Make reviews and price in line on product page

Make reviews and price in line on product page

Shopify Partner
51 0 18

Hello, I'd like to make this review stars app (Okendo) appear in line with the price (where the the blue box is), instead of underneath like it's currently showing. I'd like it to also appear next to the price on mobile too. Any ideas?

Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 12.23.30 PM.png



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
769 160 169

Hello @kirsten11123

I did not found star rating in this product.



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Shopify Partner
51 0 18

Sorry it should be there now

Shopify Partner
879 103 134

Hi @kirsten11123 


Thanks for your query. I notice that there is no rating on the product page, can you help me double check? 




Thank you. 




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