Is it possible to have a dynamic price (currency wise) in my annoucement bar?


Is it possible to have a dynamic price (currency wise) in my annoucement bar?

8 1 1

Hey there!

I have geolocation installed which changes the prices for the customer based on their location.
Is it possible to have this change for something in the announcement bar? I currently have a sale on and the announcement bar shows the price of one of the items but I cant seem to figure it out.


I can do a small bit of html and liquid and was thinking it was something like placing the liquid "price--item" into the header but cant work it out unfortunately.

Accepted Solution (1)
8 1 1

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Okay so I am getting close, I have added in {{ product.price | money }} in the area thats needed, but I think because its the home page it doesnt know which product to pull the price from? How would I go about telling the annoucement bar liquid that I want to pull the price from a certain product?

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Reply 1 (1)
8 1 1

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you!

Okay so I am getting close, I have added in {{ product.price | money }} in the area thats needed, but I think because its the home page it doesnt know which product to pull the price from? How would I go about telling the annoucement bar liquid that I want to pull the price from a certain product?