Impulse theme slider images blurry when parallax is enabled

Impulse theme slider images blurry when parallax is enabled

7 0 3

Can someone explain to me why my slider images are blurry when I enable the parallax feature? I am using the recommended image size and I have experimented with different sizes as well to no avail. They look nice and crisp until I enable parallax, then the image is slightly zoomed in and blurry. If I untick the enable parallax box, the images are good again. Not sure if there is a trick or this is just a part of parallax in general. I found someone else mentioned same issue and unticking parallax worked for him as well. Thank you

Replies 19 (19)

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HEllo, @VegasDave 

Welcome to the Shopify community!
and Thanks for your Good question.

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My site isn't live but I just gave up and turned off the parallax feature.

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if possible to provide store view url?

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I sent you an email.

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37583 3668 12151


Thanks for email I will check


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15 0 1

I am having the exact same problem. Can you please share what the solution to this was? 

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Hello, @emex 

Welcome to the Shopify community!
and Thanks for your Good question.

Please share your site URL,
So I will check and provide a solution here.

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Hi KetanKumar - are you able to post your answer here given you already helped someone else with precisely the same issue? Thanks, 

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Yes, please share store url so i will guide you

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My store is not live. I'm just testing it out. Some instructions right (similar to what you may have given the previous person) will be appreciated. Thanks. 

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how can i guide you without URL

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3 0 0

I have this exact same issue with the blurry image on the slider when parallax is enabled. Please can you share how to correct this? URL is: 

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37583 3668 12151


Thanks for it 

sorry i can't see any issue

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3 0 1

Hi I have the impluse theme that I am editing but I have not purchased it yet, because I have the "parallax enabled" but yet none of my images on the home page are "sticky". On the demo for impulse, it shows the images on home page being fixed, but not on the preview. Is it because I haven't purchased the theme yet? Here is a preview:

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can you please show me issue 

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3 0 1

Yes please click on preview. All of the full width images supposed to be parallax but it doesn’t work. This is impulse theme. The demo for impulse showed parallax full width. Mine on preview are not, yet I have them enabled to parallax. 

3 0 1
2 0 4

Can you tell us how to turn of parallax on JUST THE SLIDE module. Currently it only asks us if we want it Horizontal or Vertical… I don’t want either. Please don’t ask for a link. It’s a general question most of us on this thread are asking. 
Thank you!  - JAKE CANO

Shopify Partner
37583 3668 12151


oh sorry for that issue can you please send store url so i will check and let you know 

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