I want my filter color swatch in a list when using impulse theme

I want my filter color swatch in a list when using impulse theme

2 0 0


I want my color swatch like this image in filter when i am using impulse theme. Can you help me for do this?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
66 0 8

Hi @Pomcha_jaipur ,


This is Stacy from the Searchanise Team, the app that powers advanced search and filters for Shopify stores. 


One way of displaying color swathes the way you want is to use third-party apps, like Searchanise. Here is a screenshot from our store to give you an idea of how swathes could look like:  

Снимок экрана 2023-12-27 в 14.17.01.png


There are also a lot of other useful features to help you improve user experience on your website, ultimately leading to increased sales and conversion. Check out our app listing to learn more.


