How to make my banner video portrait size on mobile and tablet version only?

How to make my banner video portrait size on mobile and tablet version only?

81 0 17

Hi my video is in landscape size right now. I would like it vertical on my mobile and tablet version. Please help

PW: CollectionThree

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
512 86 80



Actually, the best option is to upload different videos for desktop and mobile areas. Of course, if the software you're using doesn't support it, we may need to do a custom setup!


The following code may be useful for now.





Navigate to the 'Edit Code' option in your theme settings, then search for “base.css” in the search bar and add below codes.


@media (max-width: 991.98px){
  .video-container {
    height: 100vh!important;




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