Multiple products on one product page...

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Hello, I sell kits for building rc cars. Some kits come with screws, some with bearings, some with servos, some with belts, some with motors or gears etc etc. Here's an example of one of my kit product pages:

Currently I have my site set-up so that I have each RC car type with its own product page and then each kit option as a separate "variant" on my product page depending on what kit parts a customer would like to buy. This set-up has some serious issues with inventory tracking and with choosing exactly which kit pieces customers would like (currently you have to choose a pre-made bundle). Many kits also use the same pieces (servos, motors, bearings).

Instead of this I'd like to have customers select which individual kit pieces they want to buy and then have each piece set-up as its own inventory tracked product.

Any recommendations on the best way to set this up? I've been looking into apps but haven't found any I really like for this.


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Shopify Partner
894 23 173

You can try my bundle app, BYOB. It allows merchants to offer custom bundles, e.g. customers select any m products in a collection, any n products in another collection, pay a discounted price. 

Here is a sample bundle to chain different collections:

chain collections bundle.png


BYOB - Build Your Own Bundles, SPO - SEO App to research keywords & edit social link preview