Move Product Title, Price, Judgeme review above image and make image full width

Move Product Title, Price, Judgeme review above image and make image full width

7 0 1

Hi there!


I'm currently using dawn theme on my website but I'm having some issues and I was wondering if someone could help me. I want to move the product title, price, and judgeme reviews above the image. I also want to remove the odd spacing below the image and also make the image full width. Can someone please help me with this and how I can do this?  


Untitled design (9).jpgScreenshot 2024-05-08 at 21.40.43.png

Replies 3 (3)

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1370 104 145

Hello @arms-of-andes 


Welcome to Shopify Community.


You want be able to do this by your self, As you will have to alter the HTML code to change the position of the elements above the image only for mobile. 

Please seek help of a developer to set this at a very reasonable cost for you.


Let me know if I can be helpful in anyways.



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