How to sort products by quantity using a filter?

How to sort products by quantity using a filter?

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I need a filter that sort by the quantity of product in stock. 
A slider that gives the customer the option to sort high to low quantity


Is that possible?

Replies 3 (3)

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794 68 113

One option is to use an app like "Boost Product Filter & Search" or "Product Filter & Search". Both of these apps offer advanced filtering options, including the ability to filter products based on stock quantity.  

To add a slider that allows the customer to sort high to low quantity, you can use the "Boost Product Filter & Search" app's "Range Slider" feature. This allows you to add a slider to your collection page that customers can use to filter products based on stock quantity.

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thanks for the reply. unfortunately none of them offers Range Slider for quantity 😞

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196 11 21

I think AI Search & Product filter has the function to sort by Inventory. You can try it on an unpublished theme to see if it meets your needs.


sort inventory.png




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