How to show total price of 2 or more items in cart in front of Product price ?

How to show total price of 2 or more items in cart in front of Product price ?

Shopify Partner
32 0 9

Hi everyone , I need your help .

How to show total price of 2 or more items in cart in front of Product price ?

Currently total price is at bottom of the cart . This is good .

But , I want to show total price of 2 or more items in cart in front of Product price .

Can anyone help me  ?


website =

Thank You


2 itemn price.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
3781 406 498

Hi @liteleraja 


The function you need must be edited directly in the theme's JS. You should hire a developer to customize it as you wish and avoid causing errors for the store.


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