}
                          {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                          <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                  {%- endif -%}
                {% endif %}
              {%- endfor -%}
              <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
          {%- endif -%}
        {% endif %}
        {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
        {% endif %}
        {%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
          {% comment %} Sorting and product count are the last elements when filter type is horizontal {% endcomment %}
          {%- if enable_sorting -%}
            <div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
              <div class="facet-filters__field">
                <p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body"><label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label></p>
                <div class="select">
                  {%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
                  <select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                    {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                      <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                    {%- endfor -%}
                  {% render 'icon-caret' %}
              <noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
          {%- endif -%}
          <div class="product-count light" role="status">
            <h2 class="product-count__text">
              <span id="ProductCountDesktop">
                {%- if results.results_count -%}
                  {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }}
                {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%}
                  {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }}
                {%- else -%}
                  {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }}
                {%- endif -%}
            <div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
              <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns=""><circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle></svg>
        {%- endif -%}
    {% comment %} Sorting for vertical filter are grouped with filter when no JS{% endcomment %}
    {%- if enable_sorting and filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
      <facet-filters-form class="small-hide">
        <form class="no-js">
          <div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
            <div class="facet-filters__field">
              <p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body">
                <label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
              <div class="select">
                {%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
                <select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                  {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                    <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                  {%- endfor -%}
                {% render 'icon-caret' %}
            <noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
          {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
            <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
          {% endif %}
          {%- if results.terms -%}
            <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
            <input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
          {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}    
  {%- endif -%}
  {% comment %}  Drawer and mobile filter {% endcomment %}
  <menu-drawer class="mobile-facets__wrapper{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' or filter_type == 'vertical' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %} {% unless enable_filtering %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endunless %}" data-breakpoint="mobile">
    <details class="mobile-facets__disclosure disclosure-has-popup">
      <summary class="mobile-facets__open-wrapper focus-offset">
        <span class="mobile-facets__open{% if filter_type == 'drawer' and enable_filtering == false %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}">
          {% render 'icon-filter' %}
          <span class="mobile-facets__open-label button-label medium-hide large-up-hide">
            {%- if enable_filtering and enable_sorting -%}
              {{ 'products.facets.filter_and_sort' | t }}
            {%- elsif enable_filtering -%}
              {{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}
            {%- elsif enable_sorting -%}
              {{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}
            {%- endif -%}
          <span class="mobile-facets__open-label button-label small-hide">{%- if enable_filtering -%}{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}{%- endif -%}</span>
        <span tabindex="0" class="mobile-facets__close mobile-facets__close--no-js">{%- render 'icon-close' -%}</span>
        <form id="FacetFiltersFormMobile" class="mobile-facets">

          <div class="mobile-facets__inner gradient">
            <div class="mobile-facets__header">
              <div class="mobile-facets__header-inner">
                <h2 class="mobile-facets__heading medium-hide large-up-hide">
                  {%- if enable_filtering and enable_sorting -%}
                    {{ 'products.facets.filter_and_sort' | t }}
                  {%- elsif enable_filtering -%}
                    {{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}
                  {%- elsif enable_sorting -%}
                    {{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}
                  {%- endif -%}
                <h2 class="mobile-facets__heading small-hide">{%- if enable_filtering -%}{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}{%- endif -%}</h2>
                <p class="mobile-facets__count">
                    {%- if results.results_count -%}
                      {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }}
                    {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%}
                      {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }}
                    {%- endif -%}

            <div class="facet_mobile_scroll">
            {% comment %} category {% endcomment %}
              <ul class="coll-filter-menu">
                {%- for link in -%}
                    {%- if link.links != blank -%}
                        <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="wbmenu-coll">
                          <summary tabindex="0" id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" class="header__menu-item  link focus-inset filter-menu-main toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
                            <span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
                              {{- link.title | escape -}}
                            {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                          <ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" tabindex="-1" >
                            {%- for childlink in link.links -%}
                                {%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
                                  <a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}"
                                    href="{{ childlink.url }}"
                                    class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                                    {% if childlink.current %}
                                    {% endif %} >
                                    {{ childlink.title | escape }}
                                {%- else -%}
                                  <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderSubMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}">
                                    <summary tabindex="0" id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
                                      <span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
                                      {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                                    <ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" >
                                      {%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
                                          <a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}"
                                            href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
                                            class="header__menu-item  link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                                            {% if grandchildlink.current %}
                                            {% endif %} >
                                            {{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
                                      {%- endfor -%}
                                {%- endif -%}
                            {%- endfor -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      <a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset filter-menu-main"
                        {% if link.current %} aria-current="page" {% endif %} >
                        <span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
                          {{- link.title | escape -}}
                    {%- endif -%}
                {%- endfor -%}
              {% comment %} category end {% endcomment %}

            <div class="mobile-facets__main has-submenu gradient">
              {%- if enable_filtering -%}
                {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
                  {% liquid
                    case filter.presentation
                      when 'swatch'
                        assign has_visual_display = true
                        assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-grid facets-layout-grid--' | append: filter.presentation
                        assign has_visual_display = false
                        assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-list'
                  {% case filter.type %}
                  {% when 'boolean' or 'list' %}
                    <details id="Details-Mobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__details js-filter" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
                      <summary class="mobile-facets__summary focus-inset">
                          <span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>
                          <span class="mobile-facets__arrow no-js-hidden">{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
                          <noscript>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</noscript>
                      <div id="FacetMobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__submenu gradient">
                        <button class="mobile-facets__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true" type="button">
                          {% render 'icon-arrow' %}
                          {{ filter.label | escape }}
                        <ul class="{{ visual_layout_class }} mobile-facets__list list-unstyled {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltermain {% endif %}">
                          {%- for value in filter.values -%}
                            {% liquid
                              assign is_disabled = false
                              if value.count == 0 and == false
                                assign is_disabled = true
                             <li class="mobile-facets__item list-menu__item" {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} data-title="{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})" {% endif %}>

                              <label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-mobile-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mobile-facets__label{% if value.count == 0 and == false %} mobile-facets__label--disabled{% endif %} {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltercolor {% endif %}">
                                {%- liquid
                                  assign swatchfilename = value.label | handle | append: '.' | append: 'png'
                                  assign swatchimage = swatchfilename | file_img_url: '50x50' | prepend: 'https:' | split: '?' | first
                                  assign colorswatchvalue = value.label | downcase | replace: ' ', ''
                                <input class="mobile-facets__checkbox" type="checkbox" name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-mobile-{{ forloop.index }}"
                                  {% if %}checked{% endif %}
                                  {% if value.count == 0 and == false %}disabled{% endif %}
                                  {% if filter.label == 'Color' %}style="background-color: {{ colorswatchvalue }};{% if images[swatchfilename] != blank %}  background-image: url({{ swatchimage }});{% endif %} "{% endif %}>
                                <span class="mobile-facets__highlight"></span>
                                <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect></svg>
                                {% render 'icon-checkmark' %}

                                <span aria-hidden="true">{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})</span>
                                <span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == '1' %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
                          {%- endfor -%}
                        <div class="no-js-hidden mobile-facets__footer gradient">
                          <facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper">
                            <a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear' | t }}</a>
                          <button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()"><span>{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</span></button>
                          <noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript>
                  {% when 'price_range' %}
                    <details id="Details-Mobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__details js-filter" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
                    <summary class="mobile-facets__summary focus-inset">
                        <span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>
                        <span class="mobile-facets__arrow no-js-hidden">{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
                        <noscript>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</noscript>
                    <div id="FacetMobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__submenu gradient">
                      <button class="mobile-facets__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true" type="button">
                        {% render 'icon-arrow' %}
                        {{ filter.label | escape }}
                      {%- assign max_price_amount = filter.range_max | money | strip_html | escape -%}
                      <p class="mobile-facets__info">{{ "products.facets.max_price" | t: price: max_price_amount }}</p>

                        <div class="number-slider">
                          <div class="field">
                              class="field__input rulerinput-min"
                              name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
                              id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                              {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                                {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                  value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                                {% else %}
                                  value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                                {% endif %}
                              {% else %}
                              {% endif %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                            <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE">
                              {{- 'products.facets.from' | t -}}
                          <div class="field">
                              class="field__input rulerinput-max"
                              name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}"
                              id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
                              {% if filter.max_value.value %}
                                {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                  value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                                {% else %}
                                  value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                                {% endif %}
                                {% else %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                              {% endif %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                            <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE">
                              {{- '' | t -}}

                        <div class="price-input range-slider">
                          <input class="field__input rulerinput-min" name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}" 
                          id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                            {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
                              {% else %}
                              {% endif %} 
                            type="range" min="0"
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}>
                          <input class="field__input rulerinput-max" name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}" id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
                            {% if filter.max_value.value %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
                            {% else %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %}
                            {% endif %} type="range" min="0"
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals -%}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}>
                      <div class="no-js-hidden mobile-facets__footer"><facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear' | t }}</a></facet-remove>
                        <button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button>
                        <noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript>
                  {% endcase %}
                {%- endfor -%}
              {%- endif -%}
              {%- if enable_sorting -%}
                <div class="mobile-facets__details js-filter{% if filter_type == 'drawer' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
                  <div class="mobile-facets__summary">
                    <div class="mobile-facets__sort">
                      <label for="SortBy-mobile">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
                      <div class="select">
                        <select name="sort_by" class="select__select" id="SortBy-mobile" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                          {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                            <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                          {%- endfor -%}
                        {% render 'icon-caret' %}
              {%- endif -%}
              <div class="mobile-facets__footer"><facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</a></facet-remove><button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()"><span>{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</span></button><noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript></div></div>
            {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">{% endif %}{%- if results.terms -%}<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}"><input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">{%- endif -%}
  <div class="active-facets active-facets-mobile medium-hide large-up-hide">
    {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
      {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
          <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span></a>
      {%- endfor -%}
      {%- if filter.type == "price_range" -%}
        {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
          <facet-remove><a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"><span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">{%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}{% render 'icon-close-small' %}<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span></span></a></facet-remove>
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
  {% comment %} Sort, product count and filter pills at the end when filter is type of Drawer for the correct tabbing order {% endcomment %}
  {%- if enable_sorting and filter_type == 'drawer' -%}
    <facet-filters-form class="facets small-hide">
      <form id="FacetSortDrawerForm" class="facets__form">
        <div class="facet-filters sorting caption small-hide">
          <div class="facet-filters__field">
            <p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body"><label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label></p>
            <div class="select">
              {%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
              <select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                  <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                {%- endfor -%}
              {% render 'icon-caret' %}
          <noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
        {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
        {% endif %}
        {%- if results.terms -%}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
          <input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
        {%- endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
  <div class="product-count light{% if filter_type == 'vertical' or filter_type == 'horizontal' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}" role="status">
    <h2 class="product-count__text"><span id="ProductCount"> {%- if results.results_count -%} {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }} {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%} {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }} {%- else -%} {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }} {%- endif -%} </span></h2>
      <div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
      <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns=""><circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle></svg>
  {%- if filter_type == 'drawer' -%}
    <facet-filters-form class="facets facets-pill small-hide">
      <form id="FacetFiltersPillsForm" class="facets__form">
        <div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
          {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
            {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
                <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span> </a>
            {%- endfor -%}
            {%- if filter.type == "price_range" -%}
              {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
                  <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span> </a>
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
  {%- endif -%}
Shopify Partner
303 4 25

{{ 'component-visual-display.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-show-more.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

{%- liquid
assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by
assign total_active_values = 0
if results.url
assign results_url = results.url
assign terms = results.terms | escape
assign results_url = '?q=' | append: terms | append: '&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&sort_by=' | append: sort_by
<div class="facets-container{% if filter_type == 'drawer' %} facets-container-drawer{% endif %}{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets-containerverticl{% endif %}">

{% comment %} category {% endcomment %}
{% if filter_type == 'vertical' and enable_fill_category == true %}
<ul class="coll-filter-menu small-hide">
{%- for link in -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="wbmenu-coll">
<summary id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link focus-inset filter-menu-main toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="WebiHeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
{{- link.title | escape -}}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="WebiHeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" tabindex="-1" >
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}"
href="{{ childlink.url }}"
class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
{% if childlink.current %}
{% endif %} >
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderSubMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}">
<summary id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="WebiHeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}">
<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="WebiHeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" >
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}"
href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
{% if grandchildlink.current %}
{% endif %} >
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset filter-menu-main"
{% if link.current %} aria-current="page" {% endif %} >
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
{{- link.title | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} category end {% endcomment %}

{%- if filter_type == 'vertical' or filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
<facet-filters-form class="facets small-hide">
<form id="FacetFiltersForm" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__form{% else %}facets__form-vertical{% endif %}{% unless enable_filtering %} wbdrawerfacet {% endunless %}">
{%- if results.terms -%}
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
<input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
{%- endif -%}
{% if enable_filtering %}
<div id="FacetsWrapperDesktop"{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %} class="facets__wrapper"{% endif %}>
{%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' and results.filters != empty -%}
<h2 class="facets__heading caption-large" id="verticalTitle" tabindex="-1">{{ 'products.facets.filter_by_label' | t }}</h2>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
<div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
<div class="active-facets-vertical-filter">
{%- unless results.filters == empty -%}
<h2 class="facets__heading facets__heading--vertical caption-large" id="verticalTitle" tabindex="-1">{{ 'products.facets.filter_by_label' | t }}</h2>
{%- endunless -%}
<facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper">
<a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a>
{%- for filter in results.filters -%}
{%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
<a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
<span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
{{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }}
{% render 'icon-close-small' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
{%- endfor -%}
{% if filter.type == "price_range" %}
{%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
<a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
<span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
{%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}
{% render 'icon-close-small' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
<script src="{{ 'show-more.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{% comment %} Filters for both horizontal and vertical filter {% endcomment %}
{%- for filter in results.filters -%}
{% liquid
assign total_active_values = total_active_values | plus: filter.active_values.size
case filter.presentation
when 'swatch'
assign has_visual_display = true
assign show_more_number = 15
assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-grid facets-layout-grid--' | append: filter.presentation
assign has_visual_display = false
assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-list'
assign show_more_number = 10
{% case filter.type %}
{% when 'boolean' or 'list' %}
<details id="Details-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}disclosure-has-popup facets__disclosure{% else %} facets__disclosure-vertical{% endif %} js-filter" data-index="{{ forloop.index }}"{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} open{% endif %}>
<summary class="facets__summary caption-large focus-offset" aria-label="{{ filter.label }} ({{ '' | t: count: filter.active_values.size }})">
<span>{{ filter.label | escape }}{%- if filter_type == 'vertical' -%}<span class="facets__selected no-js-hidden{% if filter.active_values.size == 0 %} hidden{% endif %}"> ({{ filter.active_values.size }})</span>{% endif %}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="Facet-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="parent-display {% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__display{% else %}facets__display-vertical{% endif %}">
{%- if filter_type != 'vertical' -%}
<div class="facets__header">
<span class="facets__selected no-js-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.filters_selected' | t: count: filter.active_values.size }}</span>
<a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="facets__reset link underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.reset' | t }}</a>
{%- endif -%}
<fieldset class="facets-wrap parent-wrap {% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets-wrap-vertical{% endif %}">
<legend class="visually-hidden">{{ filter.label | escape }}</legend>
<ul class="facetinside {{ visual_layout_class }} {% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets__list--vertical{% else %} facets__list{% endif %} list-unstyled no-js-hidden {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltermain {% endif %}">
{%- for value in filter.values -%}
{% liquid
assign is_disabled = false
if value.count == 0 and == false
assign is_disabled = true
<li class="list-menu__item facets__item{% if forloop.index > show_more_number and filter_type == 'vertical' %} show-more-item hidden{% endif %}"
{% if filter.label == 'Color' %} data-title="{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})" {% endif %}>
<label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" class="facets__label facet-checkbox {% if is_disabled %} facet-checkbox--disabled disabled{% endif %}{% if has_visual_display %} visual-display-parent visual-display-parent--{{ filter.presentation }}{% endif %}{% if %} active{% endif %} {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltercolor {% endif %}">
{%- liquid
assign swatchfilename = value.label | handle | append: '.' | append: 'png'
assign swatchimage = swatchfilename | file_img_url: '50x50' | prepend: 'https:' | split: '?' | first
assign colorswatchvalue = value.label | downcase | replace: ' ', ''
<input type="checkbox" {% if filter.label == 'Color' %}style="background-color: {{ colorswatchvalue }};{% if images[swatchfilename] != blank %} background-image: url({{ swatchimage }});{% endif %} z-index: unset"{% endif %} name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" {% if %}checked{% endif %} {% if is_disabled %}disabled{% endif %}>
{% if has_visual_display %}
<div class="facets__visual-display-wrapper">
{% render 'visual-display',
type: value.display.type,
value: value.display.value,
presentation: filter.presentation
{% else %}
viewBox="0 0 16 16"
<rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect>
class="icon icon-checkmark"
viewBox="0 0 11 7"
<path d="M1.5 3.5L2.83333 4.75L4.16667 6L9.5 1"
stroke-linejoin="round" />
{% endif %}
<span class="facet-checkbox__text" aria-hidden="true">
{{- value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == 1 %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
{%- endfor -%}
{% comment %} No show more for no JS {% endcomment %}
<ul class="{% if filter_type != 'vertical' %} facets__list{% endif %} list-unstyled no-js">
{%- for value in filter.values -%}
<li class="list-menu__item facets__item">
<label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" class="facet-checkbox{% if value.count == 0 and == false %} facet-checkbox--disabled{% endif %}">
<input type="checkbox" name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" {% if %}checked{% endif %} {% if value.count == 0 and == false %}disabled{% endif %}>
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect></svg>
{% render 'icon-checkmark' %}
<span aria-hidden="true">{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})</span>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == 1 %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if filter.values.size > show_more_number and filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
<button class="focus-inset button-show-more link underlined-link no-js-hidden" id="Show-More-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" type="button">
<span class="label-show-more label-text"><span aria-hidden="true">+ </span>{{ 'products.facets.show_more' | t }}</span>
<span class="label-show-less label-text hidden"><span aria-hidden="true">- </span>{{ 'products.facets.show_less' | t }}</span>
{%- endif %}
{% when 'price_range' %}
{% liquid
assign currencies_using_comma_decimals = 'ANG,ARS,BRL,BYN,BYR,CLF,CLP,COP,CRC,CZK,DKK,EUR,HRK,HUF,IDR,ISK,MZN,NOK,PLN,RON,RUB,SEK,TRY,UYU,VES,VND' | split: ','
assign uses_comma_decimals = false
if currencies_using_comma_decimals contains cart.currency.iso_code
assign uses_comma_decimals = true
<details id="Details-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}disclosure-has-popup facets__disclosure{% else %} facets__disclosure-vertical{% endif %} js-filter" data-index="{{ forloop.index }}"{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} open{% endif %}>
<summary class="facets__summary caption-large focus-offset"><div><span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</div></summary>
<div id="Facet-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__display{% else %}facets__display-vertical{% endif %}">
<div class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__header{% else %}facets__header-vertical{% endif %}">
{%- assign max_price_amount = filter.range_max | money | strip_html | escape -%}
<span class="facets__selected">{{ "products.facets.max_price" | t: price: max_price_amount }}</span>
{%- if filter_type != 'vertical' -%}
<facet-remove><a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="facets__reset link underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.reset' | t }}</a></facet-remove>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="number-slider">
<div class="field">
class="field__input rulerinput-min"
name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
{% if filter.min_value.value %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
<label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE">
{{- 'products.facets.from' | t -}}
<div class="field">
class="field__input rulerinput-max"
name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}"
id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
{% if filter.max_value.value %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
<label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE">
{{- '' | t -}}

<div class="price-input range-slider">
<input class="field__input rulerinput-min" name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
{% if filter.min_value.value %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
type="range" min="0"
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}>
<input class="field__input rulerinput-max" name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE" {% if filter.max_value.value %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %} {%- else -%}{%- if uses_comma_decimals -%}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %} {% endif %} type="range" min="0" {% if uses_comma_decimals %} max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}" {% else %} max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %}>
{% endcase %}
{%- endfor -%}
<button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}</button>
{% comment %} Pills after filtes on filter type horizontal {% endcomment %}
{%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
<div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
{%- for filter in results.filters -%}
{%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
<a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
<span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
{{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }}
{% render 'icon-close-small' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
{%- endfor -%}
{% if filter.type == "price_range" %}
{%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
<a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
<span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
{%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}
{% render 'icon-close-small' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
<facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
{% endif %}
{%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
{% comment %} Sorting and product count are the last elements when filter type is horizontal {% endcomment %}
{%- if enable_sorting -%}
<div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
<div class="facet-filters__field">
<p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body"><label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label></p>
<div class="select">
{%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
<select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
{%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
<option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
{%- endfor -%}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="product-count light" role="status">
<h2 class="product-count__text">
<span id="ProductCountDesktop">
{%- if results.results_count -%}
{{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }}
{%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%}
{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }}
{%- else -%}
{{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns=""><circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle></svg>
{%- endif -%}
{% comment %} Sorting for vertical filter are grouped with filter when no JS{% endcomment %}
{%- if enable_sorting and filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
<facet-filters-form class="small-hide">
<form class="no-js">
<div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
<div class="facet-filters__field">
<p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body">
<label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
<div class="select">
{%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
<select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
{%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
<option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
{%- endfor -%}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
{% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
{% endif %}
{%- if results.terms -%}
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
<input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% comment %} Drawer and mobile filter {% endcomment %}
<menu-drawer class="mobile-facets__wrapper{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' or filter_type == 'vertical' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %} {% unless enable_filtering %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endunless %}" data-breakpoint="mobile">
<details class="mobile-facets__disclosure disclosure-has-popup">
<summary class="mobile-facets__open-wrapper focus-offset">
<span class="mobile-facets__open{% if filter_type == 'drawer' and enable_filtering == false %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}">
{% render 'icon-filter' %}
<span class="mobile-facets__open-label button-label medium-hide large-up-hide">
{%- if enable_filtering and enable_sorting -%}
{{ 'products.facets.filter_and_sort' | t }}
{%- elsif enable_filtering -%}
{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}
{%- elsif enable_sorting -%}
{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
<span class="mobile-facets__open-label button-label small-hide">{%- if enable_filtering -%}{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}{%- endif -%}</span>
<span tabindex="0" class="mobile-facets__close mobile-facets__close--no-js">{%- render 'icon-close' -%}</span>
<form id="FacetFiltersFormMobile" class="mobile-facets">

<div class="mobile-facets__inner gradient">
<div class="mobile-facets__header">
<div class="mobile-facets__header-inner">
<h2 class="mobile-facets__heading medium-hide large-up-hide">
{%- if enable_filtering and enable_sorting -%}
{{ 'products.facets.filter_and_sort' | t }}
{%- elsif enable_filtering -%}
{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}
{%- elsif enable_sorting -%}
{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
<h2 class="mobile-facets__heading small-hide">{%- if enable_filtering -%}{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}{%- endif -%}</h2>
<p class="mobile-facets__count">
{%- if results.results_count -%}
{{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }}
{%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%}
{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }}
{%- else -%}
{{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }}
{%- endif -%}

<div class="facet_mobile_scroll">
{% comment %} category {% endcomment %}
<ul class="coll-filter-menu">
{%- for link in -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="wbmenu-coll">
<summary tabindex="0" id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link focus-inset filter-menu-main toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
{{- link.title | escape -}}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" tabindex="-1" >
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}"
href="{{ childlink.url }}"
class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
{% if childlink.current %}
{% endif %} >
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderSubMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}">
<summary tabindex="0" id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" >
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}"
href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
{% if grandchildlink.current %}
{% endif %} >
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset filter-menu-main"
{% if link.current %} aria-current="page" {% endif %} >
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
{{- link.title | escape -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% comment %} category end {% endcomment %}

<div class="mobile-facets__main has-submenu gradient">
{%- if enable_filtering -%}
{%- for filter in results.filters -%}
{% liquid
case filter.presentation
when 'swatch'
assign has_visual_display = true
assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-grid facets-layout-grid--' | append: filter.presentation
assign has_visual_display = false
assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-list'
{% case filter.type %}
{% when 'boolean' or 'list' %}
<details id="Details-Mobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__details js-filter" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="mobile-facets__summary focus-inset">
<span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>
<span class="mobile-facets__arrow no-js-hidden">{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
<noscript>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</noscript>
<div id="FacetMobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__submenu gradient">
<button class="mobile-facets__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true" type="button">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ filter.label | escape }}
<ul class="{{ visual_layout_class }} mobile-facets__list list-unstyled {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltermain {% endif %}">
{%- for value in filter.values -%}
{% liquid
assign is_disabled = false
if value.count == 0 and == false
assign is_disabled = true
<li class="mobile-facets__item list-menu__item" {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} data-title="{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})" {% endif %}>

<label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-mobile-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mobile-facets__label{% if value.count == 0 and == false %} mobile-facets__label--disabled{% endif %} {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltercolor {% endif %}">

{%- liquid
assign swatchfilename = value.label | handle | append: '.' | append: 'png'
assign swatchimage = swatchfilename | file_img_url: '50x50' | prepend: 'https:' | split: '?' | first
assign colorswatchvalue = value.label | downcase | replace: ' ', ''
<input class="mobile-facets__checkbox" type="checkbox" name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-mobile-{{ forloop.index }}"
{% if %}checked{% endif %}
{% if value.count == 0 and == false %}disabled{% endif %}
{% if filter.label == 'Color' %}style="background-color: {{ colorswatchvalue }};{% if images[swatchfilename] != blank %} background-image: url({{ swatchimage }});{% endif %} "{% endif %}>
<span class="mobile-facets__highlight"></span>
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect></svg>
{% render 'icon-checkmark' %}

<span aria-hidden="true">{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})</span>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == '1' %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
{%- endfor -%}
<div class="no-js-hidden mobile-facets__footer gradient">
<facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper">
<a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear' | t }}</a>
<button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()"><span>{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</span></button>
<noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript>
{% when 'price_range' %}
<details id="Details-Mobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__details js-filter" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="mobile-facets__summary focus-inset">
<span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>
<span class="mobile-facets__arrow no-js-hidden">{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
<noscript>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</noscript>
<div id="FacetMobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__submenu gradient">
<button class="mobile-facets__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true" type="button">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ filter.label | escape }}
{%- assign max_price_amount = filter.range_max | money | strip_html | escape -%}
<p class="mobile-facets__info">{{ "products.facets.max_price" | t: price: max_price_amount }}</p>

<div class="number-slider">
<div class="field">
class="field__input rulerinput-min"
name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
{% if filter.min_value.value %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
<label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE">
{{- 'products.facets.from' | t -}}
<div class="field">
class="field__input rulerinput-max"
name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}"
id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
{% if filter.max_value.value %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}
<label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE">
{{- '' | t -}}

<div class="price-input range-slider">
<input class="field__input rulerinput-min" name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
{% if filter.min_value.value %}
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
type="range" min="0"
{% if uses_comma_decimals %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}>
<input class="field__input rulerinput-max" name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}" id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
{% if filter.max_value.value %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
{% else %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %}
{% endif %} type="range" min="0"
{% if uses_comma_decimals -%}
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
{% else %}
max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
{% endif %}>
<div class="no-js-hidden mobile-facets__footer"><facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear' | t }}</a></facet-remove>
<button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button>
<noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript>
{% endcase %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if enable_sorting -%}
<div class="mobile-facets__details js-filter{% if filter_type == 'drawer' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
<div class="mobile-facets__summary">
<div class="mobile-facets__sort">
<label for="SortBy-mobile">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
<div class="select">
<select name="sort_by" class="select__select" id="SortBy-mobile" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
{%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
<option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
{%- endfor -%}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="mobile-facets__footer"><facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</a></facet-remove><button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()"><span>{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</span></button><noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript></div></div>
{% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">{% endif %}{%- if results.terms -%}<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}"><input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">{%- endif -%}
<div class="active-facets active-facets-mobile medium-hide large-up-hide">
{%- for filter in results.filters -%}
{%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
<a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span></a>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if filter.type == "price_range" -%}
{%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
<facet-remove><a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"><span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">{%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}{% render 'icon-close-small' %}<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span></span></a></facet-remove>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
{% comment %} Sort, product count and filter pills at the end when filter is type of Drawer for the correct tabbing order {% endcomment %}
{%- if enable_sorting and filter_type == 'drawer' -%}
<facet-filters-form class="facets small-hide">
<form id="FacetSortDrawerForm" class="facets__form">
<div class="facet-filters sorting caption small-hide">
<div class="facet-filters__field">
<p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body"><label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label></p>
<div class="select">
{%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
<select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
{%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
<option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
{%- endfor -%}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
{% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
{% endif %}
{%- if results.terms -%}
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
<input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="product-count light{% if filter_type == 'vertical' or filter_type == 'horizontal' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}" role="status">
<h2 class="product-count__text"><span id="ProductCount"> {%- if results.results_count -%} {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }} {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%} {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }} {%- else -%} {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }} {%- endif -%} </span></h2>
<div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns=""><circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle></svg>
{%- if filter_type == 'drawer' -%}
<facet-filters-form class="facets facets-pill small-hide">
<form id="FacetFiltersPillsForm" class="facets__form">
<div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
{%- for filter in results.filters -%}
{%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
<a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span> </a>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if filter.type == "price_range" -%}
{%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
<a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span> </a>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
{%- endif -%}

Shopify Partner
1134 142 175

Hi @niceeee,

Please change all code:

{{ 'component-visual-display.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-show-more.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}

{%- liquid
  assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by
  assign total_active_values = 0
  if results.url
    assign results_url = results.url
    assign terms = results.terms | escape
    assign results_url = '?q=' | append: terms | append: '&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&sort_by=' | append: sort_by
<div class="facets-container{% if filter_type == 'drawer' %} facets-container-drawer{% endif %}{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets-containerverticl{% endif %}">

{% comment %} category {% endcomment %}
{% if filter_type == 'vertical' and enable_fill_category == true %} 
<ul class="coll-filter-menu small-hide">
  {%- for link in -%}
      {%- if link.links != blank -%}
          <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="wbmenu-coll">
            <summary id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" class="header__menu-item  link focus-inset filter-menu-main toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="WebiHeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}">
              <span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
                {{- link.title | escape -}}
              {% render 'icon-caret' %}
            <ul id="WebiHeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" tabindex="-1" >
              {%- for childlink in link.links -%}
                  {%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
                    <a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}"
                      href="{{ childlink.url }}"
                      class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                      {% if childlink.current %}
                      {% endif %} >
                      {{ childlink.title | escape }}
                  {%- else -%}
                    <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderSubMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}">
                      <summary id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="WebiHeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}">
                        <span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
                        {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                      <ul id="WebiHeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" >
                        {%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
                            <a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}"
                              href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
                              class="header__menu-item  link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                              {% if grandchildlink.current %}
                              {% endif %} >
                              {{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
                        {%- endfor -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
              {%- endfor -%}
      {%- else -%}
        <a id="WebiHeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset filter-menu-main"
          {% if link.current %} aria-current="page" {% endif %} >
          <span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
            {{- link.title | escape -}}
      {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} category end {% endcomment %}

  {%- if filter_type == 'vertical' or filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
    <facet-filters-form class="facets small-hide">
      <form id="FacetFiltersForm" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__form{% else %}facets__form-vertical{% endif %}{% unless enable_filtering %} wbdrawerfacet {% endunless %}">
        {%- if results.terms -%}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
          <input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
        {%- endif -%}
        {% if enable_filtering %}
          <div id="FacetsWrapperDesktop"{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %} class="facets__wrapper"{% endif %}>
            {%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' and results.filters != empty -%}
              <h2 class="facets__heading caption-large" id="verticalTitle" tabindex="-1">{{ 'products.facets.filter_by_label' | t }}</h2>
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- if filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
              <div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
                <div class="active-facets-vertical-filter">
                  {%- unless results.filters == empty -%}
                    <h2 class="facets__heading facets__heading--vertical caption-large" id="verticalTitle" tabindex="-1">{{ 'products.facets.filter_by_label' | t }}</h2>
                  {%- endunless -%}
                  <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper">
                    <a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a>
                {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
                  {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
                      <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                        <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                          {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }}
                          {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                          <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                  {%- endfor -%}
                  {% if filter.type == "price_range" %}
                    {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
                        <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                          <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                            {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}
                            {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                            <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {% endif %}
                {%- endfor -%}
            {%- endif -%}
            <script src="{{ 'show-more.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
            {% comment %} Filters for both horizontal and vertical filter {% endcomment %}
            {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
              {% liquid
                assign total_active_values = total_active_values | plus: filter.active_values.size
                case filter.presentation
                  when 'swatch'
                    assign has_visual_display = true
                    assign show_more_number = 15
                    assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-grid facets-layout-grid--' | append: filter.presentation
                    assign has_visual_display = false
                    assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-list'
                    assign show_more_number = 10
              {% case filter.type %}
              {% when 'boolean' or 'list' %}
                <details id="Details-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}disclosure-has-popup facets__disclosure{% else %} facets__disclosure-vertical{% endif %} js-filter" data-index="{{ forloop.index }}"{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} open{% endif %}>
                  <summary class="facets__summary caption-large focus-offset" aria-label="{{ filter.label }} ({{ '' | t: count: filter.active_values.size }})">
                      <span>{{ filter.label | escape }}{%- if filter_type == 'vertical' -%}<span class="facets__selected no-js-hidden{% if filter.active_values.size == 0 %} hidden{% endif %}"> ({{ filter.active_values.size }})</span>{% endif %}</span>
                      {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                  <div id="Facet-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="parent-display {% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__display{% else %}facets__display-vertical{% endif %}">
                    {%- if filter_type != 'vertical' -%}
                      <div class="facets__header">
                        <span class="facets__selected no-js-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.filters_selected' | t: count: filter.active_values.size }}</span>
                          <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="facets__reset link underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.reset' | t }}</a>
                    {%- endif -%}
                    <fieldset class="facets-wrap parent-wrap {% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets-wrap-vertical{% endif %}">
                      <legend class="visually-hidden">{{ filter.label | escape }}</legend>
                      <ul class="facetinside  {{ visual_layout_class }} {% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} facets__list--vertical{% else %} facets__list{% endif %} list-unstyled no-js-hidden {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltermain {% endif %}">
                        {%- for value in filter.values -%}
                          {% liquid
                            assign is_disabled = false
                            if value.count == 0 and == false
                              assign is_disabled = true
                          <li class="list-menu__item facets__item{% if forloop.index > show_more_number and filter_type == 'vertical' %} show-more-item hidden{% endif %}"
                          {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} data-title="{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})" {% endif %}>
                          <label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" class="facets__label facet-checkbox {% if is_disabled %} facet-checkbox--disabled disabled{% endif %}{% if has_visual_display %} visual-display-parent visual-display-parent--{{ filter.presentation }}{% endif %}{% if %} active{% endif %} {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltercolor {% endif %}">
                            {%- liquid
                                assign swatchfilename = value.label | handle | append: '.' | append: 'png'
                                assign swatchimage = swatchfilename | file_img_url: '50x50' | prepend: 'https:' | split: '?' | first
                                assign colorswatchvalue = value.label | downcase | replace: ' ', ''
                            <input type="checkbox" {% if filter.label == 'Color' %}style="background-color: {{ colorswatchvalue }};{% if images[swatchfilename] != blank %}  background-image: url({{ swatchimage }});{% endif %} z-index: unset"{% endif %} name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" {% if %}checked{% endif %} {% if is_disabled %}disabled{% endif %}>
                            {% if has_visual_display %}
                              <div class="facets__visual-display-wrapper">
                                {% render 'visual-display',
                                  type: value.display.type,
                                  value: value.display.value,
                                  presentation: filter.presentation
                            {% else %}
                                viewBox="0 0 16 16"
                                <rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect>
                                class="icon icon-checkmark"
                                viewBox="0 0 11 7"
                                <path d="M1.5 3.5L2.83333 4.75L4.16667 6L9.5 1"
                                  stroke-linejoin="round" />
                            {% endif %}
                            <span class="facet-checkbox__text" aria-hidden="true">
                              {{- value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})
                            <span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == 1 %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
                        {%- endfor -%}
                      {% comment %} No show more for no JS {% endcomment %}
                      <ul class="{% if filter_type != 'vertical' %} facets__list{% endif %} list-unstyled no-js">
                        {%- for value in filter.values -%}
                          <li class="list-menu__item facets__item">
                            <label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" class="facet-checkbox{% if value.count == 0 and == false %} facet-checkbox--disabled{% endif %}">
                              <input type="checkbox" name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-{{ forloop.index }}" {% if %}checked{% endif %} {% if value.count == 0 and == false %}disabled{% endif %}>
                              <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect></svg>
                              {% render 'icon-checkmark' %}
                              <span aria-hidden="true">{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})</span>
                              <span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }} ({% if value.count == 1 %}{{ '' | t: count: value.count }}{% else %}{{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple.other' | t: count: value.count }}{% endif %})</span>
                        {%- endfor -%}
                    {%- if filter.values.size > show_more_number and filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
                        <button class="focus-inset button-show-more link underlined-link no-js-hidden" id="Show-More-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" type="button">
                          <span class="label-show-more label-text"><span aria-hidden="true">+ </span>{{ 'products.facets.show_more' | t }}</span>
                          <span class="label-show-less label-text hidden"><span aria-hidden="true">- </span>{{ 'products.facets.show_less' | t }}</span>
                    {%- endif %}
              {% when 'price_range' %}
                {% liquid
                  assign currencies_using_comma_decimals = 'ANG,ARS,BRL,BYN,BYR,CLF,CLP,COP,CRC,CZK,DKK,EUR,HRK,HUF,IDR,ISK,MZN,NOK,PLN,RON,RUB,SEK,TRY,UYU,VES,VND' | split: ','
                  assign uses_comma_decimals = false
                  if currencies_using_comma_decimals contains cart.currency.iso_code
                    assign uses_comma_decimals = true
                <details id="Details-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}disclosure-has-popup facets__disclosure{% else %} facets__disclosure-vertical{% endif %} js-filter" data-index="{{ forloop.index }}"{% if filter_type == 'vertical' %} open{% endif %}>
                  <summary class="facets__summary caption-large focus-offset"><div><span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</div></summary>
                  <div id="Facet-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__display{% else %}facets__display-vertical{% endif %}">
                    <div class="{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' %}facets__header{% else %}facets__header-vertical{% endif %}">
                      {%- assign max_price_amount = filter.range_max | money | strip_html | escape -%}
                      <span class="facets__selected">{{ "products.facets.max_price" | t: price: max_price_amount }}</span>
                      {%- if filter_type != 'vertical' -%}
                        <facet-remove><a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="facets__reset link underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.reset' | t }}</a></facet-remove>
                      {%- endif -%}
                      <div class="number-slider">
                        <div class="field">
                            class="field__input rulerinput-min"
                            name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
                            id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                            {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                            {% else %}
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}
                          <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE">
                            {{- 'products.facets.from' | t -}}
                        <div class="field">
                            class="field__input rulerinput-max"
                            name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}"
                            id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
                            {% if filter.max_value.value %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                              {% else %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}
                          <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE">
                            {{- '' | t -}}

                      <div class="price-input range-slider">
                        <input class="field__input rulerinput-min" name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}" 
                        id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                          {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                              value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
                            {% else %}
                            {% endif %} 
                          type="range" min="0"
                          {% if uses_comma_decimals %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}>
                          <input class="field__input rulerinput-max" name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE" {% if filter.max_value.value %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %} {%- else -%}{%- if uses_comma_decimals -%}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %} {% endif %} type="range" min="0" {% if uses_comma_decimals %} max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}" {% else %} max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %}>
              {% endcase %}
            {%- endfor -%}
              <button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}</button>
          {% comment %} Pills after filtes on filter type horizontal {% endcomment %}
          {%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
            <div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
              {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
                {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
                    <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                      <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                        {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }}
                        {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                        <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                {%- endfor -%}
                {% if filter.type == "price_range" %}
                  {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
                      <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light">
                        <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">
                          {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}
                          {% render 'icon-close-small' %}
                          <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span>
                  {%- endif -%}
                {% endif %}
              {%- endfor -%}
              <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
          {%- endif -%}
        {% endif %}
        {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
        {% endif %}
        {%- if filter_type == 'horizontal' -%}
          {% comment %} Sorting and product count are the last elements when filter type is horizontal {% endcomment %}
          {%- if enable_sorting -%}
            <div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
              <div class="facet-filters__field">
                <p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body"><label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label></p>
                <div class="select">
                  {%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
                  <select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                    {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                      <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                    {%- endfor -%}
                  {% render 'icon-caret' %}
              <noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
          {%- endif -%}
          <div class="product-count light" role="status">
            <h2 class="product-count__text">
              <span id="ProductCountDesktop">
                {%- if results.results_count -%}
                  {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }}
                {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%}
                  {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }}
                {%- else -%}
                  {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }}
                {%- endif -%}
            <div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
              <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns=""><circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle></svg>
        {%- endif -%}
    {% comment %} Sorting for vertical filter are grouped with filter when no JS{% endcomment %}
    {%- if enable_sorting and filter_type == 'vertical' -%}
      <facet-filters-form class="small-hide">
        <form class="no-js">
          <div class="facet-filters sorting caption">
            <div class="facet-filters__field">
              <p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body">
                <label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
              <div class="select">
                {%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
                <select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                  {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                    <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                  {%- endfor -%}
                {% render 'icon-caret' %}
            <noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
          {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
            <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
          {% endif %}
          {%- if results.terms -%}
            <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
            <input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
          {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}    
  {%- endif -%}
  {% comment %}  Drawer and mobile filter {% endcomment %}
  <menu-drawer class="mobile-facets__wrapper{% if filter_type == 'horizontal' or filter_type == 'vertical' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %} {% unless enable_filtering %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endunless %}" data-breakpoint="mobile">
    <details class="mobile-facets__disclosure disclosure-has-popup">
      <summary class="mobile-facets__open-wrapper focus-offset">
        <span class="mobile-facets__open{% if filter_type == 'drawer' and enable_filtering == false %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}">
          {% render 'icon-filter' %}
          <span class="mobile-facets__open-label button-label medium-hide large-up-hide">
            {%- if enable_filtering and enable_sorting -%}
              {{ 'products.facets.filter_and_sort' | t }}
            {%- elsif enable_filtering -%}
              {{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}
            {%- elsif enable_sorting -%}
              {{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}
            {%- endif -%}
          <span class="mobile-facets__open-label button-label small-hide">{%- if enable_filtering -%}{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}{%- endif -%}</span>
        <span tabindex="0" class="mobile-facets__close mobile-facets__close--no-js">{%- render 'icon-close' -%}</span>
        <form id="FacetFiltersFormMobile" class="mobile-facets">

          <div class="mobile-facets__inner gradient">
            <div class="mobile-facets__header">
              <div class="mobile-facets__header-inner">
                <h2 class="mobile-facets__heading medium-hide large-up-hide">
                  {%- if enable_filtering and enable_sorting -%}
                    {{ 'products.facets.filter_and_sort' | t }}
                  {%- elsif enable_filtering -%}
                    {{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}
                  {%- elsif enable_sorting -%}
                    {{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}
                  {%- endif -%}
                <h2 class="mobile-facets__heading small-hide">{%- if enable_filtering -%}{{ 'products.facets.filter_button' | t }}{%- endif -%}</h2>
                <p class="mobile-facets__count">
                    {%- if results.results_count -%}
                      {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }}
                    {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%}
                      {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }}
                    {%- endif -%}

            <div class="facet_mobile_scroll">
            {% comment %} category {% endcomment %}
              <ul class="coll-filter-menu">
                {%- for link in -%}
                    {%- if link.links != blank -%}
                        <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="wbmenu-coll">
                          <summary tabindex="0" id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" class="header__menu-item  link focus-inset filter-menu-main toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
                            <span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
                              {{- link.title | escape -}}
                            {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                          <ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" tabindex="-1" >
                            {%- for childlink in link.links -%}
                                {%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
                                  <a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}"
                                    href="{{ childlink.url }}"
                                    class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                                    {% if childlink.current %}
                                    {% endif %} >
                                    {{ childlink.title | escape }}
                                {%- else -%}
                                  <div id="DetailsWebi-HeaderSubMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}">
                                    <summary tabindex="0" id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset caption-large toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
                                      <span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
                                      {% render 'icon-caret' %}
                                    <ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}" class="filter-menu-sub collapse wbcollapse_cont" >
                                      {%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
                                          <a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}-{{ childlink.handle }}-{{ grandchildlink.handle }}"
                                            href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}"
                                            class="header__menu-item  link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"
                                            {% if grandchildlink.current %}
                                            {% endif %} >
                                            {{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
                                      {%- endfor -%}
                                {%- endif -%}
                            {%- endfor -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      <a id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}" href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item link link--text focus-inset filter-menu-main"
                        {% if link.current %} aria-current="page" {% endif %} >
                        <span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item" {% endif %} >
                          {{- link.title | escape -}}
                    {%- endif -%}
                {%- endfor -%}
              {% comment %} category end {% endcomment %}

            <div class="mobile-facets__main has-submenu gradient">
              {%- if enable_filtering -%}
                {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
                  {% liquid
                    case filter.presentation
                      when 'swatch'
                        assign has_visual_display = true
                        assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-grid facets-layout-grid--' | append: filter.presentation
                        assign has_visual_display = false
                        assign visual_layout_class = 'facets-layout-list'
                  {% case filter.type %}
                  {% when 'boolean' or 'list' %}
                    <details id="Details-Mobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__details js-filter" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
                      <summary class="mobile-facets__summary focus-inset">
                          <span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>
                          <span class="mobile-facets__arrow no-js-hidden">{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
                          <noscript>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</noscript>
                      <div id="FacetMobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__submenu gradient">
                        <button class="mobile-facets__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true" type="button">
                          {% render 'icon-arrow' %}
                          {{ filter.label | escape }}
                        <ul class="{{ visual_layout_class }} mobile-facets__list list-unstyled {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltermain {% endif %}">
                          {%- for value in filter.values -%}
                            {% liquid
                              assign is_disabled = false
                              if value.count == 0 and == false
                                assign is_disabled = true
                             <li class="mobile-facets__item list-menu__item" {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} data-title="{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})" {% endif %}>

                              <label for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-mobile-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mobile-facets__label{% if value.count == 0 and == false %} mobile-facets__label--disabled{% endif %} {% if filter.label == 'Color' %} catfiltercolor {% endif %}">
                                {%- liquid
                                  assign swatchfilename = value.label | handle | append: '.' | append: 'png'
                                  assign swatchimage = swatchfilename | file_img_url: '50x50' | prepend: 'https:' | split: '?' | first
                                  assign colorswatchvalue = value.label | downcase | replace: ' ', ''
                                <input class="mobile-facets__checkbox" type="checkbox" name="{{ value.param_name }}" value="{{ value.value }}" id="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-mobile-{{ forloop.index }}"
                                  {% if %}checked{% endif %}
                                  {% if value.count == 0 and == false %}disabled{% endif %}
                                  {% if filter.label == 'Color' %}style="background-color: {{ colorswatchvalue }};{% if images[swatchfilename] != blank %}  background-image: url({{ swatchimage }});{% endif %} "{% endif %}>
                                <span class="mobile-facets__highlight"></span>
                                <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><rect width="16" height="16" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></rect></svg>
                                {% render 'icon-checkmark' %}

                                <span aria-hidden="true">{{ value.label | escape }} ({{ value.count }})</span>
                                <span class="visually-hidden">{{ value.label | escape }}</span>
                          {%- endfor -%}
                        <div class="no-js-hidden mobile-facets__footer gradient">
                          <facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper">
                            <a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear' | t }}</a>
                          <button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()"><span>{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</span></button>
                          <noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript>
                  {% when 'price_range' %}
                    <details id="Details-Mobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__details js-filter" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
                    <summary class="mobile-facets__summary focus-inset">
                        <span>{{ filter.label | escape }}</span>
                        <span class="mobile-facets__arrow no-js-hidden">{% render 'icon-arrow' %}</span>
                        <noscript>{% render 'icon-caret' %}</noscript>
                    <div id="FacetMobile-{{ forloop.index }}-{{ }}" class="mobile-facets__submenu gradient">
                      <button class="mobile-facets__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true" type="button">
                        {% render 'icon-arrow' %}
                        {{ filter.label | escape }}
                      {%- assign max_price_amount = filter.range_max | money | strip_html | escape -%}
                      <p class="mobile-facets__info">{{ "products.facets.max_price" | t: price: max_price_amount }}</p>

                        <div class="number-slider">
                          <div class="field">
                              class="field__input rulerinput-min"
                              name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}"
                              id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                              {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                                {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                  value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                                {% else %}
                                  value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                                {% endif %}
                              {% else %}
                              {% endif %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                            <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE">
                              {{- 'products.facets.from' | t -}}
                          <div class="field">
                              class="field__input rulerinput-max"
                              name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}"
                              id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
                              {% if filter.max_value.value %}
                                {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                  value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                                {% else %}
                                  value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                                {% endif %}
                                {% else %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                              {% endif %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                placeholder="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                                max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                              {% endif %}
                            <label class="field__label" for="Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE">
                              {{- '' | t -}}

                        <div class="price-input range-slider">
                          <input class="field__input rulerinput-min" name="{{ filter.min_value.param_name }}" 
                          id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-GTE"
                            {% if filter.min_value.value %}
                              {% if uses_comma_decimals %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                              {% else %}
                                value="{{ filter.min_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
                              {% else %}
                              {% endif %} 
                            type="range" min="0"
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}>
                          <input class="field__input rulerinput-max" name="{{ filter.max_value.param_name }}" id="Mobile-Filter-{{ filter.label | escape }}-LTE"
                            {% if filter.max_value.value %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.max_value.value | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"{% endif %}
                            {% else %}{% if uses_comma_decimals %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"{% else %}value="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}" {% endif %}
                            {% endif %} type="range" min="0"
                            {% if uses_comma_decimals -%}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: '.', '' | replace: ',', '.' }}"
                            {% else %}
                              max="{{ filter.range_max | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '' }}"
                            {% endif %}>
                      <div class="no-js-hidden mobile-facets__footer"><facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear' | t }}</a></facet-remove>
                        <button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button>
                        <noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript>
                  {% endcase %}
                {%- endfor -%}
              {%- endif -%}
              {%- if enable_sorting -%}
                <div class="mobile-facets__details js-filter{% if filter_type == 'drawer' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}" data-index="mobile-{{ forloop.index }}">
                  <div class="mobile-facets__summary">
                    <div class="mobile-facets__sort">
                      <label for="SortBy-mobile">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label>
                      <div class="select">
                        <select name="sort_by" class="select__select" id="SortBy-mobile" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                          {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                            <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                          {%- endfor -%}
                        {% render 'icon-caret' %}
              {%- endif -%}
              <div class="mobile-facets__footer"><facet-remove class="mobile-facets__clear-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="mobile-facets__clear underlined-link">{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</a></facet-remove><button type="button" class="no-js-hidden button button--primary" onclick="this.closest('.mobile-facets__wrapper').querySelector('summary').click()"><span>{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</span></button><noscript><button class="button button--primary">{{ 'products.facets.apply' | t }}</button></noscript></div></div>
            {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">{% endif %}{%- if results.terms -%}<input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}"><input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">{%- endif -%}
  <div class="active-facets active-facets-mobile medium-hide large-up-hide">
    {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
      {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
          <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span></a>
      {%- endfor -%}
      {%- if filter.type == "price_range" -%}
        {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
          <facet-remove><a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"><span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary">{%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%}{% render 'icon-close-small' %}<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span></span></a></facet-remove>
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
  {% comment %} Sort, product count and filter pills at the end when filter is type of Drawer for the correct tabbing order {% endcomment %}
  {%- if enable_sorting and filter_type == 'drawer' -%}
    <facet-filters-form class="facets small-hide">
      <form id="FacetSortDrawerForm" class="facets__form">
        <div class="facet-filters sorting caption small-hide">
          <div class="facet-filters__field">
            <p class="facet-filters__label caption-large text-body"><label for="SortBy">{{ 'products.facets.sort_by_label' | t }}</label></p>
            <div class="select">
              {%- assign sort_by = results.sort_by | default: results.default_sort_by -%}
              <select name="sort_by" class="facet-filters__sort select__select caption-large" id="SortBy" aria-describedby="a11y-refresh-page-message">
                {%- for option in results.sort_options -%}
                  <option value="{{ option.value | escape }}"{% if option.value == sort_by %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ | escape }}</option>
                {%- endfor -%}
              {% render 'icon-caret' %}
          <noscript><button type="submit" class="facets__button-no-js button button--secondary">{{ 'products.facets.sort_button' | t }}</button></noscript>
        {% if results.current_vendor or results.current_type %}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.current_vendor }}{{ results.current_type }}">
        {% endif %}
        {%- if results.terms -%}
          <input type="hidden" name="q" value="{{ results.terms | escape }}">
          <input name="options[prefix]" type="hidden" value="last">
        {%- endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
  <div class="product-count light{% if filter_type == 'vertical' or filter_type == 'horizontal' %} medium-hide large-up-hide{% endif %}" role="status">
    <h2 class="product-count__text"><span id="ProductCount"> {%- if results.results_count -%} {{ '' | t: terms: results.terms, count: results.results_count }} {%- elsif results.products_count == results.all_products_count -%} {{ 'products.facets.product_count_simple' | t: count: results.products_count }} {%- else -%} {{ 'products.facets.product_count' | t: product_count: results.products_count, count: results.all_products_count }} {%- endif -%} </span></h2>
      <div class="loading-overlay__spinner">
      <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns=""><circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle></svg>
  {%- if filter_type == 'drawer' -%}
    <facet-filters-form class="facets facets-pill small-hide">
      <form id="FacetFiltersPillsForm" class="facets__form">
        <div class="active-facets active-facets-desktop">
          {%- for filter in results.filters -%}
            {%- for value in filter.active_values -%}
                <a href="{{ value.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {{ filter.label }}: {{ value.label | escape }} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span> </a>
            {%- endfor -%}
            {%- if filter.type == "price_range" -%}
              {%- if filter.min_value.value != nil or filter.max_value.value != nil -%}
                  <a href="{{ filter.url_to_remove }}" class="active-facets__button active-facets__button--light"> <span class="active-facets__button-inner button button--tertiary"> {%- if filter.min_value.value -%}{{ filter.min_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ 0 | money }}{%- endif -%}-{%- if filter.max_value.value -%}{{ filter.max_value.value | money }}{%- else -%}{{ filter.range_max | money }}{%- endif -%} {% render 'icon-close-small' %} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.facets.clear_filter' | t }}</span> </span> </a>
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          <facet-remove class="active-facets__button-wrapper"><a href="{{ results_url }}" class="active-facets__button-remove underlined-link"><span>{{ 'products.facets.clear_all' | t }}</span></a></facet-remove>
  {%- endif -%}
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