Large gaps between "Featured collection" and "Collection list" - Narrative theme on mobile version

33 0 6

Hey Team,

I am seeing huge gaps on my Home page between "Featured collection" and "Collection list" sections on mobile version (I think there's lot of whitespace above/below). I got this problem fixed for desktop version but it is still there  for on mobile version. Please help me fix this. See the attached screenshot for reference. My website - 

Screen Shot 2021-10-16 at 12.56.50 AM.png

Replies 2 (2)

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Hii, @blisskare 
Paste this code on top of the theme.scss file.

div#shopify-section-163263922433e2cbfc {
    margin-top: -61% !important;

Thank You.

33 0 6

Hey @Zworthkey It is not fixing the issue. Could you please check the code again?