Minimal Theme - Showing Quantity Break Prices on Product Page

60 2 8

Hey, all! Just wanted to ask something.


We have the Bold Quantity Breaks app (Legacy version) installed on our store, and I was wondering if there's any way to show the price on the product page if you change into another quantity?


In the screenshot below, you can see that I've input the "4" in the quantity field, but the price (the one in the big orange font) doesn't change along with it. I was wondering if anyone's got any idea how to do it. Thanks.





Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
973 41 55

Hi @Ela_V_TSM,


You can use apps from shopify to configure the quantity based pricing for the products.


Shopify Partner
24 2 5

There are many apps out there which is really good for the quantity breaks. You can use this app Bundles & Quantity Breaks as they have lot of customization on the volume discount and this can help you in increasing the AOV of your store.

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