I cant change or modify "start" theme

2 0 0

Hello, i have 2 pages/stores on my login. both with the starter plan. 

i noticed the other day that one of them only has 1 page when you go to the site and 20 other items are not showing because of this. 


i also noticed that i am unable to modify or change the theme settings in 1 of them, but i can in the other.


when i go to the theme settings page, i see "view" and "manage branding" for the "start" theme.. (when looking for this theme, i cannot find it in the store)


I also cannot update or change it to a different theme. 


on the other store, also on the starter plan, the theme is "spotlight" and i am able to "view" and "customize" that theme. 


both themes are the "default" when creating a store, i've never changed them.


is there a way to reset the themes on the starter plan? i dont have a theme "library" that i've seen suggested in other posts, even after trying to change the theme. I'm not sure what the issue is.. 


May i add, that i think it's possible the "start" theme is a 1.0 old shopify theme? i cannot find it on the store, or able to update it from 1.2.1. 


but again, it will not load a new theme when adding it from the store.


thanks in advance.

Replies 2 (2)

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May i add, that i think it's possible the "start" theme is a 1.0 old spotify theme? i cannot find it on the store, or able to update it from 1.2.1. 


but again, it will not load a new theme when adding it from the store.

1 0 0

I’m new and having the same problem. Did you ever find a solution?