Origin Theme - How to change the image banner for a video banner?

183 1 22

What coding can I use to make this happen? 


I think this may be a new free theme hence why I can't find an answer online as of yet. 


I can put in a full width video however that will not auto-play. 

By L&S Team
Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
436 42 43

Why dont you create a new section for the video banner instead of changing an image banner to video?

183 1 22



There isn't an option for that? If there was I wouldn't be asking the question. 

By L&S Team
Shopify Partner
436 42 43

You should have the option to create new sections. To create a new section, go to Edit Code > Sections > Add a new section 



183 1 22

@lunaworks I am unsure on the steps after that. How will this add a video banner to my Home Page? 

By L&S Team
Shopify Partner
436 42 43

Because your theme doesnt have a video section, you'll have to create one. An image banner is for images only so you can use a video for that.

Below is a code for a video section, follow the steps above to create a new section and copy the code in the section you created. Go to your Customize > Add section, look for "Custom Video" section and add. 

<video id="home-video" max-height="100%" width="100%" autoplay="" muted="" loop="" playsinline="">
  <source src="{{ section.settings.custom_video }}" type="video/mp4">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

{% schema %}
    "name": "Custom Video",
    "settings": [
        "label":"Add video url"
        "name":"Custom Video"
{% endschema %}

183 1 22

Do I suppose to add the url from files in the code where it states 'label: add video url'? I have done the steps above, created a section (edit code - sections - add section), and pasted this code in but in the created it isn't showing anything apart from the standard custom liquid. 

By L&S Team
Shopify Partner
436 42 43

 Yes, add the URL to your video there. I’d suggest you upload your video to shopify, go to settings > files and then upload the video. You’ll get an option to copy the video you uploaded url 


If I understand you clearly, you’ve created a section and added the code I sent earlier. You added the Custom video section and what happened?