Mobile View Issues - Infinite Scroll and Dual menus

Mobile View Issues - Infinite Scroll and Dual menus

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I have two issues and after searching on the forum and through google I still cant figure it out.

First issue is that my collection pages of products or businesses will scroll to the side forever. Id like it to stop when it gets to the last business or collection instead of starting at the beginning. 


Also on mobile view/phone it turns the main menu into a side bar menu. It ends up putting a menu drop down icon on both top corners of the page. Need to know how to turn just one of them off only on the mobile view/phone.


I greatly appreciate any help!!

Replies 4 (4)
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I am using the Automize theme from ThemeForest

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Apparently the guy I responded to deleted his comment? Please help!!!!!

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Hi @ryan139 👋 always keep other people in mind we do not see what you see or have your exact same setup.

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if you look on the main page, in mobile view or on a phone, you will see both issues.