Impulse Theme: Want Collection Description Next to Collection Image

Impulse Theme: Want Collection Description Next to Collection Image

New Member
13 0 0

Hello, I would like to have the collection page on my website to have the collection image and a brief description of the collection directly to the right of the image. I use the impulse theme. I've attached a screenshot including the image I want to have the words next to. My Shopify page is:

Replies 2 (2)
New Member
13 0 0

Can you tell me where to find the theme setup section?

Shopify Partner
24 1 2


If you're using the Impulse theme and would like to display the collection description next to the title on collection pages, you can typically achieve this by making some modifications to the theme's code. Here's a general guide on how you can do it:


  1. Access your Shopify admin panel and navigate to "Online Store" -> "Themes."

  2. Locate the Impulse theme and click on "Actions" -> "Edit code."

  3. In the left-hand sidebar, under "Sections," find the file named "collection-template.liquid" or similar.

  4. Open the file and search for the code that displays the collection title. It may look something like this {% if collection.title %} {{ collection.title }} {% endif %}..

  5. To display the collection description, you can add the following code immediately after the code for the title: <p>{{ collection.description }}</p>.
    So the combined code could look like this:

    {% if collection.title %} {{ collection.title }} <p>{{ collection.description }}</p> {% endif %}

Save the changes and preview your store to see if the collection description now appears under the title on the collection pages.

Please note that the code structure may vary slightly depending on the theme version or customizations you have made. Make sure to backup your theme before making any changes, and consider consulting a Shopify expert or the theme's documentation for more precise instructions specific to your theme version if needed.

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