Re: HP Banner Text - More Spacing Needed

HP Banner Text - More Spacing Needed

Shopify Partner
10 0 0



The homepage banner carousel text on my Dawn Theme site is too close to one another. It looks like there is no or tiny space between the words. I am using <br> to create new lines in the meantime, but can you provide the CSS coding I need to add to make the spacing between words more natural.


Also while I'm at it, can you please help keep the white bar behind navigation / header items always present? If I scroll down and back up it disappears once at the top.

Thank you!

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
512 86 80



I can assist you better if you share screenshots of the relevant areas!


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I am getting an error when sharing a screenshot " The file type (.png) is not supported. Valid file types are: csv." However, if you go to, you can see the text I currently have on multiple lines because of the weirdness with spacing right on the homepage carousel. 

Image 1: woman and red roses with copy " FRESH VOLCANIC ROSES"

Image 2: "B(L)OOOOM" ETC


Thank  you!

Shopify Partner
512 86 80

Can you send it as a link?

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Sorry for the delay, the page is


Thank you Terence!