How to move Collection Description to bottom of

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26 0 20

Hello , 

I want to move the Page Title and Description in My Collection to the Bottom of the Page. Can Someone Help Me With This?

How can I do it ?


Site :


{% include 'global-variables' %}
<div class="collection-head{% if type_fullwidth %} collection-head--fullwidth{% endif %}" data-postload="home_builder">
    {%- assign contents = null -%}
    {%- assign desktop_title = section.settings.default_desktop_title -%}
    {%- assign mobile_title = section.settings.default_mobile_title -%}
    {%- case section.settings.margins_for_columns -%}
        {%- when 'preset_1' %}{% assign margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_1 %}
        {%- when 'preset_2' %}{% assign margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_2 %}
        {%- when 'preset_3' %}{% assign margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_3 %}
        {%- when 'preset_4' %}{% assign margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_4 %}
        {%- when 'preset_5' %}{% assign margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_5 %}
    {%- endcase -%}
    {%- for block in section.blocks -%}
        {%- assign is_content = false -%}
        {%- assign is_slider = false -%}
        {%- if block.settings.for_collection == collection.handle and block.type == 'promobox' -%}
            {%- assign is_content = true -%}
        {%- elsif block.settings.for_collection == collection.handle and block.type == 'slick_slider' -%}
            {%- assign is_slider = true -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- if is_content or is_slider -%}
            {%- capture content -%}
                {% capture block_id %}home-builder-block-id-{{ }}-{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}
                <div class="{{ block_id }} col-12 col-md-{{ block.settings.size_of_column }} {{ margins_for_columns }}{% if block.settings.visible != blank %} {% if block.settings.visible == 'desktop' %}d-none d-md-{% if section.settings.vertical_align == 'stretch' %}flex{% else %}block{% endif %}{% elsif block.settings.visible == 'mobile' %}d-md-none{% endif %}{% endif %}">
                    {%- if block.settings.type == 'description' and collection.description != blank -%}
                        <div class="rte fs">
                            {{ collection.description }}
                    {%- elsif is_content -%}
                        {% render 'promobox' with block: block block_id: block_id promobox_curtain_opacity: promobox_curtain_opacity promobox_height_preset_1: promobox_height_preset_1 promobox_height_preset_2: promobox_height_preset_2 promobox_height_preset_3: promobox_height_preset_3 promobox_ultra_height_preset_1: promobox_ultra_height_preset_1 promobox_ultra_height_preset_3: promobox_ultra_height_preset_3 %}
                    {%- elsif is_slider -%}
                        {% include 'builder-slider-slick' %}
                    {%- endif -%}
            {%- endcapture -%}
            {%- assign contents = contents | append: content -%}
        {%- elsif block.type == 'title' and block.settings.for_collection == collection.handle -%}
            {%- assign desktop_title = block.settings.desktop_title -%}
            {%- assign mobile_title = block.settings.mobile_title -%}
        {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    {%- if contents -%}
        <div class="{% if type_fullwidth %}mt-15 {% endif %}mb-20 overflow-hidden">
            <div class="row">
                {{ contents }}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if desktop_title == 'title' or desktop_title == 'title_with_description' -%}
        {%- assign desktop_need_title = true -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if desktop_title == 'description' or desktop_title == 'title_with_description' -%}
        {%- assign desktop_need_description = true -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if mobile_title == 'title' or mobile_title == 'title_with_description' -%}
        {%- assign mobile_need_title = true -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if mobile_title == 'description' or mobile_title == 'title_with_description' -%}
        {%- assign mobile_need_description = true -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- capture head -%}
        {%- if desktop_need_title or mobile_need_title -%}
            {% capture title_class %}{% if mobile_need_title != true %} d-none{% endif %}{% if desktop_need_title %} d-lg-block{% else %} d-lg-none{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
            <h1 class="mb-10{{ title_class }} text-center{% unless offset_collection_page_head_centered_d %} text-lg-left{% endunless %}">{% if collection.handle == 'all' %}{{ 'collections.general.all_products_title' | t }}{% else %}{{ collection.title }}{% endif %}</h1>
            {%- assign has_head = true -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- if desktop_need_description or mobile_need_description -%}
            {% capture description_class %}{% if mobile_need_description != true %} d-none{% endif %}{% if desktop_need_description %} d-lg-block{% else %} d-lg-none{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
            {%- if collection.description != blank -%}
                <div class="rte fs{{ description_class }}">
                    {{ collection.description }}
                {%- assign has_head = true -%}
            {%- endif -%}
        {%- endif -%}
    {%- endcapture -%}
    {%- if has_head -%}
        <div class="{% if type_fullwidth %}container mt-15 {% endif %}mb-15">
            {{ head }}
    {%- endif -%}

    {%- assign selected_blocks = section.blocks | where: 'type', 'slick_slider' -%}
    {%- if selected_blocks.size > 0 -%}
        Loader.require({type: "script", name: "home_builder"});
    {%- endif -%}
Replies 10 (10)

Shopify Partner
36843 3636 11978


sorry for any issue 

can you please share also store url

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on regarding any help
Shopify Partner | Skype :
PSD to Shopify | Shopify Design Changes | Shopify Custom Theme Development and Desing | Custom Modifications In to Shopify Theme | SEO & Digital Marketing
Shopify Partner
26 0 20
Shopify Partner
36843 3636 11978


can you please sent full code collection page so i will update

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on regarding any help
Shopify Partner | Skype :
PSD to Shopify | Shopify Design Changes | Shopify Custom Theme Development and Desing | Custom Modifications In to Shopify Theme | SEO & Digital Marketing
Shopify Partner
26 0 20



{ % 'global-variables' içerir % } 
<div class="collections js-collections pb-10">
    <div data-js-collection-replace="breadcrumbs"> 
        { % 'breadcrumbs' içerir % } 
    { %- if settings.collection_enable_fullwidth_head_section -% } 
        { % bölüm 'collection-fullwidth-head' % } 
    { % - endif -% } 
    { % yakalama collection_head_html % } 
        { % bölüm 'koleksiyon-kafası' % } 
    { % endcapture % } 
    <div class="container mt-10 mt-lg- { { offset_collection_page_content_margin_top_d } } ">
        <div class="row mb-40 mb-lg- { { offset_collection_page_pagination_margin_bottom_d } } "> 
            { %- if settings.collection_sidebar_position == 'dropdown' -% } 
                <div class="collections__sidebar collections__sidebar--dropdown d-none"> 
                    { % bölüm 'koleksiyon kenar çubuğu' % } 
            { %- elsif settings.collection_sidebar_position == 'üst' -% } 
                { %- if request.design_mode -% } 
                    { %- is_design_mode ata = true -% } 
                { %- endif -% }
                <div class="collections__sidebar collections__sidebar--top  { % if is_design_mode % } w-100 mt-20 { % else % } d-none { % endif % } "> 
                    { % bölüm 'collection-sidebar' % } 
                </div > 
            { %- elsif settings.collection_show_sidebar != 'hide' -% } 
                <div class="collections__sidebar collections__sidebar--width-md d-none col-auto d-lg-block collections__sidebar-- { % if settings.collection_sidebar_position == 'sağ'% } doğru sipariş-2 { % başka % }sol { % endif % } { % if settings.collection_enable_sticky % }  sticky-sidebar-lg js-sticky-sidebar { % endif % } "> 
                    { %- if settings.collection_enable_sticky -% } 
                        <div data-js-sticky-sidebar -body> 
                    { %- endif -% } 
                            <div data-js-position-desktop="sidebar"> 
                                { % bölüm 'collection-sidebar' % } 
                    { %- if settings.collection_enable_sticky -% } 
                        </ div> 
                    { %- endif -% } 
            { %- endif -% }
            <div class="collections__body col pb-25" data-js-collections-body> 
                { { collection_head_html } } 
                { %- collection_builder_mode_handle ataması = settings.collection_builder_mode | değiştir :  '|' , '___' | işlemek | split :  '___' -% } 
                { %- collection_builder_mode_handle, collection.handle -% } 
                    { %- assign builder_mode = true -% } 
                { %- endif -% } 
                <div data-js-collection-replace="banner- içeriyorsa inşaatçı" class="d-none-important" { % endunless % } > 
                    { %- if builder_mode -% } 
                        { % bölüm 'collection-builder' % } 
                    { %- endif -% } 
                { % bölüm 'collection- gövde' % } 
    { %- if settings.collection_enable_product_carousel_section -% } 
        <div class="pb-60"> 
            { % bölüm 'carousel-products' % } 
    { %- endif -% } 

{ %- if settings.collection_enable_sticky -% } 
        Loader.require( { type :  "script" , name :  "sticky_sidebar" } ) ;
{ %- endif -% }





{ % include 'global-variables' % } 
<div class="collection-head { type_fullwidth % }  collection-head--fullwidth { % endif % } " data-postload="home_builder"> 
    { %- içerik atamak = null -% } 
    { %- assign desktop_title =section.settings.default_desktop_title -% } 
    { %- assign mobile_title = section.settings.default_mobile_title -% } 
    { %- case section.settings.margins_for_columns -% } 
        { %- 'preset_1' olduğunda ' % } {% Atama margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_1% } 
        { -% zaman 'preset_2' % } { % atama margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_2% } 
        { -% zaman 'preset_3' % } { % atama margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_3% } 
        { -% zaman 'preset_4' % } { % atama margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_4 % } 
        { %- 'preset_5' olduğunda % } {% Atama margins_for_columns = home_builder_margins_for_columns_preset_5% } 
    { -% ENDCASE -% } 
    { % -% - section.blocks blok için } 
        { atama is_content yanlış = - -%% } 
        { -% atama is_slider = yanlış -% } 
        { % - eğer block.settings.for_collection == collection.handle ve block.type == 'promobox' -% } 
            { %- is_content = true -% } 
        { %- elsif block.settings.for_collection == collection.handle ve block.type atama == 'slick_slider' -% } 
            { %- is_slider ata = true -% } 
        {% - Endif -% } 
        { % - eğer is_content veya is_slider -% } 
            { -% yakalama içeriği -% } 
                { % yakalama block_id% } ev yapımı-blok-ID- { { } } - { { forloop. dizin } } { % endcapture % } 
                <div class=" { { block_id } }  col-12 col-md- { { block.settings.size_of_column } }  { { margins_for_columns } } {% if block.settings.visible != boş % }  { % if block.settings.visible == 'masaüstü' % } d-none d-md- { % if partition.settings.vertical_align == 'uzat' % } esnek { % else % } blok { % endif % } { % elsif block.settings.visible == 'mobil' % } d-md-none { % endif % } { % endif % } "> 
                    { %- if block.settings .type == 'açıklama' ve collection.description != boş -% }
                        <div class = "RTE fs"> 
                            { { collection.description } } 
                        </ div> 
                    { -% elsif is_content -% } 
                        { % işlemek 'promobox' ile blok : blok block_id : block_id promobox_curtain_opacity : promobox_curtain_opacity promobox_height_preset_1 : promobox_height_preset_1 promobox_height_preset_2 : promobox_height_preset_2 promobox_height_preset_3 : promobox_height_preset_3 promobox_ultra_height_preset_1 : promobox_ultra_height_preset_1promobox_ultra_height_preset_3 : promobox_ultra_height_preset_3 % } 
                    { %- elsif is_slider -% } 
                        { % 'builder-slider-slick' içerir % } 
                    { %- endif -% } 
            { %- endcapture -% } 
            { %- içerik atamak = içerik | ekleme : içerik -% } 
        { %- elsif block.type == 'başlık' ve block.settings.for_collection == collection.handle -% } 
            { %- atama desktop_title = block.settings.desktop_title -% } 
            {%- atama mobile_title = block.settings.mobile_title -% } 
        { %- endif -% } 
    { %- endfor -% } 
    { %- if content -% } 
        <div class=" { % if type_fullwidth % } mt-15  { % endif % } mb-20 taşma-gizli">
            <div class="row"> 
                { { içerik } } 
    { %- endif -% } 
    { %- if desktop_title == 'title' veya desktop_title == 'title_with_description' -% } 
        { %- assign Desktop_need_title = true -% } 
    { %- endif -% } 
    { % - if desktop_title == 'description' veya desktop_title == 'title_with_description' -% } 
        { %- assign Desktop_need_description = true -% } 
    { %- endif -% } 
    { %- if mobile_title == 'title' veya mobile_title == ' title_with_description' -%} 
        { %- assign mobile_need_title = true -% } 
    { %- endif -% } 
    { %- if mobile_title == 'description' veya mobile_title == 'title_with_description' -% } 
        { %- assign mobile_need_description = true -% } 
    { % - endif -% } 
    { %- kafa yakalama -% } 
        { %- if desktop_need_title veya mobile_need_title -% } 
            { % yakalama title_class % } { % if mobile_need_title != true % }  d-none { % endif % } {% if desktop_need_title % }  d-lg-block { % else % }  d-lg-none { % endif % } { % endcapture % } 
            <h1 class="mb-10 { { title_class } }  metin merkezi { % offset_collection_page_head_centered_d olmadıkça % }  text-lg-left { % endunless % } "> { % if collection.handle == 'tümü' % } { {  'collections.general.all_products_title' | t } } { % başka % } {{ collection.title } } { % endif % } </h1> 
            { %- atama has_head = true -% } 
        { %- endif -% } 
        { %- if desktop_need_description veya mobile_need_description -% } 
            { % yakalama açıklama_sınıfı % } { % if mobile_need_description != true % }  d-none { % endif % } { % if desktop_need_description % }  d-lg-block { % else % }  d-lg-none { % endif % } { % endcapture % }
            { %- if collection.description != boş -% } 
                <div class="rte fs { { description_class } } "> 
                    { { collection.description } } 
                { %- has_head ata = true -% } 
            { % - endif -% } 
        { %- endif -% } 
    { %- endcapture -% } 
    { %- if has_head -% } 
        <div class=" { % if type_fullwidth % } container mt-15  { % endif % } mb-15 "> 
            { { kafa} } 
    { %- endif -% } 

    { %- seçilen_blokları ata = bölüm.blokları | burada :  'type' , 'slick_slider' -% } 
    { %- eğer seçili_blocks.size > %0 -% } 
        Loader.require( { type :  "script" , name :  "home_builder" } ) ; 
    { %- endif -% } 




Shopify Partner
36843 3636 11978


thanks for your code 

i have confusion that code 

if possible to share your theme zip code or add me staff account and i need only theme access code no more 

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on regarding any help
Shopify Partner | Skype :
PSD to Shopify | Shopify Design Changes | Shopify Custom Theme Development and Desing | Custom Modifications In to Shopify Theme | SEO & Digital Marketing
Shopify Partner
26 0 20

Thank You. How Do I Grant Access? @KetanKumar 

Shopify Partner
26 0 20

I sent an invitation to your e-mail address. Please check. @KetanKumar 

Shopify Partner
36843 3636 11978


got it let me know which theme can i do this?

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on regarding any help
Shopify Partner | Skype :
PSD to Shopify | Shopify Design Changes | Shopify Custom Theme Development and Desing | Custom Modifications In to Shopify Theme | SEO & Digital Marketing
Shopify Partner
26 0 20



Upload me shella theme 4.12.0


Shopify Partner
36843 3636 11978



Unable to access MiyaLingerie

If helpful then please Like and Accept Solution.
Want to modify or custom changes on store Hire me.
- Feel free to contact me on regarding any help
Shopify Partner | Skype :
PSD to Shopify | Shopify Design Changes | Shopify Custom Theme Development and Desing | Custom Modifications In to Shopify Theme | SEO & Digital Marketing