How to make features products (on home) clickable?

How to make features products (on home) clickable?

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HI everyone


I would like some help to make the featured product image and title (from the features product section, the one that's on the home page) link to the corresponding product page. At the moment you can only get to it by clicking the small link at the bottom that says "more details". Otherwise there's only a zoom function availabe.

Is it possible to change the code so clicking on the featured product image or title links directly to the product page? I would greatly appreciate your help! I am using the "Origin" theme.




Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
10569 1306 1673

@Shokunin-Kissen - Hello Marco , it will need code editing, where you will need to edit the code of this featured products section template to add link to image and title

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I see. Well this is too bad. I have no idea about coding and just starting to build the shop. 😞

Is there any work around you could think of to display it in a similar way?

Shopify Partner
10569 1306 1673

@Shokunin-Kissen - actually no work around as you want to add link to image and title, we have to edit the code and add link to image and title

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In the Origin Theme, what do I need to edit in order to make the Featured Product clickable? By default, it just zooms/lightboxes the image. I would like to be taken directly to the Product page when clicking on the Featured Product. By my research, it looks like I need to edit my code in the "featured-product.liquid" - any suggestions? Thanks so much!