Multiple variant selections with one unique SKU without using an app

Multiple variant selections with one unique SKU without using an app

Shopify Partner
28 1 3

I have 3 parts. Each part has several models that it's compatible with. I want the 3 parts to have unique SKUs. I also want the variant dropdown should the compatible models, not SKUs.


Example: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 all have distinct SKUs (e.g. SKU 1, SKU 2, SKU 3).


Part 1 is compatible with Model A & B.

Part 2 is compatible with Model C & D.

Part 3 is compatible with Model E.


I want to create a variant menu that show:

- Model A (SKU 1)

- Model B (SKU 1)

- Model C (SKU 2)

- Model D (SKU 2)

- Model E (SKU 3)


So when Model A or Model B is sold, the inventory is taken out from the same SKU (e.g. SKU 1)


I know I can create a variant menu like this that will work but I want to avoid that:


- Model A & Model B (SKU 1)

- Model C & Model D (SKU 2)

- Model E (SKU 3)


Replies 2 (2)
Shopify Partner
28 1 3

Thanks for the reply.

I was hoping to avoid using metafields as I also need to change on the fly the product image, description, price, etc.

Also, I can't create 3 different product pages for customers. I can only create one product page with different SKUs being shown as a dropdown selection using the compatible models, not SKUs. I'm OK with creating 3 different PRODUCTS (3 SKUs) if I can create one dummy page to allow selecting them, which is pretty what the variant feature does in Shopify.

Shopify Partner
28 1 3

My preferred way would be for this dummy page to show all content including images, price, description, etc., on the same page, that change when a selection is made in the dropdown menu so there's no need to be redirected to another page to show the product details. I know lol I'm asking too much. Happy new year btw!