How to resize and reposition a product categories button?

How to resize and reposition a product categories button?

13 0 1


Hey, been trying to find the answer for this for a few days now, and still haven’t figured it out. If someone would be able to help me, it would be much appreciated!


what I need, is the “product categories” button, being made bigger for the desktop view, and smaller for the mobile view. I also need both of them in a location where it doesn’t cover the text, and it’s in the centre of the orange text box.


essentially, the button should be the right size and place inside the “Opening sale” box.


thank you shopifiers!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1334 141 199

Hi @Callum77 


You just need to unset the height of the button for the mobile please refer to the below code and add it to your customizer

@media (max-width: 767px){
.banner .banner__buttons .button {
    min-height: unset !important;


2024-02-02 10_21_57-.png





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