Pointing a shopify subdomain to target/ redirect to another shopify hosted website.

Pointing a shopify subdomain to target/ redirect to another shopify hosted website.

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I currently have an established website, we are branching off to work on a separate project but still with in the same business- we want to keep branding, customer loyalty, user experince etc.


So I though that I could create a subdomain from current website with suitable prefix and then point/ redirect/ target the new store? So that when people either from a web search or via the main website land they still see the .website.com and they know its all part of the same company. 


Is this possible or have I misunderstood what a subdomain can be used for? If so how would I go about it- I am not to savvy with the language (DNS, CNAME etc)- any help would be much appreciated! 


Thank you in advance.


PS. May have posted this wrong board, apologies if so. 

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

Hey @Ldo123,


This is how you should go about it. Basically open another store but you can setup the domain to go to store2.website.com for example and your main store is on website.com 


Are you just looking to clarify this or are there more questions?

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Thanks for responding.

I think the question should have been- how specifically do I do that?

So my current store is ‘current.com’… I’ve made a subdomain ‘
editions.current.com’… I would like that subdomain url to be what is seen
or typed in for ‘newstore.com’.

Hope that helps and thank you again!

Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

I see. May I know which provider you are using to manage your domains? (Godaddy, namecheap, etc...)

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I have been purchasing directly through shopify for domain names.

Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

It should be easier then. 


In your new store, if you go to Settings 



Then Domains and click Connect existing domain, enter the domain you want to connect to (e.g - store2.website.com) and it should give you the instructions to transfer them. 



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You’re a superstar!

Thank you for that 🙂

I shall give it a whirl in a short while.

Thank you again!
Shopify Partner
2139 616 519

No worries. Just drop a message here if you happen to run into any problem. You shouldn't, but just in case 😁

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