How to link product pages to specific contact forms?

How to link product pages to specific contact forms?

Shopify Partner
6 0 0

Hi there, 

I'm trying to link from product pages to a specific point on the contact us page, I have the links set up but with 3 different ways of contacting I want to link them to the correct form on the contact us page. 

I have this set up at the moment and I know the anchor points are correct but for some reason, it isn't putting me on the correct form when testing. It is only taking me to the contact us page 


<p><a href="(URL)#panel1">WRITE TO US</a></p>

<p><a href="(URL)#panel2">CALL US</a></p>

<p><a href="(URL)#panel3">BOOK AN APPOINTMENT</a></p>


I've attached a screenshot of the contact us page for reference and a copy of the anchor points that I'm using.


AnchorsAnchorsContact Us FormsContact Us Forms

Replies 3 (3)

2860 684 757

Hi @KanpekiDigital,

Please send your site and if your site is password protected, please send me the password. I will check it.

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Shopify Partner
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It's for a client unfortunately so don't have their log in details. 


The screenshots I've included are of the page anchors on the "contact us" section and then the code I've input (if that's any help)

2860 684 757

Hi @KanpekiDigital,

Sorry, I can't check it with just the screenshot, I need to check it directly with the site link.

And it will be difficult for someone else to do the same, all need site link.

LitCommerce - The Most Simple & Affordable Multi-channel Selling Tool.
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