My new favicon isnt updated on google search console

My new favicon isnt updated on google search console

20 0 11

So i changed my new favicon from my old one since like 5 months ago and then everything is looking good on google.. 


until then


i integrate mywebsite with google search console to improve my SEO and the favicon on my google search console is still the old one then 3 days later when i type my website name on google it shows the old favicon which i dont want it to show. 


As you can see the picture below my old favicon is showing on my google saerch console meanwhile on my shopify theme settings its showing different favicon (latest one ) 


shopify help.png

shopify help 2.png


Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
3879 840 1000

Hi @Marllz 

Google will look for and update your favicon whenever it crawls your home page. If you make changes to your favicon and want to inform Google about the changes, you can request indexing of your site's homepage. Updates can take a few days or longer to appear in search results.

Please make sure you follow this guidelines to show your new favicon in google search results. 
- Both the favicon file and the home page must be crawlable by Google (that is, they cannot be blocked to Google).
- Your favicon should be a visual representation of your website's brand, in order to help users quickly identify your site when they scan through search results.
- Your favicon should be a multiple of 48px square, for example: 48x48px, 96x96px, 144x144px and so on. SVG files, of course, do not have a specific size. Any valid favicon format is supported. Google will rescale your image to 16x16px for use in search results, so make sure that it looks good at that resolution. Note: do not provide a 16x16px favicon.
- The favicon URL should be stable (don’t change the URL frequently).
- Google will not show any favicon that it deems inappropriate, including pornography or hate symbols (for example, swastikas). If this type of imagery is discovered within a favicon, Google will replace it with a default icon.

If you feel like my answer is helpful, please mark it as a SOLUTION. Let me know if you have any questions!

20 0 11

So im using prestige theme and in my theme it asked me to input 32x32 file 

Shopify Partner
935 24 193

If the favicon is displayed correctly on the browser, why is it important for google search console? It's not affecting SEO as well

BYOB - Build Your Own Bundles, SPO - SEO App to research keywords & edit social link preview
20 0 11

it affects the google index right after i integrated it with search the favicon changed.. 

Shopify Partner
3879 840 1000

Hi @Marllz 

So your favicon has been changed to your new one in Google Search Console and Google? 
