Re: I need help with the images on my product page

I need help with the images on my product page

8 1 2

My product page images seem to show up strangely cropped out I attached a image of what it should look like from my old theme and also how it looks now my new website theme is here any help would be much appreciated.

Screenshot 2023-12-22 131541.pngScreenshot 2023-12-22 132001.png

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
2391 516 513

Hello @notrabnai 

You can add code by following these steps to change ATC background color

1. Go to Online Store -> Theme -> Edit code.
2. Open your theme.liquid file

3. Paste the below code before </body> on theme.liquid


    .img-fluid {
       max-width: 100%;
       height: auto !important;


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8 1 2

Hey unfortunately this did not work still seems to be cropped weird