How to make an Custom Liquid Image to fit any monitor screen as well as tablets and mobile

How to make an Custom Liquid Image to fit any monitor screen as well as tablets and mobile

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I have an image that I was able to edit into the website and made it wide, it only fills from left to right on 13 inch screens, however when I open the site on a bigger screen the image looks too small, can someone help me make it so that even if its a 27 inch monitor the photo fits perfectly on all sizes.

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@DavitVlad  please add this css to the very end of your base.css file and check,
Shopify Admin -> Online Store ->Theme -> Edit code -> base.css


.shopify-section-group-footer-group div {width: 100%;}
.shopify-section-group-footer-group div img{width: 100%;}
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