Shopify themes, liquid, logos, and UX
Hi there @EONX5!
Don here from Shopify. 🙂
It looks like you are using a third-party theme which was not purchased via our theme store.
As such, we cannot guarantee the quality or functionality of this theme nor can we vouch for any support that would be available for this theme.
We would definitely recommend that you consider buying a quality third-party theme or using a free, Shopify-built and -supported theme from the theme store if you want to be sure of what you are getting.
For your current situation, if you cannot get support for the theme you are using you can still reach out to a Shopify Expert for theme support.
Any of the following Expert services would specialise in theme-related tasks and might be able to provide you with some support or editing:
Best of luck with everything!
Don | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi Eonx5,
I've been working in Wokiee for a few months. It took a while to figure it out but I have got most everything working as needed. Admittedly, the documentation is a little rough. So had to do quite a bit of trial and error to figure everything out.
Do you have any specific questions regarding the theme or its setup?
Hi Pixogee,
I am having issues re-ordering variant options on the product page. I use numeric sizes and was wondering if there is a way to reorder option from within the template. I even tried to manually sort the variants from Shopify but sizes with "." (periods) show up last and it could be affecting conversions.
I would prefer to automatically re-order variant options numerically using .liquid, do you have any knowledge of this?
Please advise,
Thank you!
Sorry to tag onto this. I have the same exact question. Seeing as the original post is a few months old, was hoping anyone had an update? I've gone through every file in the theme and I cannot find where to make the edits to get these to display in order (4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, etc. instead of 4, 5, 6... 4.5, 5.5, 6.5). It really shouldn't be that difficult, I've been able to modify and create a lot of different code for this theme, but just can't seem to find where to edit to fix this.
Hi there,
I have this theme, and I'm wondering if you know where to go to edit the sales badge? When an item price is changed it says "SALE 15%", and I'd like to take off the percentage, so it just says "SALE". Any ideas? TIA 🙂
Hi there!
Did you figure out how to edit the badge? I want to add the badge bestseller, but cant figure it ourt. 😞
The best solution for custom fixes or errors is to contact support, sometimes they just send you a code for you to change and that's all.
Best of lucks,
They make you submit purchase code to get support, but envato erased my purchase history, I'm so screwed, super sad that the wookie variants are not changing the image on a mobile browser..
Hello, i work with the wookie theme but now i miss a function. i have to show the base price or price by unit from some products on the collection page and the product page. But i dont know how.
can everybody help me? i have sent a ticket to PThemes support but no answer.
thank you.
I think that can be done on the Theme Customization feature. Just look for it, take your time and try everything.
Best regards and good luck!
Hola pixogee
tengo pocos dias con el tema Wokiee y se me ha dificultado terminar la configuracion y estructurar la pagina. ahora tengo un problema con el carrito de compras al momento de agregar un producto a carrito no lo agrega (si es la primera vez que visita la pagina). es necesario recargar la pagina para que se actualice el carrito y ahora si aparecen los articulos agregados anteriormente. y tambien cuando ya estoy en carrito trato de eliminar algun articulo y no lo resta del total a pagar.
y si tambien puedes ayudarme me gustaria saber estructurar bien los filtros para busqueda de productos.
Same problem. I have 5 variants (colors) and 5 images of product (different colors). I want to product image in 1 color display if client clicks on the variant color image. For now I only managed to to that but both images displays (variant image + product image). So like, client clicks and see red square (one of variants image) - doesnt look so good. You have this solved?
Is the theme editor incredibly slow for you? I cannot edit anything...its takes minimum 30 seconds for each step 😞
I have issues uploading Wookie Theme to my Shopify store and receiving a zip does not contain a valid theme: missing template "layout/theme dot liquid" .
There is no documentation on this online.
Please share.
You should have no problem installing it. Please check the instructions.
Hi there, experiencing problems myself— I recommend carefully consideration before purchasing a 3rd party theme with absolutely no support. Porto says that support is included for 6 months but its extremely lacking so unfortunately, not helpful. I've been stuck troubleshooting for months.
Yes.. Have you got the chance to fix it. I mean. overall I have something issued but their support is horrible and all those reviews are fake. I have a programmer on fiverr helping me to solve this issues
Yes, I think wookie theme has terrible support
We use wokiee and its bad. Their reviews on themeforest have got to be fake. We've had loads of issues, page load speed, images being loaded that are not on the viewable page. I could go on. And yes their support is shockingly bad. Terrible experience.
We are currently looking for a new theme.
Thank you for choosing our Shopify theme.
1) Reviews on Themeforest aren't fake. We have more than 300 excellent 5 star reviews. Do you really think that they are all fake?
2) We provide support through our support system - Did you submit ticket with your issues there?
3) Your problems may be related to compatibility issues with other 3rd party apps that aren't the part of our theme.
We will be glad to provide support in the measures of Envato obligations through our support system.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards
@softali - Is it necessary to use a third-party page builder like Gem Pages if I want to customize the page design? Our current theme (Plak) provides very little customization so we're using Gem Pages in conjunction since I'm not an expert in CSS or HTML. I'm wondering if Wokiee has a better interface for page customization or a third-party builder is necessary to facilitate that.
Yes I do think you faked them; your theme is absolutely terrible and I've been a shopify developer for over 5 years. I can not fathom a less responsive theme; or one that is more cluttered with useless garbage.
Totally agree. I used this theme for about a year. Utter garbage. I left a bad but honest review on themeforest and it was removed. So I left another, and guess what, that was removed too.
I had another bad review screenshotted from someone else before that was removed.
Themeforest is just as guilty here. They even offered me credit in my account after they removed my review. They said it was because they had seen I had been a customer for many years and didn't want me paying for something I didn't use.
I didn't take it. Bad business practice removing all bad reviews.
I've never bought anything from themeforest since.
I'm really sorry that you have such experience. I want to add few comments from the author's team:
1) Authors can't remove/delete bad reviews. There is no such functionality on ThemeForest.
2) Your review may be deleted if it violates Envato Policy -
We will remove ratings and reviews that:
Usually customer's are manipulating bad bad reviews to receive refund, get support that is out of the measures regular support package (requiring personal customization etc.).
In any case our 444 good reviews can't be fake.
Wish everybody good luck!
I had the same problem, their support was terrible and I also had to find another theme 😞
Hello, I have an issue with wookie theme, and I can't contact your support, to submit the ticket you need some login information that I don't have and on mail, you don't respond.
The issue that we have is on the collection page we don't see sizes properly, only some red squares with white background, and when we go to online store, there it shows everything correct.
Can you help to fix this problem?
I get short answers with no steps and very confusing information. There have been issues with this theme since this week: images not showing menu disappearing home page not showing images its a mess. I had to have shopify upload images again and hire someone to fix my home page. However, this company has not alerted anyone and takes days to get responce.
Shopify changed their core and integrated own js minification that made conflict in file names. We didn’t make any edits.
Here are correspondent instructions to avoid this conflict -
Best regards
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