Not seeing Discount Code In Staff order notifications (New order) Email

Not seeing Discount Code In Staff order notifications (New order) Email

1 0 0

The order code gives discount correctly in the "New Order" email, but I'm encountering problems specifically with the "Buy X Get Y" product discount code. This discount is being applied during checkout and is displayed correctly on the page. However, I'm experiencing difficulties with the "Staff Order Notifications" in the "New Order" email. Our current theme is Honey.


Amount off order Code Shows like this in (New order) Email


Screenshot 2023-11-21 124653.png

Buy X get Y Product discount code show like this in  (New order) Email
Screenshot 2023-11-21 124752.png
Buy X get Y Product discount code Summary
Screenshot 2023-11-21 124507.png

Email body (HTML)

{% capture email_title %}
    Security check
{% endcapture %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>{{ email_title }}</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/assets/admin/merchant_mailer/style.css">
  <style data-premailer="ignore">
    .button__cell { background: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
    a, a:hover, a:active, a:visited { color: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
    @media print{
      body {
        color: black !important;

      .subtotal-line__value {
        padding: 0 !important;
        margin: 0 !important;

      .subtotal-table {
        margin: 0 !important;

        <table class="row">
            <tr class="mail-priority-indicator mail-priority-indicator--{% if fulfillment_aborted or has_high_risks? %}high{% else %}low{% endif %}">
        <table class="body">
                    {% if fulfillment_aborted %}
                            <table class="row banner-container banner-alert__table">
        <td class="banner-alert__cell">
            <img src="{{ 'mailer/merchant/critical_alert.png' | cdn_asset_url }}" alt="Critical Alert" width="20px">
        <td class="banner-description__cell">
            <strong class="banner-alert__title">Order was not fulfilled automatically</strong>
            High risk of fraud detected. Before fulfilling this order or capturing payment, please review the the Risk Analysis and determine if this order is fraudulent.

                    {% endif %}
                    {% if has_high_risks? %}
                            <table class="row banner-container banner-alert__table">
        <td class="banner-alert__cell">
            <img src="{{ 'mailer/merchant/critical_alert.png' | cdn_asset_url }}" alt="Critical Alert" width="20px">
        <td class="banner-description__cell">
            <strong class="banner-alert__title">High risk of fraud detected</strong>
            Before fulfilling this order or capturing payment, please review the the Risk Analysis and determine if this order is fraudulent.

                    {% endif %}
                    <table class="row">
    <td class="section__cell">
        <table class="container section">
                        <table class="row content">
    <td class="content__cell {% if no_top_border == 'hide_border' %}no_top__border{% endif %}">
        <table class="container">
                            <table class="row">
                                        {% assign current_date = date | date: "%b %d" %}
                                        {% assign current_time = date | date: "%l:%M %P" %}
                                        {% if %}
                                            {{ }} placed order {{ name }} on {{ current_date }} at {{ current_time | strip }}.
                                        {% else %}
                                            Someone placed order {{ name }} on {{ current_date }} at {{ current_time | strip }}.
                                        {% endif %}
                                        <table class="row actions">
    <td class="empty-line">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="actions__cell">
      <table class="button main-action-cell">
          <td><a href="https://{{ shop.permanent_domain }}/admin/orders/{{ id }}" class="mail-button">View order</a></td>


                        <table class="row content">
    <td class="content__cell {% if no_top_border == 'hide_border' %}no_top__border{% endif %}">
        <table class="container">
                            <strong class="order-list__summary-title">Order summary</strong>
<table class="row">
  {% for line in subtotal_line_items %}
  <tr class="order-list__item">
    <td class="order-list__item__cell">
          {% if line.image %}
            <img src="{{ line | img_url: 'compact_cropped' }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>
          {% endif %}
        <td class="order-list__product-description-cell">
          {% if line.quantity < line.quantity %}
            {% capture line_display %} {{ line.quantity }} of {{ line.quantity }} {% endcapture %}
          {% else %}
            {% assign line_display = line.quantity  %}
          {% endif %}
          <span class="order-list__item-title">
            {% if line.product.title == blank %}
              {{ line.title }}</span><br/>
            {% else %}
              {{ line.product.title }}
            {% endif %}
          {% if line.quantity %}
            {% if line.original_line_price != line.final_line_price %}
              <span><del class="order-list__item-original-price">{{ line.original_price | money }}</del></span>
            {% endif %}
             <span>{{ line.final_price | money }} × {{ line.quantity }} </span><br/>
          {% endif %}
          {% if line.variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
            <span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.variant.title }}</span>

            {% if line.sku != blank %}
              <span class="order-list__item-variant">• </span>
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if line.sku != blank %}
            <span class="order-list__item-variant">SKU: {{ line.sku }}</span>
          {% endif %}
          {% if line.selling_plan_allocation != nil %}
            <p class="order-list__item-variant">{{ }}</p>
          {% endif %}

          <td class="order-list__price-cell">
            <p class="order-list__item-price">
              {% if line.final_line_price > 0 %}
                {{ line.final_line_price | money }}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}
  </tr>{% endfor %}

                            <table class="row subtotal-lines">
      <table class="row subtotal-table">
        {% assign discount_value = 0 %}
        {% for discount_application in discount_applications %}
          {% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' %}
              {% assign discount_value = discount_application.total_allocated_amount %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        <!--  discount code snippet here -->
        {% if order.discount_codes.size > 0 %}
          <tr class="subtotal-line">
            <td class="subtotal-line__title">
              <p><span>Discount Code(s) Applied:</span></p>
            <td class="subtotal-line__value">
                {% for discount in order.discount_codes %}
                  <li>{{ discount.code }}: -{{ discount.amount | money }}</li>
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
<!-- End of discount code snippet -->

<tr class="subtotal-line">
  <td class="subtotal-line__title">
      {% if titleBold %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
  <td class="subtotal-line__value">
    {% if valueBold %}
      <strong>{{ subtotal_price | plus: discount_value | money }}</strong>
    {% else %}
      {{ subtotal_price | plus: discount_value | money }}
    {% endif %}  

        {% for discount_application in discount_applications %}
          {% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' %}
            {% capture discount_title %}
              {% if discount_application.title %}
                {{ discount_application.title | upcase }}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endcapture %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
  <td class="subtotal-line__title">
      {% if titleBold %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
        <span class="subtotal-line__discount">
          <span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{% if discount_title.size > 0 %}({{ discount_title | strip }}){% endif %}</span>
  <td class="subtotal-line__value">
    {% if valueBold %}
      <strong>-{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}</strong>
    {% else %}
      -{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}
    {% endif %}  

          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

        {% if delivery_method == 'pick-up' %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
  <td class="subtotal-line__title">
      {% if titleBold %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
  <td class="subtotal-line__value">
    {% if valueBold %}
      <strong>{{ shipping_price | money }}</strong>
    {% else %}
      {{ shipping_price | money }}
    {% endif %}  

        {% else %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
  <td class="subtotal-line__title">
      {% if titleBold %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
        <span class="subtotal-line__discount">
          <span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{% if shipping_method.title.size > 0 %}({{ shipping_method.title }}){% endif %}</span>
  <td class="subtotal-line__value">
    {% if valueBold %}
      <strong>{{ shipping_price | money }}</strong>
    {% else %}
      {{ shipping_price | money }}
    {% endif %}  

        {% endif %}

        {% for tax_line in tax_lines %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
  <td class="subtotal-line__title">
      {% if titleBold %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
        <span class="subtotal-line__discount">
          <span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{% if tax_line.title.size > 0 %}({{ tax_line.title }} {{ tax_line.rate | times: 100 }}%){% endif %}</span>
  <td class="subtotal-line__value">
    {% if valueBold %}
      <strong>{{ tax_line.price | money }}</strong>
    {% else %}
      {{ tax_line.price | money }}
    {% endif %}  

        {% endfor %}

      <table class="row subtotal-table subtotal-table--total">
<tr class="subtotal-line">
  <td class="subtotal-line__title">
      {% if titleBold %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
  <td class="subtotal-line__value">
    {% if valueBold %}
      <strong>{{ total_price | money_with_currency }}</strong>
    {% else %}
      {{ total_price | money_with_currency }}
    {% endif %}  


                        <table class="row content">
    <td class="content__cell {% if no_top_border == 'hide_border' %}no_top__border{% endif %}">
        <table class="container">
                            {% if gateway %}
                                <table class="row">
                                        <td class="customer-info__item customer-info__item--last">
                                            <strong>Payment processing method</strong>
                                            <p>{{ gateway }}</p>
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if requires_shipping and shipping_address %}
                                {% if shipping_methods.first %}
                                    <table class="row">
                                            <td class="customer-info__item customer-info__item--last">
                                                <strong>Delivery method</strong>
                                                {% for shipping_method in shipping_methods %}
                                                    <p>{{ shipping_method.title }}</p>
                                                {% endfor %}
                                {% endif %}
                                <table class="row">
                                        <td class="customer-info__item customer-info__item--last">
                                            <strong>Shipping address</strong>
                                                {{ }}<br>
                                                {{ shipping_address.street }}<br>
                                                {{ }},
                                                {{ shipping_address.province }}
                                                {{ }}<br>
                                                {{ }}<br>
                                                {{ }}<br>
                            {% endif %}


                    <footer class="no-print">
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mail-footer">
        <td align="center" valign="bottom">
          <img src="{{ 'mailer/merchant/shopify_logo.png' | cdn_asset_url }}" alt="Shopify" width="89">
        <td align="center">
          <p>&copy; Shopify &#124; <span class="apple-link">151 O'Connor Street, Ground floor, Ottawa, ON, K2P 2L8</span></span></p>

<img class="no-print" src="{{ 'notifications/spacer.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" class="spacer" height="1" />

Reply 1 (1)

New Member
4 0 0

Did you ever figure this out? I'm struggling with the same problem