Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Hi guys. My website is showing this (photo). I've checked with BOLD, they say it is the theme's (Debut) coding. Any idea how to rectify it?
Hello, @granelyst
Please share your site URL,
So I will check and provide a solution here.
Hello, @granelyst
It can be done by doing some code customization. please send me a personal message and we can discuss what you'd like.
I am also having this issue. It appears to be related to the newly input currency converter. the price displays right when I change the currency to USD but when in my default CAD it is showing the <span class problem.
hey I see that you helped someone with this issue, I am experiencing the same thing can you offer me any assistance?
Welcome to the Shopify community!
and Thanks for your Good question.
Please share your site URL,
So I will check and provide a solution here.
the url is, i was able to change the code to so I do not see the error anymore, but now the currency converter is not working, can you help me out
Thanks for it
sorry i can't see any issue how can i check this?
I am also having this issue. It appears to be related to the newly input currency converter. the price displays right when I change the currency to USD but when in my default CAD it is showing the <span class problem.
Hello, @ronagram
Welcome to the Shopify community!
and Thanks for your Good question.
Please share your site URL,
So I will check and provide a solution here.
can you please share code or add me staff account so i will fix
i need local.json file no more or add me staff
@KetanKumar check email , i send staff request to you at
@KetanKumar check email , i send staff request to you at
Thanks for it see this
We have checked for this issue in real system and browserstack but it is working ok. In which system configuration or browser you are checking?
@KetanKumar sir when you add product and go to cart page, that time you change quantity then this error occur
sorry i can't see any issue
Hi! Can you help please? I have the same issue. Whenever you change the number of items in your cart, <span class=money> appears.
So when I add an item everything is ok
When I increase quantity, <span class=money> appears.
I've looked through google and here as well. Couldn't find a solution unfortunately
Thanks in advance!
can you please share store url and cart page code
cart.liquid code below:
<!-- /templates/cart.liquid -->
{% comment %}
The contents of the cart.liquid template can be found in /sections/cart-template.liquid
{% endcomment %}
{% section 'cart-template' %}
{% if settings.mlvedaACS_isMessageDisplay %}
<p class="mlvedaCartNote" style="display:none">
{{ settings.mlvedaACS_messageContent | replace: "<<>>", | replace:"<<shop.currency>>",shop.currency|replace:"<<shop.selected_currency>>","<span class='selected-currency'></span>"}}
{% endif %}
There is also a cart-template.liquid file. Let me know if you need that one instead of the one above.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for it but sorry this code are so many code missing how can i guide you?
Sorry, I think I posted the wrong code. Have a look at this:
<!-- /sections/cart-template.liquid -->
{% comment %}
For info on test orders:
- General
- Shopify Payments -
{% endcomment %}
{% comment%}
If we have products in the cart
<div data-section-id="{{}}" data-section-type="cart">
{% if cart.item_count > 0 %}
{% comment%}
Mobile sticky Header Buttons. Please wash your hands afterwards
<div class="cart-top-buttons large--hide medium-down--show grid--full">
<div class="one-half top-cart-total">
<span class="btn js-cart-btn-subtotal">{{ '' | t }}: <span class="ufe-cart-total-price"><span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_total" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span></span>
<div class="one-half top-cart-checkout">
<button type="submit" name="add" id="AddToCart" class="btn">
<span id="AddToCartText">{{ 'cart.general.mobileCheckout' | t }}</span>
<form id="main-checkout-form" action="/cart" method="post" novalidate class="cart table-wrap">
<div class="grid--full cart-header medium-down--hide js-cart-hide-on-empty">
<div class="grid__item large--one-half medium--one-whole cart-header-title">
<h1>{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</h1>
<div class="grid__item large--one-half medium-down--hide cart-header-buttons">
<div class="btn--tertiary cart-continue-button"><a href="collections/all"></a>{{ 'cart.general.continue_browsing_html' | t }}</div>
<button type="submit" name="checkout" class="btn cart-submit-button">{{ 'cart.general.checkout' | t }}</button>
<div class="mobile-price-centered">
<span class="h4 cart__subtotal-title">{{ 'cart.general.subtotal' | t }}</span>
<span class="h2 cart__subtotal js-cart-subtotal"><span class="ufe-cart-total-price"><span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_total_2" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span></span>
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% assign hasDiscount = false %}
{% if cart.total_discounts > 0 %}
{% if item.original_line_price != item_price %}
{% assign hasDiscount = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid--full cart-items js-cart-items-container">
<!-- item image -->
<div class="grid__item large--one-half medium-down--one-quarter cart-product-image">
<a href="{{ item.url | within: collections.all }}" class="cart__image">
{% comment %}
More image size options at:
{% endcomment %}
{% assign img_url = item | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' %}
<img class="lazyload lazystretch"
src="{{ item | img_url: '300x' }}"
data-src="{{ img_url }}"
data-widths="[540, 720, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 1944, 2048]"
data-aspectratio="{{ item.aspect_ratio }}"
alt="{{ item.title | escape }}">
<!-- item information -->
<div class="grid__item large--one-half medium-down--one-half">
<div class="grid-full cart-product-info-wrapper js-cart-item-info-container" data-price="{{item.price}}" data-id="{{ }}">
<div class="large--grid__item large--one-whole medium-down--one-whole cart-quantity-field mobile-product-wrapper">
<div class="grid-full">
<!-- item title / description / vendor -->
<div class="grid__item large--one-half cart-product-info-wrapper ">
<a href="{{ item.url }}" class="h4 cart-product-title">
{{ item.product.title | truncatewords:20}}
<div class="grid__item large--one-quarter cart-price-wrapper medium-down--show large--hide">
<td data-label="{{ '' | t }}" class="text-right">
<div class="cart-price-wrapper">
{% if hasDiscount %}
<span class="cart-item__original-price js-cart-item-orig-price"><s><span class='ufe-cart-item-total-price' data-key='{{item.key}}' data-props='{{ | json}}'><span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_item_total" data-item-key="{{item.key}}" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ item.original_line_price | money }}</span></s></span>
{% endif %}
<h3 class="cart-product-price-title medium-down--hide">{{ 'cart.label.price' | t }}</h3>
<span class="h3 cart-product-price">
<span id="item-price" class="js-cart-item-price">
<span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_item_total_2" data-item-key="{{item.key}}" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ item.line_price | money }}
{% for discount in item.discounts %}
<span class="cart-item__discount">{{ discount.title }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% unless item.variant.title contains 'Default' %}
<p><small>{{ 'cart.label.option' | t }}: {{ item.variant.title }}</small></p>
{% endunless %}
{% if section.settings.cart_vendor_enable %}
<h4 itemprop="brand" class="product-single__vendor medium-down--hide">{{ item.vendor }}</h4>
{% endif %}
{% comment %}
Optional, loop through custom product line items if available
For more info on line item properties, visit:
{% endcomment %}
{% assign property_size = | size %}
{% if property_size > 0 %}
{% for p in %}
{% unless p.last == blank %}
{{ p.first }}:
{% comment %}
Check if there was an uploaded file associated
{% endcomment %}
{% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %}
<a href="{{ p.last }}">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ p.last }}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- item quantity -->
<div class="grid__item large--one-quarter cart-quantity-wrapper">
<td data-label="{{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t }}">
<h3 class="cart-quantity-title">{{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t }}</h3>
{% include 'variant-qty-controls', quantity:item.quantity %}
<!-- item price-->
<div class="grid__item large--one-quarter cart-price-wrapper medium-down--hide">
<td data-label="{{ '' | t }}" class="text-right">
<div class="cart-price-wrapper">
{% if hasDiscount %}
<span class="cart-item__original-price js-cart-item-orig-price"><s><span class='ufe-cart-item-total-price' data-key='{{item.key}}' data-props='{{ | json}}'><span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_item_total_3" data-item-key="{{item.key}}" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ item.original_line_price | money }}</span></s></span>
{% endif %}
<h3 class="cart-product-price-title medium-down--hide">{{ 'cart.label.price' | t }}</h3>
<span class="h3 cart-product-price">
<span id="item-price" class="js-cart-item-price">
<span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_item_total_4" data-item-key="{{item.key}}" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ item.line_price | money }}
{% for discount in item.discounts %}
<span class="cart-item__discount">{{ discount.title }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{%if section.settings.cart-review-desc == 'review'%}
<div class="large--grid__item large--one-whole medium-down--one-whole cart-review-description">
<div id="shopify-product-reviews" data-id="{{}}">{{ | truncatewords:50 }}</div>
{%elsif section.settings.cart-review-desc == 'desc' %}
<div class="large--grid__item large--one-whole medium-down--one-whole cart-product-description">
<p>{{ item.product.description | strip_html | truncatewords:30 }}</p>
<hr class="cart-remove-hr">
<!-- item remove from cart -->
<a href="/cart/change?line={{ forloop.index }}&quantity=0" class="cart__remove medium-down--hide">
<small>{{ 'cart.general.remove' | t }}</small>
<div class="grid__item large--hide medium-down--one-quarter mobile-cart-remove">
<a href="/cart/change?line={{ forloop.index }}&quantity=0" class="cart__remove">
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="15" viewBox="0 0 16 15">
<path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M15 1.218L13.78 0 7.5 6.282 1.22 0 0 1.218 6.282 7.5 0 13.782 1.22 15 7.5 8.718 13.78 15 15 13.782 8.718 7.5"></path>
{% endfor %}
<div class="grid--full grid__row cart-purchase-wrapper {%unless section.settings.title != '' or section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext != '' or section.settings.cart_notes_enable or section.settings.cart-purchase-number != '' or section.settings.cart-purchase-email != ''%} medium-down--hide{%endunless%} js-cart-hide-on-empty">
{% if section.settings.title != '' or section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext != ''%}
<div class="large--grid__item large--one-half medium--one-whole cart-store-promotion" {%if section.settings.cart_ad_colors%}style="background-color:{{section.settings.cart_ad_background}}; color:{{section.settings.cart_ad_text_color}}"{%endif%}>
<div class="cart-ad-wrapper">
<h2>{{ section.settings.title | truncatewords:10}}</h2>
<h3>{{ section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext | truncatewords: 40}}</h3>
<div class="large--grid__item {%if section.settings.title != '' or section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext != '' %}large--one-half{%else%} large--one-whole {%endif%} {%unless section.settings.title != '' or section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext != '' or section.settings.cart_notes_enable or section.settings.cart-purchase-number != '' or section.settings.cart-purchase-email != ''%} medium-down--hide{%endunless%} cart-checkout-field">
{% if section.settings.cart_notes_enable %}
<h3 class="cart-purchase-header medium-down--hide large--show">{{ section.settings.cart-purchase-header | truncate: 100 }}</h3>
<h2 class="cart-purchase-header large--hide medium-down--show">{{ section.settings.cart-purchase-header | truncate: 100 }}</h2>
{%if section.settings.cart-purchase-number != '' or section.settings.cart-purchase-email != ''%}
<div class="cart-contact-wrapper">
{%if section.settings.cart-purchase-number != ''%} <h3 class="cart-contact-number">{{ section.settings.cart-purchase-number | escape | truncate:30 }}</h3> {%endif%}
{%if section.settings.cart-purchase-email != ''%} <h3 class="cart-contact-email">{{ section.settings.cart-purchase-email | escape | truncate:30}}</h3>{%endif%}
{% if section.settings.cart_notes_enable %}
<div class="large--grid__item large--one-whole small--one-whole cart-note-wrapper">
<textarea name="note" rows="6" class="input-full" id="CartSpecialInstructions" placeholder="{{ 'cart.general.note' | t }}"></textarea>
{% endif %}
<div class="scm-currency-cart" style="text-align:right; display:none;"><span style="text-transform:uppercase;">{{ }}</span> process all orders in {{ shop.currency }}. While the content of your cart is currently displayed in <span class="selected-currency"></span>,<br> you will checkout using {{ shop.currency }} at the most current exchange rate.</div>
<div class="large--grid__item large--one-whole medium-down--hide cart-purchase-buttons">
<div class="btn--tertiary medium-down--one-whole cart-continue-button {% if section.settings.title != '' or section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext != '' %}cart-enabled{%else%}cart-disabled{%endif%}"><a href="collections/all"></a>{{ 'cart.general.continue_browsing_html' | t }}</div>
<form action="/cart" method="post" novalidate class="cart table-wrap">
{% if cart.total_discounts > 0 %}
{% assign savings = cart.total_discounts | money %}
<span class="cart-subtotal__savings"><em>{{ 'cart.general.savings_html' | t: price: savings }}</em></span>
{% endif %}
<input type="submit" name="checkout" id="mobile-cart-submit-button" class="btn cart-submit-button medium-down--one-whole {% if section.settings.title != '' or section.settings.cart-ad-description_richtext != '' %}cart-enabled{%else%}cart-disabled{%endif%}" value="{{ 'cart.general.checkout' | t }}">
<div class="bottom-cart-total">
<span class="h4 cart__subtotal-title">{{ 'cart.general.subtotal' | t }}</span>
<span class="h2 cart__subtotal js-cart-subtotal"><span class="ufe-cart-total-price"><span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_total_3" style="display:none !important;"></span>{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span></span>
<div class="cart-items-empty js-cart-show-on-empty large--hide medium-down--show">
<p><a href="collections/all">{{ 'cart.general.continue_browsing_html' | t }}</a></p>
{% else %}
{% comment %}
The cart is empty
{% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
<div class="cart-items-empty js-cart-show-on-empty" {% if cart.item_count > 0%}style="display:none"{%endif%}>
<h2>{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</h2>
<p>{{ 'cart.general.empty' | t }}</p>
<p><a href="collections/all">{{ 'cart.general.continue_browsing_html' | t }}</a></p>
Thanks for code
i have check this code all good
i think other issue can you please add me on staff acount
Thanks for it
i have check this issue your cart page ajax update not proper work can you please contact your developer or let me know
Super simple solution. Nothing to do with coding. Just change the currency format on Shopify settings Go to settings -> General -> CURRENCY FORMATIING - find and change
<span class=money>${{amount}} CAD</span>
${{amount}} CAD
<span class=money>${{amount}}</span>
That's it!!!
Hope it will work
I have also facing this problem, please guide me
can you please share store url?
I have this problem too
how to solve plz
Hello, Thanks for post.
It can be done by doing some code customization. please send me a personal message and we can discuss what you'd like
Hello Ketan,
I am having the issue as stated above, I saw that you have helped the ones on top so wondering if you could help me aswell with this. I have downloaded an app called the pricing by country and the product pricing settings have doubled causing the products to look as they have multiple prices.
Would really appreciate help,
Thank you,
yes please share store url
yes, i have check but i can't see please show me url and issue images
Hi @anas1982
Can help you with that, shoot me an email.
Thank you!
Hey I am Having a problem with a currency converter app its making span>... appear on my pricing when viewing item in catalog. I have followed the steps that the app asks when it directs users to modify HTML in currency formatting so customers can change currency but its making that issue appear. See image below:
Thanks for post
Please share your site URL,
So I will check and provide a solution here.
It can be done by doing some code customization. please send me a personal message and we can discuss what you'd like
Hi @KetanKumar ,
could you please help: here is my store link
It can be done by doing some code customization. please send me a personal message and we can discuss what you'd like
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