Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Hi there,
I know Shopify allows us to set up multiple variants per product, including size and colour. However we decided to have individual product pages for each size available of a single product.
I was able to implement a piece of code (see below) to show product labels for each product size or option. It works really well, however I can't seem to find a way to re-order these labels alphabetically (A-Z or 0-9). So if you read this and know how to fix this, pleeeeeeeease let me know as I've spent way too much time trying to figure this out by myself.
Example: if you look under the "Also Available In", these are the labels I am referring to that are showing different options for this product. I want them to be ordered alphabetically, A to Z.
Another example: if you look under the "Also Available In", these are the labels I am referring to that are showing the different sizes for this product. I want them to be ordered numerically, 0 to 9.
Here my code to generate these labels. I basically create a product tag (i.e: len-milwaukee-packout) and assign it to all products I want to link together, and then use the metafield "product_size" I created to assign the name I want to display in the label.
{%- assign tag_len = "BLANK" -%}
{%- for tag in product.tags -%}
{%- assign tag_len_prefix = tag | slice: 0, 4 -%}
{%- if tag_len_prefix == "len-" -%}
{%- assign tag_len = tag -%}
{%- break -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- unless tag_len == "BLANK" -%}
{%- assign vendor_handle = product.vendor | handle -%}
{%- if collections[vendor_handle].products.size > 0 -%}
{%- assign len_products_total = 0 -%}
{%- capture products_len_output -%}
{%- paginate collections[vendor_handle].products by 2000 -%}
{%- for len_product in collections[vendor_handle].products -%}
{%- if len_product.tags contains tag_len -%}
{%- unless == -%}
{%- assign len_products_total = len_products_total | plus: 1 -%}
<a href="{{ len_product.url }}" title="{{ len_product.title }}"><span class="product--badge-orka badge--othersize-orka">{{ }}</span></a>
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endpaginate -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- if len_products_total > 0 -%}
<div class="product-alt-len-section">
<div class="product-len-colours-titles">
<strong>Also Available In:</strong>
<div class="product-len-colours">
{{ products_len_output }}
{%- endif -%}
I hope this makes sense. Any help would be much appreciated here 🙂
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
The array sort filters will likely be your friend:-
Probably on the `collections[handle].products` object
PS Code looks familiar 😉
This is an accepted solution.
{%- assign sorted_products = collections[vendor_handle].products | sort: 'title' -%}
{%- paginate sorted_products by 2000 -%}
{%- for len_product in sorted_products -%}
Sorry don't have a store I can test the liquid with currently, this should work IIRC. So sorting the array and assigning to a variable which you then paginate and iterate over.
Might need to be done after the paginate, although I think that would only sort that 'page' although, shouldn't be a problem unless you have more than 2000 items.
This is an accepted solution.
The array sort filters will likely be your friend:-
Probably on the `collections[handle].products` object
PS Code looks familiar 😉
Thank you Stephen for your help with this!
My apologies for not mentioning you as the source for the code.
{%- paginate collections[vendor_handle].products by 2000 -%}
{%- for len_product in collections[vendor_handle].products | sort: 'title' -%}
This should sort the array by title in an A-z fashion
Thank you @StephenK , but for some reason I get an error when adding this.
Error: "Liquid syntax error (sections/static-product.liquid line 472): Expected end_of_string but found pipe in "len_product in collections[vendor_handle].products | sort: 'title'"
This is an accepted solution.
{%- assign sorted_products = collections[vendor_handle].products | sort: 'title' -%}
{%- paginate sorted_products by 2000 -%}
{%- for len_product in sorted_products -%}
Sorry don't have a store I can test the liquid with currently, this should work IIRC. So sorting the array and assigning to a variable which you then paginate and iterate over.
Might need to be done after the paginate, although I think that would only sort that 'page' although, shouldn't be a problem unless you have more than 2000 items.
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