How to show automatic discount on product pages?

How to show automatic discount on product pages?

7 0 18

Hi i have a 30% automatic discount on my shopify store. The discount shows in the cart but i can't get it to show on the product page or product price. Does anyone have any tips for this? Thanks. 

For reference my shopify store url is and my theme is Narrative.


Replies 48 (48)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
3110 472 657

Hi @CalebDavies 

This is a great question! While using the automatic discount code is one way to add this sale to your product, I would instead recommend using the compare at price field when editing the product to better showcase the promotional pricing. This will show the item as a marked down price with the original sale price crossed out and the reduced price highlighted. 

To see what this would look like, you can follow these steps to apply this change:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > All products.

  2. Click the name of a product.

  3. In the Pricing section, set the Compare at price to the product's original price.

  4. Set the Price of the product to your new sale price.

  5. Click Save.

If this is not the experience you are trying to create I would instead recommend reaching out to our Live Support - Shopify Help Center to see if this is something our in house theme support can assist in applying to your store. Each merchant store has 60 minutes of design support time when using a free Shopify theme and this might be something they can assist with. You can learn more about what Shopify can support when it comes to theme files in our Help Center here: Support for themes.


Shay | Social Care @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
14 0 112

Hi Shay


I have the same issue and you people at Shopify Staff keep on ignoring the issue.  Shopify users are not talking about compare price.  


How do we show the automated discounts on the Home Page, Collections Page and Product page.  Very simple question.


If you can't, then why not?  Don't you think it i svery silly not to show this on the Home Page, Collection Page and Product Page.  In fact, it is ridiculous not to be able to show this. 


When is Shopify going to get its act right and fix this simple issue?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
3110 472 657

Hey @ToniMelbourne 


Thank you for joining the thread and for sharing your feedback as well. I understand you want to show automatic discounts on your online store to your customers so you can better promote your sales and deals. 


Most discounts, automatic or manual, have requirements for customers to be eligible to use them. These requirements are dynamic and can change based on how you setup each discount. Having it so that the price on the product page reflects that for the correct customers would require some really advanced coding and variables and just isn't something we could offer in our free themes and expect it to work for everyone. Especially if the discount value changes based on order total or items in your cart. 


Another option that I can recommend in this case is to alter your product page templates for products with eligible discount codes so that customers know to take advantage of them. You can set different product page templates for different products and this can be done using the bulk editor. If you would like to know more about creating product page templates, let me know. I'm happy to get you that information.  

Shay | Social Care @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
14 0 112

Hi Shay


thank you fro your reply.


I don't agree with your response.


When you create an automatic discounts using the built in Shopify feature then the discount price should show on the product.  No advance coding needed, Shopify just need to implement it. Very simply, Product has. price, you have an automated discount, i think it makes sense to show the discount on the homepage, collection page and product page.  Isn't this the norm on all website.  Yet, Shopify only show it in the cart.  

11 0 25

Yep totally agree. Shopify love taking our money but just handball what should be basic features to the old "you'll need to pay for an app for that". If an app can do it then it can be coded into Shopify. 

1 0 20

I also agree. Seems like a simple request and no coding needed. Especially since the integration with Google makes it so discounts show up prominently in Google ads and shopping results. Price is shown in green for higher click through when discount applied vs just using the compare at function. Silly that the two teams working on this feature appear to not be talking to one another.

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

I second this. With large collections it becomes downright annoying to have to change each product compareAtPrice manually. 

1 0 27

I also do not agree with your response and I will appreciate if this is looked into. It's been 3 years since this was stated yet nothing has been done about it up till now. How will customers know a product is on discount if it doesn't show up on product page? Please this should be seriously taken into consideration.

28 0 19

I think you need to go back to training class.   You aren't helping at all.  

15 0 21

Changing the template of a product for a sale is crazy. I agree with everybody else, automatic discounts need to show up on the collections and product pages. 
There are settings for the discounts. If no special settings are being used (like customer tags etc) the automatic discount should show. We can't use the compare at price for special sales as in those cases customers who do have discount codes would be able to double dip and I see no way of restricting this. So as a specific example we want to have a few items on sale at 20% off. We also have customers that have a 30 or 40% coupon. I do not want them to get 20% off and then an additional 30 or 40% off the already discounted price. 
So I need to either have an option where the regular discount codes have a feature where you can set it so that the discount is being calculated based on the compare at price and not the sales price, or I need to use an automatic discount code that WILL show up on collection and product pages as that way I can set the discounts to not be combinable and the customer will get the better deal. Shpify, please improve your native discount capabilities!

3 0 24

This is completely useless to a shop running a sale. I have over 300 products, with many having variables. They are not all the same price. For me to go in and manually change prices and compare-at prices is unreasonable. It's even more unreasonable because if my sale starts at midnight on one day and ends at midnight on another day, I'm now expected to stay up to activate the sale and then stay up another day to end the sale. There has to be a way in the discounts section for us to indicate that this is a sale/isn't impacted by other discounts and should be shown on the product page.

2 0 10

I am in the same boat! I do NOT want to manually change prices with compare at prices! IT IS WAY TO MUCH work. 

3 0 24
I ended up installing the app Rockit Sales Manager. It seems to do the trick. I tell it which collections I want done and at what time, and it goes through and automatically changes the prices (and puts my regular price in the “compare at” field). When the sale is over, it restores it to original pricing.

It doesn’t happen instantaneously (I have lots of products, so it takes a few minutes to go through them all), but it’s a great workaround.
2 0 10

Thank you for this! I will check out the app.

1 0 2

Hi @Shay I will ask the same question too, Just "Yes" or "No". Can shopify do show the discounted amount when guest Opens the page?


Fortunately, Compare price markdowns/strikethrough, we know that. With codes, we know that. Combine with other discounts, Total amount/value within a collection or overall total, Anything under Discounts Tab, we know that.


Sometimes giving us a One hard Yes or No answer is better than explaining things these people already know.

1 0 2

Adding my vote here. @Shay  IT seems support team has no idea what is being asked or what the requirement is. you are giving answers as if you were trained from text book and this scenario wasn't covered in that.  This is not difficult. you guys keep changing UI every day, why can't you fix this first? 

I want to enable discount on a particular collection and I want my customers to see (on the product page!) so they find the deal good enough to be added to cart. you understand why discounts are given, right? there is no point if we are keeping it as a 'surprise',

13 0 28

I don't see how this is such a huge issue to implement. Etsy does this all day long, with ease, as well as thousands of other websites. Why should I pay for my theme, then have to pay for third-party apps to do what Shopify should do to begin with??? If you can create an automatic discount, you should be able to display that discounted pricing on the product page itself without having to manually adjust code.

Shopify Partner
14 0 112

Hi Shay


read what you customer want. It is not just this post. Is Shopify going to listen to its paying customers or just ignore this issue?


How do we make a complaint to upper management to apply some common sense here or am I guessing there is no avenue for this?

13 0 28

I spent a lot of money on my theme, and you're telling me that this still is an issue?

4 0 0

Of course you can do it.  You  actually have a such feature on the B2B plan. Here is the actual video (skip to second 20th).

It's just the "sub-standard" customers like us that are let down in the mud trying all kind of dubious "apps" none of them actually doing the job properly.

Shopify Partner
525 38 139

Hey @mihaibravu,


Just a heads-up: the video you linked is actually showcasing a third-party app, not something built directly into Shopify.


Here’s the scoop on why Shopify doesn’t show automatic discounts on product pages right out of the box:

  • Each Shopify store has its own theme, unlike sites like eBay or Etsy, where there's a single storefront controlled by the platform.
  • Most themes check if there's a 'compare-at' price to show a discount; they aren't set up to automatically factor in other discounts.
  • With every theme being different, Shopify making discounts available on product pages would require updates from every theme developer—pretty unlikely.
  • In fact, Liquid doesn't expose info about discounts until they're applied in the cart, so themes can't even implement this if they wanted to.
  • Discounts are only calculated when products hit the cart. Unfortunately, the calculation result simply isn't available when the customer is viewing the PDP.

It’s a tricky setup, and Shopify hasn’t made moves to change it, which is where third-party apps come in. Our app, Regios Discounts (4.8 stars, 76 reviews, Built for Shopify), can show these discounts on product pages, collection pages, and more across many of the most popular themes in the Theme Store out of the box (as long as the discounts are created in our app. And yes, they are real discounts built with the Shopify Functions API, not simply a compare-at price bulk edit). Even if your theme doesn't have an out-of-box integration, we offer options to at least display discounts on product pages in any Online Store 2.0 theme. We also have an option for you to add some minor code changes to your theme to allow our app to detect specific pricing elements, and then you can enjoy discounts on product/collection/search pages in any OS 2.0 theme.


I understand that the commenters in this thread may hesitate to use an app for functionality they feel should be built into Shopify. Still, given the reality of the situation, we aim to be the best solution for your discounting needs. Don't hesitate to reply to my comment if you’re curious or need help setting it up.




Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.8 stars, 81 reviews, Built for Shopify)
- Custom discounts made simple
- "Just about any discount you'll ever need"
- Built by an ex-Google software engineer
1 0 0

I was able to set automatic discounts using Wix. I don't need to code my site or go make any edits. It'll automatically show up. 

8 0 15

I agree with the other users in this thread that this is something that absolutely needs to be implemented asap.


The Compare At solution won't work for us because we are using an integration with Lightspeed so it overwrites the price back to the Lightspeed RRP anytime we make an edit to the product in Lightspeed. I thought I could use Discounts as a clunky workaround but if they don't show until the cart, that defeats the entire purpose of a discount. It's not supposed to be a nice surprise - it's an enticer to buy.


The only solution to this problem that Shopify/Lightspeed have suggested is changing the RRP in Lightspeed to the new sale price but this is ridiculous because:


1) Double handling

2) We want our in store receipts to show the customer how much they've saved, not to look like the discounted price is the full price

3) We have staff, member and other discounts that come off RRP and we don't want them to be deducted from already reduced sale prices

4) What if we want to run a different sale online than in store?

5) It's just a pretty stupid way to expect a retail business to manage Sale prices

28 0 19

The compare at reply shows this Shopify Staff person doesn't even understand the platform.   

28 0 19

This is like someone asking about apples and someone replying about oranges.   This reply has nothing to do with what the person is asking and id say that is par for the course with Shopify in 2024.   They don't read or listen, they just reply with what they think you said.    Do better

13 0 28

Shay, you obviously don't understand what is being asked here. Why is this such a difficult ask? If I set an automatic sale of say 20% off certain items, it should show that pricing on the product page without me having to go in and adjust all the pricing manually.

3 0 2

But If set the Compare at price for each product, the discount doesn't show in the cart, only on the product page.

2 0 0

So I did this based on your advice and the store-wide discount was then charged on the shown new "price" which was the already discounted price I was trying to reflect, so basically it double discounted for someone when placing an order! Did I misunderstand something?

1 0 1

Any updates on this?!

Shopify Partner
6 0 2

Hello, @CalebDavies!

We have an app called Klip: Product Page Coupons.


It adds coupons that customers can click on to apply discounts on checkout. Instead of the usual promo codes that needs to be copy pasted, these coupons just needs to be clicked. You can display multiple coupons in one product page, and we also have a feature for UTM Targeting if needed. 




Let me know if you need help setting it up!

Klip: Product Page Coupons

19 0 7

I ended up using this app. It serves the same purpose. It seems to be totally free, yes?

Shopify Partner
3 0 2

simple feature and still not get updated for it


19 0 7

I just want to add my vote here. I'm coming from Etsy and eBay where they do show automatic discounts as markdowns on lists of products and single product pages. There's not much point in running a discount on a collection of products, for example, if the user cannot see on the product page that they are getting a discount. The idea is to encourage them to add to cart because they see the discounted price (which is not shown).


For context, I am adding 2,000+ products, so setting the "Compare at" price is not practical. Unless there's a bulk way to manage "Compare at" for a subset of products? Is there?

19 0 7

For context, I am adding 2,000+ products, so setting the "Compare at" price is not practical. Unless there's a bulk way to manage "Compare at" for a subset of products? Is there?

To answer my own question, I ended up using the QuickEdit: Bulk Product Edit app. You can filter a subset of products then apply an action. My action sets Compare At to current value of Price then reduces Price by a percentage. It has an option to revert the changes after X amount of time (end sale after a week, for example). It's really pretty awesome.


Maybe there's a technical limitation preventing Shopify from doing something similar? My best guess is that Compare At never should have been a public field so that discounts could handle markdowns automatically without user interference. In any case, it would be helpful if Shopify would explain.


1 0 2

Cant belive this is not possible. Absolutly amazing!!!! 

Shopify why cant this be fixed??

13 0 28

I am astounded that thousands of other websites can handle this, but Shopify refuses to even attempt to implement it. I guess it's easier to pawn off customers to third-party apps than to actually listen to what customers want/need.

19 0 7

Has anybody tried working around this by making an app?


Maybe detect if the product qualifies for the discount and show that price with the original crossed off?


I suppose some consideration for "Compare At" being set would need to be made (cross off both original and "Compare At" sale price while showing the discounted price).


I'm interested in developing such an app and would like some feedback on how this could best work.

3 0 24
yes, someone developed an app. I'm using Rockit Sales Manager to get around
this issue.
19 0 7

I too am using an app that runs sales its own way (QuickEdit, described in an earlier reply). It's totally separate from Shopify's Discounts.


What I'm wondering about (and maybe I wasn't too clear) is an app that uses the built-in Discounts from Shopify to simply display the discounted price on the product as most here expected (a sale that nobody knows about until they add it to the cart is an incomplete solution).


Since it appears no such app exists, I'm exploring making one for free so people can use the built-in Discounts and not have to pay monthly for an alternative solution.

Shopify Partner
14 0 112

That is what Shopify want. Either pay for Shopify Plus which is a ridiculous price for people starting up or pay for apps. In another post they stated this involves complex coding. As you can see the app does the job. So basically Shopify are not telling the truth to its customer.  

15 0 21

It's not even available on Shopify Plus!

2 0 1

I mean, not even Plus members get this option so there's that. This is such a ridiculous thing that should be a "core" setting for discounts. 

Shopify Partner
37 1 1

Hi there,


I'd like to recommend app Selly to display discounted prices on product page, collection page.


For example, in offer setting, you can set up a sale offer like the screenshot below:


Screen Shot 2024-11-02 at 3.37.50 AM.png


There are sale widget and optional product label on product page as well as collection page as below:


Screen Shot 2024-11-02 at 3.45.13 AM.pngScreen Shot 2024-11-02 at 3.46.21 AM.png


The app has 15 day free trial:


There are many other feature such as bundle, gift... and the app support is ready to help.

5 0 7

Personally I've just used the app Discounty, specially developed for Shopify and with a basic free plan which worked out great for what I needed (simple discount on a product with the correct new price visible on the main product page). 
My suggestion is to check on the app page if this one is compatible with your theme. 

About all the complaints on this thread I back all of the people that are upset with Shopify as there's no clear indication for such a simple request, and I'm surprised that someone working in the official Shopify support team suggested that it's impossible for the coders to offer such a feature, otherwise there won't be any app doing this. 
On the other end I suggest anyone that cannot find a specific feature on the basic Shopify plan, to always check in the app store and filter for the ones specifically "Built for Shopify", these I believe are done by Shopify team itself and seem to work perfectly.

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

FYI. "Built for Shopify" is a designation given to third-party apps that adhere to certain standards (like matching the Shopify UI). It doesn't necessarily mean they're made by Shopify or contracted by Shopify. The app marketplace shows who the maker of each app is.

1 0 0

I am trying this solution (which seems to be years old) but I am not getting the strike through indications. Is there another solution that is more current?

1 0 0

Hi everyon!

same thing....
For me, it would be enough to just put a small dot on the picture that says "-20%" if I enter an automatic discount for multiple products. If the reduced price is already visible at the checkout, it might not be so hard to implement it to be visible on the products before the customer adds it to the cart.
Do you have a solution for this?

33 0 53

I too am looking for a solution similar to the OPs request. Need to have the discounted price (on top of compare at) to be managed in bulk especially during sales period, displayed upfront on the product card on parent pages, and on the product pages, and NOT only on the cart pages when the native discount feature apply rules onto products.

Managed to install this app Rapi Bundles Volume Discounts, ( to give me the bulk of what I need, still missing the additional discounted price upfront on product cards. At least the additional seasonal discounts can be shown up front on the product page, and not after cart addition.


hope this helps.