kindly reply..want to change product image badge color, change it name , and change its position

kindly reply..want to change product image badge color, change it name , and change its position

New Member
20 0 0

I want to change the color of the product image badge to red, change it from "on sale" to "save Rs xx,"  and change its position to the top right corner.
And also want to show "save Rs xx" on product page below  price

i am currently using prestige version 5-4-3-fl3jvd so guide me according to this version.
My website's URL is:

picture attached to the current badge:


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
69 8 13

Please navigate online store -> theme -> customize -> edit code and open theme.css

.ProductItem__LabelList {
   position: absolute;

   right: 10px;

   top: 6px;

   text-align: left;

.ProductItem__Label {
  color: red;
Good Luck 🙂


New Member
20 0 0

position matter is solved but color is not working. Please solve my other issues, which i discussed above

Shopify Partner
69 8 13

.ProductItem__Label--sale {
  color: red !important;
open en.default.liquid


You can replace title what you want.


New Member
20 0 0

{%- assign savings = card_product.compare_at_price | minus: card_product.price -%}
Save {{ savings | money_without_trailing_zeros }}

i want this code to be apply for product image badge ...kindly tell me where to apply and kindly correct the code if wrong