Move product thumbnails from bottom to left of product image?

6 0 2

Hi there, how do I move product thumbnails from bottom to left of product image?

I'm using the Brooklyn theme. My website is

password is Gsroc123$

Thank you!

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@andreakennedy44- do you want something like this? if yes then add given css to the very end of your timber.scss.css file and check

@media screen and (min-width:1024px){
.product-single__media-group-wrapper{display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;}
.product-single__media-group{flex-basis: 60%; order: 2;}
.product-single__thumbnails{flex-basis: 40%;}



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Yes, but I'd like the product thumbnails to be only one across versus two. Is that possible? Like this...


Screen Shot 2021-11-17 at 3.20.46 PM.png

Shopify Partner
9134 1137 1484

@andreakennedy44- yes it can be done, can you add me as collaborator, i will send you the request?

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