I need help with my website please

I need help with my website please

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I hope you're doing well! I need help copying the style of the header and sidebar from [Onee Studios](https://oneestudios.com/) for my website, and I'm using the free Dawn Shopify theme. I want to achieve a similar look, but I'm not very familiar with coding, so I would appreciate your guidance on each part. Here are my specific questions:

1. **Making the Header See-Through**: I’d like to create a transparent overlay effect for the header. This means the background should be see-through, and the text should appear in white at first. Could you please tell me how to do this? What specific code do I need to use in the CSS to achieve this effect?

2. **Changing the Logo Color**: I want the logo to change to black when I scroll up and the sticky bar becomes visible. What is the best way to implement this? Is there a JavaScript or jQuery function that I can use, and what code do I need to add to my theme?

3. **Hiding the Sidebar**: I would like the sidebar to remain hidden while scrolling down the page and only show up when the user scrolls up. How can I accomplish this? Could you provide the necessary code or steps to make this happen?

4. **Moving the Banner Image**: I want to adjust the banner image so that it starts right below the announcement bar, extending all the way to the top of the page. What changes do I need to make in the CSS or HTML to set the correct margins for the banner image?

5. **Transparent Sidebar Background**: Lastly, I would like the sidebar to have a transparent background, similar to the example site. What code should I use to create this effect?

Since I’m not very good with code, I would greatly appreciate clear and detailed instructions for each of these points. Your help would mean a lot to me as I try to improve my website.

Thank you for your time, and feel free to check my website for reference: [r3pentworldwide.com](http://r3pentworldwide.com).


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Hi @r3penttt show your work so far with inspectable urls, and ask more narrowly scoped singular questions for smaller simpler parts.

For a full implementation the how and why varies so wildly among themes this is an advanced theme customization, hire someone.



If you need this customization then contact me for services
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ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.

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