Re: Input Value Attribute Not Changing with Variant

Input Value Attribute Not Changing with Variant

Shopify Partner
29 1 0

I created a product inquiry form on our product pages that autofills with the product SKU so that our admin can know which product the user is inquiry about. 

Screen Shot 2023-07-13 at 11.07.21 AM.png

The problem I am having is that the SKU does not change when a user changes the variant selection. I realized this is because it needs to be wrapped in  <span class="variant-sku">


However, this is an input value attribute and cannot be wrapped in a <span>. I tried creating a liquid snippet and rendering it within the input value but this did not work. 


Here is my code for the input field in the form:





{% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}

<input type="text" id="contact_form_name" readonly="readonly" onfocus="this.blur();" name="contact[sku]" value= "{{ current_variant.sku }}">





Any suggestions? 

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285 19 86

Hello @metagals ,


You can try to modify the code to update the input field value dynamically when the variant selection changes like this

const variantSelector = document.getElementById('variant-select');
const skuInput = document.getElementById('contact_form_name');

variantSelector.addEventListener('change', function() {
  const selectedVariant = variantSelector.value;

  const sku = getSKUForVariant(selectedVariant); 

  skuInput.value = sku;

function getSKUForVariant(variant) {



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Shopify Partner
1052 203 226

Hello @metagals 

You can add some Javascript code that listens to the variant select change and update the SKU in the input accordingly.

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Shopify Partner
29 1 0

Do you have any idea how I would structure this? Thank you!

Shopify Partner
1052 203 226

It really depends on your theme structure. Can you share your store URL?

Zeno Page Builder - Build responsive & SEO-optimized Landing pages, Blog posts, Product pages and more...
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Shopify Partner
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Live Site:

Shopify URL: 

Shopify Partner
1052 203 226

The rough code looks like this



{% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}

<input type="text" id="contact_form_name" readonly="readonly" onfocus="this.blur();" name="contact[sku]" value= "{{ current_variant.sku }}">

    var product = {{ product | json }}
    var variantSelect = document.querySelector('#SingleOptionSelector-0')
    var inputSKU = document.querySelector('input[contact[sku]]')

    variantSelect.addEventListener('change', updateSKU)

    function updateSKU() {
        var variant = variantSelect.value
        // TODO: You need to code this part
        // Using the product object declared above, and extract the correct SKU
        var variantSKU = ''
        inputSKU.value = variantSKU


Please implement the TODO in the code above.

Zeno Page Builder - Build responsive & SEO-optimized Landing pages, Blog posts, Product pages and more...
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Shopify Partner
29 1 0

I am having trouble getting this to work, are you available to hire to help implement?

Shopify Partner
29 1 0

Just following up here, let me know if you are available to hire to help us complete this code!

Shopify Partner
1052 203 226

Hello @metagals 

Sorry for the late reply. You can reach us at for free help at no cost.

Zeno Page Builder - Build responsive & SEO-optimized Landing pages, Blog posts, Product pages and more...
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Shopify Partner
29 1 0

Amazing, I just sent an email!